~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Hi ladies :wave:

Room for one more? im due April 28th :happydance: this is my first and its all very exciting and new.

I have been suffering with MS - although i am never actually sick i feel dizzy and light headed a LOT and i seem to be slowly but surely going off every type of meat going.

Back at work tomorrow after a week off and im wondering how im going to get through the day with MS and am struggling to keep the happy news of little bean to myself...every time i look at someone (anyone) i want to shout "im making a person!"

Anyways, thats me, nauseous and neurotic :haha: nice to meet you all :wave:

PS - im a raspberry today :happydance:

Hey welcome the group xxx
Hey everyone just little update from me. I'm feeling so much better. Only thing i have it getting tired supper early and today for the first time i never got up until 9.30 im usually up at 7.30 which i was really happy to get a couple more hours sleep.

Ive noticed i burp alot to which is strange for me and i still getting little cramping and stretching feeling. Im at the point where its not bothering me to much now as i know i've got a growing baby inside me :D My next scan is on the 25th next week and i can't wait. I shall be 12 weeks next monday and today ive hit 11wks :happydance:

Im full of excitement about becoming a mum for the first time.

I also just wanna say hey to the new people joining the group :D...

I'm on :cloud9: today :) and its a bank holiday so ive got it off xxxx
Hey everyone just little update from me. I'm feeling so much better. Only thing i have it getting tired supper early and today for the first time i never got up until 9.30 im usually up at 7.30 which i was really happy to get a couple more hours sleep.

Ive noticed i burp alot to which is strange for me and i still getting little cramping and stretching feeling. Im at the point where its not bothering me to much now as i know i've got a growing baby inside me :D My next scan is on the 25th next week and i can't wait. I shall be 12 weeks next monday and today ive hit 11wks :happydance:

Im full of excitement about becoming a mum for the first time.

I also just wanna say hey to the new people joining the group :D...

I'm on :cloud9: today :) and its a bank holiday so ive got it off xxxx

Thanks Cherrybump :thumbup: has your MS subsided now? - Im desperately hoping my MS will finish soon, i really struggled today - honestly thought i was gonna puke our car window on way to work today DOH!

It really is an amazing feeling (ms aside), so cool, you are so close to 12 weeks :happydance: how did you survive the 12 week wait without going nuts or telling everyone - any tips? xx
hopping on this bandwagon! :D

im due april 11th by my dates with number 2. have been to the doctor, but we just had a chat, so waiting on appointment with the midwives.

im massive already!!! the bloat is horrendous. cant wait to not have to hide and disguise this belleh. 2 more weeks! 2 more weeks! :happydance:

Ahhhh I am due the same day!! xD Thought it was the 12th but found out today that its the 12th!!!!
Had my appointment with the Midwife today:) Went really well, this is my first Pregnancy though.

Has anyone else been COLD instead of hot??? I was feeling totally hot, especially at night, until it became fall here and the weather turned. This normally happens when the cool weather comes in--I feel suddenly freezing, but I thought I'd keep feeling hot because I'm pregnant! It's sort of scared me into thinking that my bbt is dropping and bad things are on the way, but I assume it's just the cold weather, right? I mean, our temp dropped about 30 degrees over night and it's stayed cooler and rainier--50's and 60's directly after 80's and 90's.

I have been really cold as well .... Went out and brought a onesie!! so now I have a onesie and a quilt and blanket and sometimes still really cold!

Welcome to all the New ladies that have joined this week :)
Update for me I have had bad MS which we have decided was a 24 hour bug and nothing since :) Everything is settlining in my head now and I actually feel lik eI am having a baby xD
So excited :p
Onesie sounds amazing!! LOL. My MS is gone today and instead I am STARVING. It was awful last night and I of course am nervous that it is gone atm, but I guess I'll take it while I can get it!

