~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Had my scan on Tuesday and heard and saw a little heartbeat!!! We are one day ahead of schedule :happydance: :cloud9: PA said that now there is a 95% success rate.
Awhh thats amazing :) I bet you are well excited now that you have had the scan and heard the heartbeat xD
I had my scan yesterday and saw the babies heart beat! What an amazing feeling. :) the doctor didn't tell me the heart beat though. I am sad I forgot to ask about it too. I also have no idea where I am measuring because the baby was so close to the wall that the doc couldn't get an accurate measurement. :( but He said baby looks bigger than last time and thats what we like to see... So hoping that's good! I go back on the 27th of this month and so looking forward to seeing the baby again! :D
Awhh I cant wait for my first scan!!!
I bet hearing the heartbeat is the single most amazing sound on earth right?
Awhh I cant wait for my first scan!!!
I bet hearing the heartbeat is the single most amazing sound on earth right?

This is my first pregnancy and seeing the <3 beat on the screen was the most amazing moment in my entire life. It was such an emotional moment. Even DH got a little teary eyed. I couldn't believe it was my little bean.

Can't wait for you to share about your experience... Gd willing it is going to be incredible/ :)
Awhh I cant wait for my first scan!!!
I bet hearing the heartbeat is the single most amazing sound on earth right?

This is my first pregnancy and seeing the <3 beat on the screen was the most amazing moment in my entire life. It was such an emotional moment. Even DH got a little teary eyed. I couldn't believe it was my little bean.

Can't wait for you to share about your experience... Gd willing it is going to be incredible/ :)

Awhhh Thats amazing, I really cannot wait! I have to wait for my Midwifes appointment first!!! What does DH mean? (Still new here xD)
Awhh I know that I will cry, I will be posting about it when it arrives :) x
I just could hardly believe my eyes and ears!! I had just accepted, the night before my BFP, that I would probably not have kids, and this is all just so amazing and unbelievable!! It was incredible and I cried. DH had NO fear whatsoever about the scan and stayed dry-eyed.
Hey ladies, I'm exactly 9 wks today, due on april 14th. This is my first and I'm excited to see my beautiful baby (hopefully boy, but most importantly healthy) I have so many fears about this pregnancy and giving birth thing, never thought id do it. But after watching that little person moving around so much and hearing its heartbeat, I'm excited to get ready for this new chapter. Good luck to all of you, I'm gonna do my profile 2mrw.
I had my scan yesterday and saw the babies heart beat! What an amazing feeling. :) the doctor didn't tell me the heart beat though. I am sad I forgot to ask about it too. I also have no idea where I am measuring because the baby was so close to the wall that the doc couldn't get an accurate measurement. :( but He said baby looks bigger than last time and thats what we like to see... So hoping that's good! I go back on the 27th of this month and so looking forward to seeing the baby again! :D

Thats great news! glad everything went well and you
saw your little bean and its heartbeat! :yipee:

Had my scan on Tuesday and heard and saw a little heartbeat!!! We are one day ahead of schedule :happydance: :cloud9: PA said that now there is a 95% success rate.

Glad everything went well and you saw a heartbeat too! :yipee:

Hey ladies, I'm exactly 9 wks today, due on april 14th. This is my first and I'm excited to see my beautiful baby (hopefully boy, but most importantly healthy) I have so many fears about this pregnancy and giving birth thing, never thought id do it. But after watching that little person moving around so much and hearing its heartbeat, I'm excited to get ready for this new chapter. Good luck to all of you, I'm gonna do my profile 2mrw.

Welcome & Congrats!

