~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Hi Bec! You poor thing what a rough ride you have had!! Glad your feeling better! Look after yourself now!
I had a Scan today. My official due date is 20th of April 2013. I will be 11 weeks sat.
Whoo hoo to the April babies lol.

I like this furom because of all the support and groups likes these with people in the same month and sharing what we're going through. We'll be with you every step of the way. :hugs:

Oh yeah i just seen on the news there that pregnant ladies will need top get a jag because there has been an out break on something and already 10 babies have died :(

I cant remember what it was have to look into it or listen on for the news again.

I'm starting to feel the cold coming in, need to go buy some bigger wooly jumpers i think lol. xx

i should really should watch the news or read papers more often i used
to now and again when it came on after a programme finished like channel
4 news or on the normal channels .. but nowdays my son isn't napping no
more so i have no chance with the tele until night! :dohh:

Still feels ages away but my dating scan is 8th october so only ...
10 days :shock: thats madness :nope: :haha: seems weird saying 10 days!
hope the baby has grown but really they will zoom in i think more.. on my
emergency scan i don't think they zoomed in like normal it scared me cause
i was ment to be nearly 10 weeks at my scan so i wasn't sure if id see anything
like fully.. Ill be happy when i know an actual EDD instead of what i think lol!

Anyone else thinking about the gender alot? :dohh: i think i am because iv decided
now this is my last baby even though i wanted 3.. i just feel 2 is enough for me
my gender prediction said boy.. but i don't really take them in as i don't get how they
work... I overall wanted 2 boys and a girl last .. but now i just would prefer 1 of each
but i have a feeling ill have another boy .. it will hit me hard because ill never have a
daughter.. but im sure ill get around it ill still love it if its a boy :lol:
like people say aslong as its healthy all that matters..

Anyone have a certain gender they would prefer or have a strong feeling about?
I really wanna have one of each and that will be it. I'm hoping this one is a boy,not sure why but ive always wanted to have a boy first and so does the (FOB) lol and a girl second. both out mums had boy first girl second so it would be funny if thats happen with me.

This is my first pregnancy lol my next scan im gussing will be my gender one :). but im not sure when that shall be. ive got my midwife again on the 9th cant wait. i would love to heart the baby's heart beat though ive not heard it once yet:( but at least i know its a healthy little thing xxx
I really wanna have one of each and that will be it. I'm hoping this one is a boy,not sure why but ive always wanted to have a boy first and so does the (FOB) lol and a girl second. both out mums had boy first girl second so it would be funny if thats happen with me.

This is my first pregnancy lol my next scan im gussing will be my gender one :). but im not sure when that shall be. ive got my midwife again on the 9th cant wait. i would love to heart the baby's heart beat though ive not heard it once yet:( but at least i know its a healthy little thing xxx

It changed for me I did want a girl first.. all my family drilled
it into my head i would have a girl all my family have girls! theres
like 1 boy like further generations .. :lol: but i surprised everyone
and had a boy.. im glad now because i want DS to look after his
sibling as the big tough brother :lol:!

FOB and me both have girls on our sides mainly so im not sure..
everyone has guessed boy from my scan photo though :shrug:
i just think it looks completely different to DS's scan but that may
mean nothing :lol:

Lucky to have your midwife again! i don't get to see mine until im
16 weeks :( thats when i get to hear the heartbeat, it is different
but least they show you the heartbeat on the scan well they did
at mine so you see it beating away :cloud9: xx
Beckyboo i see my midwife at 16 weeks aswell, think it must depend on the area :shrug: how is your sickness? I have had stomach bug today so have suffered double whammy of sickness since 2am :cry:
Ill be only 14wks weeks when i see her again lol..

I've been feeling bit off today. Bit sick i though i was passed all that lol spoke to soon and ive been shattered all day lol.

Think it will be an early night for me xx
Oh no sorry you 2 aren't feeling too well!
i hope you both get better soon!!

I think im seeing her at 16 weeks because its just the thing round my end
like you have a booking appointment then your dating scan then theres not
much to really do until 15-16 weeks when hear heartbeat and get measured
i think.. then next will be 20 week scan.. then i think i see her 24 weeks
for a general checkup measure/wee/bloods/ and then after its every 3 weeks
or something.. i can't actually remember 100% .. i just know i did alot after 20
weeks to make sure i was measuring on scale and to check heartbeat etc..
Oh no sorry you 2 aren't feeling too well!
i hope you both get better soon!!