My 8w scan is tomorrow and I am NERVOUS and excited! If I give it any real thought at all I start to get sweaty palms and butterflies in my stomach...Anyone else have a 6w and then 8w and want to share your experience? I am also wondering how to survive the 12ww! Who knew it would be this nerve-wracking!
Hey everyone just little update from me. I'm feeling so much better. Only thing i have it getting tired supper early and today for the first time i never got up until 9.30 im usually up at 7.30 which i was really happy to get a couple more hours sleep.

Ive noticed i burp alot to which is strange for me and i still getting little cramping and stretching feeling. Im at the point where its not bothering me to much now as i know i've got a growing baby inside me :D My next scan is on the 25th next week and i can't wait. I shall be 12 weeks next monday and today ive hit 11wks :happydance:

Im full of excitement about becoming a mum for the first time.

I also just wanna say hey to the new people joining the group :D...

I'm on :cloud9: today :) and its a bank holiday so ive got it off xxxx

Thanks Cherrybump :thumbup: has your MS subsided now? - Im desperately hoping my MS will finish soon, i really struggled today - honestly thought i was gonna puke our car window on way to work today DOH!

It really is an amazing feeling (ms aside), so cool, you are so close to 12 weeks :happydance: how did you survive the 12 week wait without going nuts or telling everyone - any tips? xx

Um i told nearly everyone at work in the first week i found out which means i was 6 weeks gone. the only people who dont know is Ryan side lol (he's my ex and baby of the little bean)

Yeah Ms aint to bad. Ive haven one sore boob all day :s and ive not really eaten that much either ive been getting full and thats lasted me lol.. Im pretty tired just now so i can see me going to bed soon lol xx
Um i told nearly everyone at work in the first week i found out which means i was 6 weeks gone. the only people who dont know is Ryan side lol (he's my ex and baby of the little bean)

Yeah Ms aint to bad. Ive haven one sore boob all day :s and ive not really eaten that much either ive been getting full and thats lasted me lol.. Im pretty tired just now so i can see me going to bed soon lol xx

hehe i wish i could too - im going to a new job and i dont want to give them any excuses so im not saying anything till 12 weeks when hopefully will be all sorted....feel bad about it but i dont know what else to do for the best.

just the one sore boob? :haha: too funny....i find they hurt most going down the stairs :blush:

i'll look forward to week 11 then - i not sure i can cope with MS as bad as i had it today....

i know the tiredness is annoying sometimes but it is lovely having extra snoozes :winkwink:
Hi Ladies,
I have a question. This is my first pregnancy and I understand that pregnancy hormones can cause some really unwanted worry, sadness, crying etc. I find that I am fine for days at a time, and then all of a sudden I will be in a really strange mood. Like today, I am freaking out about having a baby. I know that everything will be fine, and I'll figure it all out, but I just feel like I want to be alone and sleep all day. I don't want to talk to anyone, not even the baby's daddy. (We don't live together, we live an hour apart). Is this only hormones? Does anyone else ever feel like this or is this something I need to talk to my doctor about? Any advice would help. Thanks
My emotions have been ALL over the place. I think it's totally natural and it also makes sense when you're expecting such a huge life change. I have had a therapist for a while and it's definitely helped me to see her since being pregnant. I also recommend any kind of support group IRL you can find because I think that face to face connection is so healing! :hugs: I have wanted to be pregnant SO badly for so long and am overjoyed that I finally am, but I get those fears, too.

Afm, had my 8w scan today and it went great!!! Baby is measuring ahead of schedule and we saw the heart, brain, and little owl-like eye sockets, lol. And some teeny hands and feet!! It was amazing and I'm feeling much more sound in what's going on.
My emotions have been ALL over the place. I think it's totally natural and it also makes sense when you're expecting such a huge life change. I have had a therapist for a while and it's definitely helped me to see her since being pregnant. I also recommend any kind of support group IRL you can find because I think that face to face connection is so healing! :hugs: I have wanted to be pregnant SO badly for so long and am overjoyed that I finally am, but I get those fears, too.