Everyone worries about it all its natural :hugs:
i have to say even though iv done it before i still worry
sometimes as each time is different.. like my first i had no problems
no symptoms or anything! .. but 2nd time i had bad sickness and had
mc then this time iv had bad sickness again and i haven't a clue how
this time will go so its all different and scary! im not so worried about
labour just for the fact i know how things go and silly as it sounds
id rather have labour pains and have a baby at the end then sickness!
:rofl: (obviously not right now labour pains :dohh: lol:)
Hey ladies, I'm exactly 9 wks today, due on april 14th. This is my first and I'm excited to see my beautiful baby (hopefully boy, but most importantly healthy) I have so many fears about this pregnancy and giving birth thing, never thought id do it. But after watching that little person moving around so much and hearing its heartbeat, I'm excited to get ready for this new chapter. Good luck to all of you, I'm gonna do my profile 2mrw.

Wow big congrats. Yhis is my first too. Due two days before you :) any worries dont feel like you can't share :) x

I'm back in the loop now! :) Back from holiday, and just caught up, sounds like everyone's having a hard time with morning sickness :hugs: I'm going to be very irritating and say I've got pretty much no morning sickness :) I've been very lucky with all my pregnancies though where morning sickness is concerned.

Got my first midwife appointment on Tuesday 11th Sept - was perfect as MIL was meant to be taking the kids out (she doesn't know about the pregnancy yet) but OH spoke to her today and she said she can't take them .. :growlmad: Bitt irritating as it'll be bloods and I'll need OH's support, which will be near impossible with two kiddies running about!

First scan on the 25th sept :)
Welcome to all the new ladies!

So far I haven't been sick yet, but have had some nausea and I don't ever remember being this tired. I find the nausea hard at work, I work with all men who although a lot of them have kids they aren't very sympathetic. I just try to work through it and not complain because that's kind of what you have to do in a male dominated workplace.

I had my 1st doctors appt on Tuesday. It was with my family doctor, so it was just bloodwork and he referred me to an OB who I see on Oct 2. I'm starting to dread having another c section. Everyone keeps telling me planned cs aren't as bad as emcs, but I would still give anything to be able to have a vbac.
Hello ladies and Hi to all you new ladies since I last posted. Ive got my NHS scan appt through for 25 Sept so fx for that.

In terms of sickness I am ill all day long and vomiting of a night - I feel shocking!! Anyone got any suggestions?? I wasnt like this with my little boy x
:wave: angelgirl79 we've got our scans on the same day :)

Had my first midwife appointment today, feeling really chuffed with myself for getting through the blood tests without too much worrying. The midwife was really good who took it and was really reassuring after I told her I had a needle phobia. All went well, managed to focus my attention on the kids. Felt rubbish right after though, light headed and thought I was going to faint for a while, but recovered well. Ahh so much more real now. Two weeks till my scan :)

How is everyone doing?
:wave: angelgirl79 we've got our scans on the same day :)

Had my first midwife appointment today, feeling really chuffed with myself for getting through the blood tests without too much worrying. The midwife was really good who took it and was really reassuring after I told her I had a needle phobia. All went well, managed to focus my attention on the kids. Felt rubbish right after though, light headed and thought I was going to faint for a while, but recovered well. Ahh so much more real now. Two weeks till my scan :)

How is everyone doing?

:happydance: looking forward to the scan - mines at 2.15 so we can compare notes! Jjust got to work and feeling shocking!!! Hoping its a good sign though. How is everyone else today? x
Glad the mw appointment went well :hugs:
I hate the feeling after blood tests i always get light headed and
feel awful :( .. didn't help this time i had OH there and he was basically
staring fascinated at blood coming out of me .. and then talking about the
blood making a noise i nearly puked.. :nope: this is why men shouldn't come
to appointments that involve blood! ..

Scans are coming round fast!
I have mine 8th october which seems a life time away think
its 3 weeks and 5 days! :( :lol:

Sorry i haven't been around either iv been really not well.. doctors
wouldn't get me in said they were booked up all week! so i was not happy
as my mw told me to ring and get an appointment asap.. as id been fainting
and blacking out and i had such bad sickness i was not eating and throwing
up yellow slimey fluid :wacko: ... but i got told to ring back at 3pm and he
said to eat ginger biscuits :nope: i nearly went mental i just told the receptionest
my mw told me i need sickness tablets and my blood pressure taking not some
advise what to eat! .. got an appointment at 5pm last night and i got some tablets
Cyclizine :shrug: iv heard of them but not sure if they work or not im only taking 1
a day because iv only got 21 and if i take 3 a day they will only last a week! :|
doctor said to only take when i need to and recommended 1 a day ..

