April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

. We're home since yesterday evening everything is good and we're trying to find our marks.

We named our baby girl Inaya Yasmine. Inaya means in arabic help, care and protection (from Allah) and Yasmine is the jasmine flower, which was my mum's name. And she weighed 3.5 kg at birth
Lovely name Ummi. Glad you're home safe and sound. What do your boys think of her?
They love her! Especially ds2! Ds1 is a bit scared to carry her, he thinks she's too small!

Btw, Here is what happened:

To sum up, I was never induced as from the start the ctg were not good, her hr was having dips. So we did more ctg and I was put on a drip. But it did not help. Around midnight I sent dh home so he could get some proper rest before I'd go into labour. Next ctg was the same so I was sent down to labour ward so they could keep a closer eye on me. And there ctg finally got normal. It was the plan to start induction then, and I was even having my own contractions. Everything looked fine. When suddenly baby's hr went down and the mw could not pick it up anymore. In a matter of seconds I had 4 mw around me and 2 doctors and by the look on their faces I could tell things were going really wrong. The doctor examined quuckky, I was already 3 cm and baby well engaged but no hr. And then I heard the words "theatre" and "crash section". I started crying and tell them to call my husband. All I could say was call my husband, do whatever you have to save my baby! In a matter of seconds I was put to sleep, I had the section and woke two hours later (maybe?? Can't say exactly the time) All I was doing was crying asking were my baby was. I thought the worst had happened. But thank God! The mw told me she was born screaming but needed oxygen and anti biotics so she was in special care. Husband arrived later (he was 2 hrs away) (they called him but he was already on his way to a job appointment 2 hours away. I learned later that bc they did not want to worry him - he was on the motorway and could have an accident, they said they were waiting for him to start the operation. A big white lie but for a good cause)
Wow Ummi that sounds scary. I'm glad you and Inaya are ok.
Here's my link to my birth story

I guess since everyone had their babies I can share mine now.

I went in at 6am to get induced. By 7am I was hooked up and they started pitiocin. I was only one cm. By noon the meds were maxed out and my contractions were 30 secs apart not to bad. They checked me again and I was still one so they were gonna keep me on meds till about 5 then pput the tampon thing in overnight. Well at one I stood up and my water broke. That ment I was in it for the long haul now. By 3 I was in so much pain since my body was sending off hormones and the meds were also. Got a epidural. By about 7pm I spiked a fever that reached 101.5. I was only 3cm still. At 2 am my uterus became aggravated and my contractions were going away then my epidural wore off on Half by body. Contractions on one side were none stop no breaks in between. Ac broke in room. So from 2am to 630 I had Half a epidural a fever and no ac. Got another epidural and I was terrified it would wear off again. By 930 am I was a 9. She said she would check me in a hr I begged for 30 mins. Lucky I did BC I was a 10. I pushed for 30 mins. Tore and got cut and lots of hemmriods. By 11:04 am he was born. Never again
Great stories ladies! Glad we all made it through. Lovely names in this group too.
We can start our baby club now!

I have been really sick for the past 24hrs. Seeing mw tomorrow. Will see what's going on!
I hope you feel better soon Ummi.

I had my 5 day appointment and it looked like she might have dropped too much weight but the midwife says she thinks the scales are dodgy and she'll be back tomorrow with a different set. Didn't get much sleep at all last night as she was feeding every hour. Then I had the in laws round today.
Congratulations on the safe arrival of all your little ones.xx
I was trying to figure out where the best place to create a parenting group.. and it doesn't seem like there is a "parent buddies" section???
Just had a look and there's a baby and parenting section under groups and discussions. That's got some similar groups in it.
Hey nessaw. Thank you, hope you're doing ok. It'll be your turn before you know it!

Sorry button, I bet the scales are just broken!!

My hungry Horace is now 2 weeks old and she's now 9lb 11 from her 8lb 14 birth weight. She's basically feeding constantly or attached or in a sling. It's fine but means I don't get a minute hands free! Oh managed to get her to sleep on his knee last night so I just ran around like a whirlwind trying to tidy the house!! I've got a cocoonababy arriving today so I'm praying it'll give me 5 minutes peace!! She's perfect though so I'm not really complaining :) x
She sounds like a lovely little chunky monkey Munchkin!

I'm going a bit stir crazy waiting for my pelvis to get better enough for me to leave the house. I want to show off my little girl!
One thing in excited about... Not waking up to be at night!!!!! Its so amazing not having to pee every second!
It is exciting hoping!! At least when we're asleep we're properly asleep! We've had a breakthrough I think tonight. I spent 120 quid on a cocoonababy in desperation and she's been asleep in it most if the day!! Praying it'll mean I get a few hours sleep tonight without a constant dead arm. Only priblem is because she usually feeds all evening I've now got rock boobs and a blocked duct I need her to get to work on!!
Ooh yes, get her to fix that, sounds painful.

Good news, it was the scales! She's only lost 5.5%. She's a happy, healthy little feeding and pooing machine. I didn't get much discomfort at all when my milk came in this time as she just didn't give them a chance to get really engorged.
Great news button. I don't think I've got properly engorged this time either. I think it could be cos you've done it before so your body isn't going into total overdrive cos it knows how much it needs to produce?? Just a thought!!
You're probably right Munchkin.

Hoping you're right about the not having to get up every 5 minutes. I'm also so happy to have room to breathe and eat again!

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