Afm, had my 8w scan today and it went great!!! Baby is measuring ahead of schedule and we saw the heart, brain, and little owl-like eye sockets, lol. And some teeny hands and feet!! It was amazing and I'm feeling much more sound in what's going on.

Lauren, your scan sounds amazing - any piccys? So cool you got to see so much, does it finally feel real? :happydance:

I had my scan at 6w3 and could only see a smudge with a HB so its lovey to know whats happening at this stage :thumbup: ...my next scan is Oct 10th and it might as well be 2014 it feels so far away :dohh:
Yeah just one sore boob but im ok now apart from getting out bed and going into the kitchen and there was a weird smell that made me boke so ive been sick twice now and i feel better after it lol werid eh. But today im feel very bloaty and i think my (the daddy) is feeling some of my symptoms :) he's going to the doctors as he isnt feeling so good.

Scan's are always a nightmare to wait for arent they. I had my first one last week which gave my me my due date :D and they made me another one for next week :) ive got to get across town for 9am next tuesday morning. The hospital is like an hour away not sure why i said yeah this place is easier to get to than the other as the other is muuuch closer lol so wasnt thinking. But i cant wait to see the baby on the screen again.

Think i need to buy some maternity jeans as mines are toooo tight on my belly and it doesnt feel so good when your sitting down. Need to keep un-doing the button and zip lol
Smanderson yes it is finally feeling real!! Seeing how much the little one grew in just two weeks was incredible. I have pics! I am on my phone right now but will post some when I get to work if I can!!
Yeah just one sore boob but im ok now apart from getting out bed and going into the kitchen and there was a weird smell that made me boke so ive been sick twice now and i feel better after it lol werid eh. But today im feel very bloaty and i think my (the daddy) is feeling some of my symptoms :) he's going to the doctors as he isnt feeling so good.

Scan's are always a nightmare to wait for arent they. I had my first one last week which gave my me my due date :D and they made me another one for next week :) ive got to get across town for 9am next tuesday morning. The hospital is like an hour away not sure why i said yeah this place is easier to get to than the other as the other is muuuch closer lol so wasnt thinking. But i cant wait to see the baby on the screen again.

Think i need to buy some maternity jeans as mines are toooo tight on my belly and it doesnt feel so good when your sitting down. Need to keep un-doing the button and zip lol

hehe so funny just the one :haha: think mine have grown again seem to be more aware of them these days :blush:

Poor you being sick - at least your feeling better now, i feel your pain though have had MS real bad this week, not sure if its being back at work or if things just developing if that makes sense :shrug:

Oooh you lucky thing with two scans so close, although must have been a long wait for your first one. Hows the bubs looking? Im super excited for 10th Oct :happydance: booo @ having to travel an hour across town for your next scan, i guess if you try and change it you could end up waiting longer :nope:

Yeah defo go for some maternity stuff, you'll get good use out of it if you start now and its better to be comfortable :thumbup: I have been leaving trousers undone as so super bloated and i think putting on weight as can only seem to eat carbs and sweet at the mo so i use one of those bump band things, they are great. I have 2 and use one every day at the mo. Im looking forward to losing bloat and getting proper bump :haha:
Smanderson yes it is finally feeling real!! Seeing how much the little one grew in just two weeks was incredible. I have pics! I am on my phone right now but will post some when I get to work if I can!!

Yay!! I'll look forward to seein the little one - so cool :happydance: its amazing just how much is going on in there isnt it :baby:
hey becy just letting you know my due date is the 24th April
Here it is!! The nurse said the eye-looking things are probably eye sockets. It IS amazing what you can see when they are only 1" long! The ultrasound tech told me that the heart is fully formed at this point--incredible!! And we saw the brain which is beginning to form too.