But im not sure whats going to happen from today i still feel crap not as
bad as before but i can't eat anything i tried this morning and i just feel sick
if i do.. Im drinking flat 7up now which is staying down thank god!
:wave: angelgirl79 we've got our scans on the same day :)

Had my first midwife appointment today, feeling really chuffed with myself for getting through the blood tests without too much worrying. The midwife was really good who took it and was really reassuring after I told her I had a needle phobia. All went well, managed to focus my attention on the kids. Felt rubbish right after though, light headed and thought I was going to faint for a while, but recovered well. Ahh so much more real now. Two weeks till my scan :)

How is everyone doing?

:happydance: looking forward to the scan - mines at 2.15 so we can compare notes! Jjust got to work and feeling shocking!!! Hoping its a good sign though. How is everyone else today? x

Mine's at 9.45am, definately we will compare notes. Really looking forward to it too, although do they still ask you to have a full bladder does anyone know?? My mw didn't really say too much other than 'you've done this twice before so I guess you know the ins and outs' which I do... but I hated having to wait for ages bursting for a pee XD So full bladder still at 12 weeks anyone know??

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great :(

Glad the mw appointment went well :hugs:
I hate the feeling after blood tests i always get light headed and
feel awful :( .. didn't help this time i had OH there and he was basically
staring fascinated at blood coming out of me .. and then talking about the
blood making a noise i nearly puked.. :nope: this is why men shouldn't come
to appointments that involve blood! ..

Scans are coming round fast!
I have mine 8th october which seems a life time away think
its 3 weeks and 5 days! :( :lol:

Sorry i haven't been around either iv been really not well.. doctors
wouldn't get me in said they were booked up all week! so i was not happy
as my mw told me to ring and get an appointment asap.. as id been fainting
and blacking out and i had such bad sickness i was not eating and throwing
up yellow slimey fluid :wacko: ... but i got told to ring back at 3pm and he
said to eat ginger biscuits :nope: i nearly went mental i just told the receptionest
my mw told me i need sickness tablets and my blood pressure taking not some
advise what to eat! .. got an appointment at 5pm last night and i got some tablets
Cyclizine :shrug: iv heard of them but not sure if they work or not im only taking 1
a day because iv only got 21 and if i take 3 a day they will only last a week! :|
doctor said to only take when i need to and recommended 1 a day ..

But im not sure whats going to happen from today i still feel crap not as
bad as before but i can't eat anything i tried this morning and i just feel sick
if i do.. Im drinking flat 7up now which is staying down thank god!

Yeah me too, the bloods are awful! I was okay after having my head between my knees and a drink of water. Though the kids were very 'worried about mummy' and trying to climb me and lift my head up, oh so not helpful when you feel like you're about to faint!

Ickk :( So sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish, I hope the sickness stops for you soon. I feel very fortunate that I don't seem to suffer the morning sickness with pregnancies, especially after hearing all you ladies really struggling with it :( :hugs: to all of you affected by morning sickness at the moment!!
Yeah you need a full bladder to help push everything up abit more
i think thats what my leaflet said that i got with my scan letter so everything
looks more clear etc but tbh i bet if you went in with not a full bladder they
will still see everything.. i don't know though.. if im still feeling like this i won't
have a full bladder :rofl: ..

Your lucky! some woman say they want morning sickness :nope:
i don't know why anyone would say that i understand if someone is
worried and would like to have it to reasure them but i had it with 2nd
and i mc :shrug: .. so it doesn't mean anything to me when iv had a pregnancy
with no sickness and went full term :shrug: .. but im hating it i just want to
be able to eat and drink and be normal basically! i do feel alot better after
having these tablets but not fantastic :lol: i really hope it just goes asap

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