I think im seeing her at 16 weeks because its just the thing round my end
like you have a booking appointment then your dating scan then theres not
much to really do until 15-16 weeks when hear heartbeat and get measured
i think.. then next will be 20 week scan.. then i think i see her 24 weeks
for a general checkup measure/wee/bloods/ and then after its every 3 weeks
or something.. i can't actually remember 100% .. i just know i did alot after 20
weeks to make sure i was measuring on scale and to check heartbeat etc..

Thanks hun, that does sound like a lot after 16/20 week point....i guess it all feels so much slower in the beginning as we all desperate for the 12 weeks then its all go with appointments and getting things ready :happydance:

Cherry, sorry your feeling bad today too hopefully a good night sleep will help...i have a tummy bug which is apparently going around this way - hope its not in your area too :hugs:
I have no idea what's up with me. i dunno if it's something ive eaten but ive been like this yesterday to but worse today lol. I could have slept serving people i was that tired lol..

I feeling bit better *touch wood*. I sat up and burped so i guess it may have been trapped gas hahaha lol.. I took an ingigestion table to, think im getting little heartburn creeping up.

Ohhh that is handy you posted that. No one really tells me much, my sister has had her first at a young age and didnt pass nothing on. They just say i moan about it to much..So helpful they are....

She was the one i had ranted about the other day (the spoiled brat of the family) no joke lol..

Anyways. i think my bed shall be calling me in the next hour or so. i could just sleep on the couch is super comfy lol xxx
My sister is like the perfect one out of me and her..
i always say it because she stayed on school went uni and had a job
from 16 and now goes uni and has a job.. and been with her boyfriend
a long time :lol: .. like my parents praise her over me :shrug: she probs
deserves it really

Where as me im total opposite to her.. :rofl:

Theres not much to explain about everything it happens different everywhere
by the looks of it and it depends if you have any problems you may get seen
more etc.. i just know my midwife told me she won't be seeing me until 16 weeks
ill need to make an appointment when im around 16 weeks :lol: im sure from last
time thats how mine went anyway i think the first bit drags abit and you feel
time is just torturing you :dohh: but fun starts when you get to 20 weeks
or even 16 weeks .. finding out gender and hearing heaartbeat and feeling movements/
kicks feels more real i guess! and a nice bump forming :lol:
My sister is like the perfect one out of me and her..
i always say it because she stayed on school went uni and had a job
from 16 and now goes uni and has a job.. and been with her boyfriend
a long time :lol: .. like my parents praise her over me :shrug: she probs
deserves it really

Where as me im total opposite to her.. :rofl:

Theres not much to explain about everything it happens different everywhere
by the looks of it and it depends if you have any problems you may get seen
more etc.. i just know my midwife told me she won't be seeing me until 16 weeks
ill need to make an appointment when im around 16 weeks :lol: im sure from last
time thats how mine went anyway i think the first bit drags abit and you feel
time is just torturing you :dohh: but fun starts when you get to 20 weeks
or even 16 weeks .. finding out gender and hearing heaartbeat and feeling movements/
kicks feels more real i guess! and a nice bump forming :lol:

Lol thanks..

It has felt like it has dragged abit. But ive made it this far and it now does feel like those last 6wks have just flown past lol.. Week on tuesday i have midwife and im off all the week. So i know next week isnt going to drag.

It kind of excited now. I get paid next friday so im hoping that ill have little extra cash to start buying little bits :D lol..

Ooh as much as im looking for to my bump showing. i know i wont be able to move around as much. Bit im looking for to all what to come :D
Hey ladies,

Sorry i didnt reply to your messages and disappeared for a couple of days, have been feeling so ill with stomach bug havent made it out of bed yet :sick: Still feeling rough but managed to get the laptop to send a little message.

Hope your all ok and still thinking happy thoughts :hugs:
:hugs: hope you feel better asap!

Think alot is going round at the minute.. alot of people aren't well :nope:
im thinking its what i had mixed with pregnancy sickness!

Im still not 100% but i think its just morning sickness lingering .. and i started
to get constipation problems and the other :nope: nothing worse then the
horrid stomach cramps so i was stuck as i had both problems different weeks! :dohh:
DS has a cough too starting he always passes stuff to me :lol:
:hugs: hope you feel better asap!

Think alot is going round at the minute.. alot of people aren't well :nope:
im thinking its what i had mixed with pregnancy sickness!

