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April test thread-welcome! Spring has sprung. Isn't this nature's baby making time?

mrskg No stick in the mud. I am very well aware and realistic but somehow the dark lines pass the time and give me some form of comfort even though I know that does not mean the baby is there growing,,,hell, my blighted ovum produced HCG levels in the 23000 mark so I know it means nothing..just a BFP and a waiting game! Hugs!:hugs:
Hey girls....did I update already??? I swear I am losing it!
Anyway...it was a BFN for me this month.
Looking at IVF with PGD. I will find out more info at my next appointment June 1st. I'm 38 and I feel if I don't do something soon I will never have a child of my own. Having had 3 miscarriages yet all tests normal leads us all to believe that perhaps it's a genetic issue....this way the embies can be tested. $20,000 after all is said and done as I have to go out of town for it.....I just don't know what to do...any advice?

Think my post got lost in there...any advice? Anyone out there have a successful IVF cycle after recurrent m/c?

Beauts, I think it is unlikely that you will get many people in this thread who have already had a successful ivf :shrug: so that might be better asked over in the AC forum? :hugs::hugs:

Having said that I know of at least 2 ladies who are now in viable pregnancies (natural ttc) after 3 losses :thumbup:

Sounds good butterfly...I guess I just assumed with this being the 35+ gang there would be someone who either has had, is preparing for or considering IVF. Thanks for the info on the gals who have had successful pregnancies after 3 losses. I know it's not impossible but I guess that's why I want advice...I am so confused and at such a cross roads. I will be 39 the end of this November and I am wondering how long I wait it out and hope I get a sticky BFP naturally. I heard they really aren't very positive about IVF being successful after 40 so I just don't know what to do. I hate this...:cry:
Beauts-It's a tough road definitely. I am so scared that my time is running out and I will get no help if needed. Making Dr.s appt today.

I don't tihkn I know how to pee without a stick anymore. I'm like a dog and a fire hydrant.

Butterfly welcome.

asibling---after losses you feel like there's not much you can do and so those darker lines just feel reassuring. Cause at least you know the right hormones are a go!!! I completely get it. That's how I knew last time that I was having a loss. Even though they say it doesn't mean much, you know if the line is still there, it's still detecting HCG and that's nice to know.
:wave: beauts x

Asibling I totally get you x hope what I said wasn't taken the wrong way x I'm glad you have this for some reassurance x I dread my next bfp I don't know what I'll do for reassurance an hospital won't see me till 9wks they want me to get passed 8+5 when hb stopped with last pregnancy said I wouldn't have any reassurance before then allthough I disagree x so yeah I get you with the just a waiting game x only 9more days I pray it flies in xxx
Good luck curley!!

AFM - this is this morning's test at 12 dpo. Definitely a little darker than 10dpo and on a 25miu test.

Looks great! Congrats Lala!! :) Praying for a sticky bean for you! :flower:

MRSKG I am still peeing on everything..ran out of HPTS but my OPKS are starting to look very tempting !!:haha:

I did an OPK when I first got my BFP. They will turn positive if you are preggo. That was what sealed the deal for me! :)
Oh and I think I've got everyone updated. Let me know if I've missed anything.

Thanks for adding me back.

Hope you're feeling better after having a bad time with the witch. Here's to another cycle now and more BD :hugs: ;)
Mrskg and poasfiend.thanks for understanfing n being here for me..it means the world! Mrskg, why will they make you wait so long??
asibling the nures said because we'd saw baby and hb at 8+5 an then hb stopped (it was a problem with the sac this time not the baby) that anything before that wouldnt be reassurance we need to get passed 8+5 so shes put in my notes not to scan till 9wks xx

how you feeling today xxx
asibling the nures said because we'd saw baby and hb at 8+5 an then hb stopped (it was a problem with the sac this time not the baby) that anything before that wouldnt be reassurance we need to get passed 8+5 so shes put in my notes not to scan till 9wks xx

how you feeling today xxx

Hi mrsKg- can you explain to me what the numers in brackets are on your signature (8+50 etc?
hey girls,

Thanks asibling, you guys in here have really been a great support. I know i'm a relative newbie to the forums so I really appreciate it. I'll be keeping my fx'd for the 20th for you....everything is such a struggle, not only do we have to get preggo in the first place we then have to keep it there!!

I spoke to my nurse today and she's offered to scan me again this month to make sure the clomid is working - i've nearly been scanned every month so far which is re-assuring. I'm going in next Friday.

Best of luck Butterfly and Curly! Hopefully the next month will be good for us all!

hey curly mamma yeah no probs

my first loss was a mmc we found our at 11+6 that baby stopped growin at 6+1 but didnt pass till i was 15+2

with my 4th we saw a healthy hb at 8+5 but sac looked a bit tight started bleeding at 9+6 an scan looked like baby had passed at 8+5 right after scan sac never grew id imagine it had shrunk a little so prob couple of days after xxx
No one said it would be easy but no one warned me how tough it would be. Made an appt with the doc so she can make a referral to the specialist. Dr appt in one month. Can I wait that long?????? And then she'll put through the consult so I'll have to wait for ANOTHER appt. I just want it done NOW!!!!
hey curly mamma yeah no probs

my first loss was a mmc we found our at 11+6 that baby stopped growin at 6+1 but didnt pass till i was 15+2

with my 4th we saw a healthy hb at 8+5 but sac looked a bit tight started bleeding at 9+6 an scan looked like baby had passed at 8+5 right after scan sac never grew id imagine it had shrunk a little so prob couple of days after xxx

thanks for explaining, sorry to have you bring all that up.

i lost three, and have no idea with any of them wether the baby had stopped growing b4, bak then your first u/s was at 18 weeks, so you flew blind for the trickiest time!

wishing you luck with :dust:
no probs curleymumma ive went over it so much it sometimes feels like it happened to someone else if that makes any sense x ive no reasons why either an because ive had 3 successful pregnancies an all mc were different the epu think its down to bad luck an maybe bad eggs x mc is a 1 in 5 chance an i have 4 so lets hope my no 5 is sticky xxx waiting till 18wks must have been torture suppose we should be thankful for technology an early scans now xx sorry for your losses x how long have you been ttc for? x
no probs curleymumma ive went over it so much it sometimes feels like it happened to someone else if that makes any sense x ive no reasons why either an because ive had 3 successful pregnancies an all mc were different the epu think its down to bad luck an maybe bad eggs x mc is a 1 in 5 chance an i have 4 so lets hope my no 5 is sticky xxx waiting till 18wks must have been torture suppose we should be thankful for technology an early scans now xx sorry for your losses x how long have you been ttc for? x

I have three healthy kids as well! We have been TTC for two years, well almost 2.5 now actually! In Dec we started things like clean out surgeries and this is 2nd clomid cycle.....good luck to us all hey!

I have noticed clomid makes me feel queezy just after O, as well as sore breasts, wich id a real B^%#$! cos it maeks you hope is pg symptoms, but i know now its just the clomid!
good morning ladies// I am hardly on here at night and yesterday I had off of work so I was busy with my LO she is on spring break from school. I am not feeling pregnant yet still got that empty feelng as with the last 2! :cry::cry: 7 more days and I will hopefully have answers. How is everyone?:hugs::shrug:

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