Yeah just one sore boob but im ok now apart from getting out bed and going into the kitchen and there was a weird smell that made me boke so ive been sick twice now and i feel better after it lol werid eh. But today im feel very bloaty and i think my (the daddy) is feeling some of my symptoms :) he's going to the doctors as he isnt feeling so good.

Scan's are always a nightmare to wait for arent they. I had my first one last week which gave my me my due date :D and they made me another one for next week :) ive got to get across town for 9am next tuesday morning. The hospital is like an hour away not sure why i said yeah this place is easier to get to than the other as the other is muuuch closer lol so wasnt thinking. But i cant wait to see the baby on the screen again.

Think i need to buy some maternity jeans as mines are toooo tight on my belly and it doesnt feel so good when your sitting down. Need to keep un-doing the button and zip lol

hehe so funny just the one :haha: think mine have grown again seem to be more aware of them these days :blush:

Poor you being sick - at least your feeling better now, i feel your pain though have had MS real bad this week, not sure if its being back at work or if things just developing if that makes sense :shrug:

Oooh you lucky thing with two scans so close, although must have been a long wait for your first one. Hows the bubs looking? Im super excited for 10th Oct :happydance: booo @ having to travel an hour across town for your next scan, i guess if you try and change it you could end up waiting longer :nope:

Yeah defo go for some maternity stuff, you'll get good use out of it if you start now and its better to be comfortable :thumbup: I have been leaving trousers undone as so super bloated and i think putting on weight as can only seem to eat carbs and sweet at the mo so i use one of those bump band things, they are great. I have 2 and use one every day at the mo. Im looking forward to losing bloat and getting proper bump :haha:

I defo need comfy trousers lol.. Yeah i think it was because they couldnt do some test or something lol althought i got a letter today about my bloody test apparently im immune and never got a bloody jag when i was younger im taking it over to my mums house tomorrow to show her lol she said id got the jag but hey ho lol..

Ohh i want one of the bands lol i eat sweets like there is no tomorrow haha or crisps (chips i think americans call them) lol i love pickle onion flacour and pickles mmm so yummy lol. my bump want show little later on though as im currently over weight a bit lol.. xx
Here it is!! The nurse said the eye-looking things are probably eye sockets. It IS amazing what you can see when they are only 1" long! The ultrasound tech told me that the heart is fully formed at this point--incredible!! And we saw the brain which is beginning to form too.


Wow fantastic scan :thumbup: love the owl eyes do you think that means he/she will have big eyes? Your tech sounds sweet, how lovely to hear the heart is formed already. What does the brain look like? I cant even begin to imagine hehe ohh i hope we get a lovely tech like you xxx
I defo need comfy trousers lol.. Yeah i think it was because they couldnt do some test or something lol althought i got a letter today about my bloody test apparently im immune and never got a bloody jag when i was younger im taking it over to my mums house tomorrow to show her lol she said id got the jag but hey ho lol..

Ohh i want one of the bands lol i eat sweets like there is no tomorrow haha or crisps (chips i think americans call them) lol i love pickle onion flacour and pickles mmm so yummy lol. my bump want show little later on though as im currently over weight a bit lol.. xx

They are brilliant, mine were only £7 from Top Shop and if you get a black or s
white one it just looks like you have a long top on. They saved my belly i find it so uncomfortable with bloat. I recon aswell will only need a few maternity bits with these so i could hopefully keep using my normal trousers....

Im a bit over weight too, i was trying to lose it before BFP gettin back in the gym and eating healthy but now i just cant stomach anything decent and i have almost no energy so gym defo aint happening :haha:

yum pickled onion flavour - your giving me ideas now hehe....
Smanderson the brain just looks like a black blob, lol. It's not fully formed at this point so it didn't look like much! The tech pointed out the four chambers of the heart as we saw it beating!! Really cool. Someone else asked if I thought the baby would have big eyes...I don't know!

I am thinking today that I need new pants, too. I wore jeans to work and I am feeling extra nauseated and spilling over my waist band.

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