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April test thread-welcome! Spring has sprung. Isn't this nature's baby making time?

around 7 af due next tues x starting to test on thurs lol i know i should wiat but im a poas addict :haha:
ive got 4 10miu here i got my dec bfp at 7/8 dpo with them so i know they are reliable x
mrskg good luck i cannot wait to see!:hugs:

coast, thanks big hugs,,I am here if you wish to chat!
Hi POASFiend :hi: :hugs:

Sorry about AF :cry:

Congrats to those who have got their BFPs this month and :hug: to those who got the old :witch: :growlmad:

So I'm back on the wagon for the first time since my mc. I'll start testing on 17th I reckon with AF due on 22nd :thumbup:
Poasfiend, so sorry that AF hit you hard..You are right I did get an early bfp but at 18 dpo 4 wks and 3 days, I see a lot of women are nauseaus..it makes me feel gutted..

Hey there, i have three healthy kids and three MC, i had nausea with all three healthy pregs, but not untill after 6 weeks, between 6-8 weeks the nausea and lethergy slowly grew and grew. WIth all three MC, i was suspicouse around six weeks when i wasnt feeling sick or tired. So- that doesnt mean you have to get sick then, but if your <6weeks, as much as you can try to relax, its helps the blood flow to the uterus. If your very concerened ask your dr for a quantitative HCG with a follow up two or three days later-

(qualitative tells you wither the pg is + or -, quantitative is a count of the HCG dilution (in ppm i think?) and you can compare the follow up, apparently healthy pg should be approx doubling in hcg every 24 hours. THats not to say that you wont have a MC, buts its pretty much the only way to asses the pg at such an early stage.

I wich you so much luck, i hope your presciuose bean is sticky!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hey girls....did I update already??? I swear I am losing it!
Anyway...it was a BFN for me this month.
Looking at IVF with PGD. I will find out more info at my next appointment June 1st. I'm 38 and I feel if I don't do something soon I will never have a child of my own. Having had 3 miscarriages yet all tests normal leads us all to believe that perhaps it's a genetic issue....this way the embies can be tested. $20,000 after all is said and done as I have to go out of town for it.....I just don't know what to do...any advice?

Think my post got lost in there...any advice? Anyone out there have a successful IVF cycle after recurrent m/c?
well, im very excited :dance:

Yesterday was quite despondant that i had my ewcm two days before the opk was positive...(i usually only ever have one show or ewcm, doesnt even last a whole day, just a 'show')- so according to the opk i should O from last night to tonight, but no ewcm to accompany it! :sad2:

BUT this avo i just got more EWCM- and not just a 'show' it hanging around :yipee:

We couldnt :sex: last night as i had UTI- but we did the night b4, and we will tonight :blush: so hopefully we have a good chance this cycle!:thumbup:

:dust: to you all :dust:
Good luck curley!!

AFM - this is this morning's test at 12 dpo. Definitely a little darker than 10dpo and on a 25miu test.


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Hey girls....did I update already??? I swear I am losing it!
Anyway...it was a BFN for me this month.
Looking at IVF with PGD. I will find out more info at my next appointment June 1st. I'm 38 and I feel if I don't do something soon I will never have a child of my own. Having had 3 miscarriages yet all tests normal leads us all to believe that perhaps it's a genetic issue....this way the embies can be tested. $20,000 after all is said and done as I have to go out of town for it.....I just don't know what to do...any advice?

Think my post got lost in there...any advice? Anyone out there have a successful IVF cycle after recurrent m/c?

Beauts, I think it is unlikely that you will get many people in this thread who have already had a successful ivf :shrug: so that might be better asked over in the AC forum? :hugs::hugs:

Having said that I know of at least 2 ladies who are now in viable pregnancies (natural ttc) after 3 losses :thumbup:
curley thanks for the comforting post. I will see what 4/20 brings. I have to wait untl I go to that visit to ask for hcg levels..they make everything such a process here! YAY ABOUT THE EWCM! BD AWAY GIRL! GOOD LUCK!:hugs:
:blush: caved in an tested this morn...bfn...unless I turn it to a 43degree angle an stand on my head then I'm sure I see something :haha: lol I knew it was too early so still hoping x going by my last bfps I should have a line by sat or Monday x as they say patience is a virtue :wacko:

MRSKG I am still peeing on everything..ran out of HPTS but my OPKS are starting to look very tempting !!:haha:
I KNOW..I feel so silly doing it all of the time but for me I want to make sure the lines are not fading///sigh!
I don't want to be a stick in the mud asibling but I know you like me to be honest with you x but from my experience getting dark lines means nothing or getting 3+ on digi it still went wrong for me which is rubbish cause when/if I do get my bfp I won't be able to poas for comfort x wish it was the 20th for you hope times flies xxx

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