Well I had my 32 week scan yesterday & the first antenatal class too! (If you remember those are what I tried to attend
last Monday night

The scan went great, our wee bubs is growing really well which was the main thing! They're giving an estimated weight of 5lbs just now which puts the wee one around the 55th percentile, or a touch bigger than average. Which is perfect because I was 8lbs at birth and that'd make the wee one about the same
The sonographer says the wee one already has my chubby cheeks (she didn't actually make reference to my cheeeks, but it definately comes from my side of the family, we all have wee round apples to our cheeks!)
And mentioned just how wriggly our wee one is, which is didn't need to be told! Honestly, I don't think that baby rested for more than 2 hours yesterday, and I only had 1 cup of coffee all day so it isn't the caffine intake!
I was a bit pissed off last night at my mum who keeps making reference to having "a hyperactive baby".

The docs diagnosed my eldest brother as hyperactive when he was about 2 and according to my mum she thinks I'm in for the same. Even if that was true I don't need anyone to take the shine off my pregnancy, thanks very much.
Oh, and Mo's totally raging with the physio who did the second half of the antenatal classes last night because when she heard I was having a c-section she said "Oh, I can't sympathise, I had 2 natural births, I'm a real woman" WTF?!
I didn't say anything because her tone sounded like it was supposed to be funny rather than hurtful, but what a thing to say, especially when it's not like I actually
want a c-section!
On top of that the MW who took the first half of the class is the same one I saw who I had to argue with over the bile acid tests! (still waiting on my results, been 9 days now...)