Im still not 100% but i think its just morning sickness lingering .. and i started
to get constipation problems and the other :nope: nothing worse then the
horrid stomach cramps so i was stuck as i had both problems different weeks! :dohh:
DS has a cough too starting he always passes stuff to me :lol:

Thanks hun :hugs: its not been much fun this last few days and i was the same as you with the not holding anything down but somehow it seems to pass by mid evening and return again at 2-4am :wacko: maybe you did have the bug...i hope thats what it was so you wont go through it again :thumbup:

I have had the cramps too, i think its part of the being sick and poorly tummy thing, mine are high up so dont think its the little bean. Not really had the constipation (yet) but i heard if you have more fiber it can help :shrug:

Hope your DS feels better soon, poor thing and hope you manage to avoid catching this one :flower:
Aww it sucks when there is a bug going around. Then with haven't your symptoms to doesnt really help.

Ive tried upping my fibre intake but i think it me myself that has a crampy immune system lol..

I still get cramps and the odd stretching feeling i just cant wait to gain the weight a little lol. i just hope afterwards it doesnt stick or im going to drag my sister to the gym and help get my belly down lol..Ive not been to a gym in a loooong time lol xx
Aww it sucks when there is a bug going around. Then with haven't your symptoms to doesnt really help.

Ive tried upping my fibre intake but i think it me myself that has a crampy immune system lol..

I still get cramps and the odd stretching feeling i just cant wait to gain the weight a little lol. i just hope afterwards it doesnt stick or im going to drag my sister to the gym and help get my belly down lol..Ive not been to a gym in a loooong time lol xx

I know, its been so hard, been sick since 2-4am most mornings and feeling so awful and people keep saying its MS but i know this is way more than that esp as it seems to be passing a bit today - still feeling sick but not anywhere near as bad as the last few days :thumbup:

The other thing i heard was prune juice, although im not sure i fancy that :haha: maybe if you desperate its an option :thumbup:

Hun, try not to worry about gaining weight it will happen when your body is ready. I think sometimes women lose weight in the first trimester so may be cancelling out baby weight gain if that makes sense? You probs not been eating half what you would normally with sickness etc :hugs:

Im DEFO hitting the gym when baby comes, i heard too that breast feeding helps get the weight down and shrink baby belly..something to do with your body needing to use more energy to produce the milk or something so will defo give it a go :haha:
Aww it sucks when there is a bug going around. Then with haven't your symptoms to doesnt really help.

Ive tried upping my fibre intake but i think it me myself that has a crampy immune system lol..

I still get cramps and the odd stretching feeling i just cant wait to gain the weight a little lol. i just hope afterwards it doesnt stick or im going to drag my sister to the gym and help get my belly down lol..Ive not been to a gym in a loooong time lol xx

I know, its been so hard, been sick since 2-4am most mornings and feeling so awful and people keep saying its MS but i know this is way more than that esp as it seems to be passing a bit today - still feeling sick but not anywhere near as bad as the last few days :thumbup:

The other thing i heard was prune juice, although im not sure i fancy that :haha: maybe if you desperate its an option :thumbup:

Hun, try not to worry about gaining weight it will happen when your body is ready. I think sometimes women lose weight in the first trimester so may be cancelling out baby weight gain if that makes sense? You probs not been eating half what you would normally with sickness etc :hugs:

Im DEFO hitting the gym when baby comes, i heard too that breast feeding helps get the weight down and shrink baby belly..something to do with your body needing to use more energy to produce the milk or something so will defo give it a go :haha:

Hopefully the bug pasts soon hun if its the bug lol

Yeah before i found out i was pregnant i was 6lbs heavier lol so i lost that and now bang on the stone mark.. You should see what i eat lol i think i was living on junk food on saturday lol and it was like every hour or so lol. I would normal gain a pound or two when i'd over to it in a day but nope no budge either way lol.. I know if will pack on soon though so im not going to worry to much about that. some people have said they have no gain anything at 16-17wks so i think im ok for now.

Oooh. I can mind when my sister breast feed my neice her boobs where huge and then after breastfeeding tey shrink lol.. She has gain a little weight now but i think thats cause she isnt in school no more and is bored. so ill be drgging her with me. Hopefully i can get that body back that i use to have before hitting high school lol

The only time im sick is was i'm trying to shift whatever cloggs my throat in the morning lol Im nasseling (Nose blokes up a bit) at the moment so trying to clear that makes me boak lol

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