April2011 Bump Buddy

Hi ladies
Sorry I disappeared for a few days - I went to visit my mam at the weekend who lives quite a way away - how funny was it not telling her?! I really wanted to tell my brother but he's recently been made redundant so it wouldn't have really been the right time, taking the focus away from his troubles. I went out wiht my friends and DH on Saturday night, and it was so odd not drinking! Was also really strange on Sunday morning when I was bright and breezy and ravenous - nromally my mam has to put up with me being ill and not wanting any dinner but this time I was fine - so DH kept playing it up that I must have still been drunk so my mam didn't smell a rat - it's soo funny keeping it to ourselves! As you may have been on the April thread, I also got giving a book on pregnancy cocktails, as it's going to be really hard not having any for the next year!

How are we all feeling then? Apart from hungar, I seem to have lost the tummy cramps that I was having and don't have any other symptoms - maybe the calm before the storm!

Hope you're all doing well
Oh and CookieDough - my DH seemed a bit shocked when I told him - I went to the loo and did a test, brought it back to the bedroom while he went too, and then I wandered in and said "happy birthday" and waved the test at him...it was his brithday on the 18th July, around when I OV'd and we'd discussed how it would be a good b'day present.... But it turns out he didn't 'get' what I meant - think it was probably coz he's just finished pi$$ing! Still feels surreal....I guess no one's OH reacted badly?!
Noileena - LOL, '' Happy Birthday *Waves the pee stick at him* ", That made laugh :) Awww what a nice birthday present! :) :) Yeah I haven't heard of anyone's OH reacting badly which is good :) Im 6 weeks today I have my 7 week scan on Monday, whilst Im typing this I feel so nervous about it, Im really trying not to think about it as it really worries me, I just do not feel pregnant atm! I just feel fine, hardly even have my sore boobs today ... =/ Very worried, so I hope this scan can reassure me that everything will be okay because I really need it.

So when are you planning to tell you mum? When it gets to the 3 month stage? See Im visiting my mum also, she hasn't noticed ofcourse as I have had no extreme symptoms, only feeling tierd! But if everything seems okay at the EPS then I might tell her earlier, but we'll see what happens...

Also, just wondering if/when the morning sickness will kick in... Hmmmm, I just want a sign to know im pregnant!! (ex. the 10 pregnancy sticks confirming this *hahahaha*). Yeah it must have been weird being offered a drink but declining it :), let's hope your mum won't guess about your pg before you tell her! hehe.

Hope all is well :D xxxx
Hey Cookie - don't worry about the symptoms. I know I'm a week behind you, but I've got none right now -apart from being distracted by BnB! I did have toilet issues and cramps last week but they seem to have subsided, which I was praying for at the time but now I'm wishing they'd come back so I know everything's ok! 10 tests - I've actually only done 2 - I think I could easy justify doing quite a few moreof the CB digi ones now.....

Oh so you're having a 7 weeks scan...I think I might book one in - once i see a HB I think I'll feel better and it'll seem more real. I know we were trying for a year but I think I didn't ever expect it to happen so I still don't really believe it! I bet your scan will be fine - when you look at the stats, chances are it will be ok.

We came up with a bit of a plan for telling the parents - it's my b'day on th 25th Sept but we have a wedding that day so mam will have to come and look after the dog...we get back on the 26th, DH's mum can also come and visit on the pretense of a b'day meal (neither sets of parents lives near us) and then we say "Oh the dog has a card for you as it's grandparents' day" - get her to wander in with 2 cards in her mouth (which she generally does on b'days anyway), which we'll have made with a scan picture inside, as I'll be 12+6 on the 26th Sept. Hopefully everything will go to plan and we won't be found out before then! I'm also going to post a T shirt to my niece saying "I'm getting a cousin" and get her an my bro to open it on the 26th so they all know about the same time. All a bit elaborate but I am a bugger for this kind of thing!

Do you think you'll be able to keep quiet for long ladies?!
Hey Noileena :) I know see I was having cramps last week, but they have now stopped completely! =/ Ahhhh. Getting so worried I just want to know that there is actually a baby in there :(, one week seems so far away now it's crazy, but atleast I will be able to know exactly how far along I am ect. Yeah im having a 7 week scan, needed to have one as Im avery paranoid person as I have said in the previous posts im a bit of a nut haha, but yeah once I see a HB as you said it'll make us feel much better and more real that there is actually a baby growing inside!! I hope that I see a heart beat else I will be even more worried and panicky! but fingers crossed :) can't wait.

Ahhhh!!! Your plan sounds so good! Definitly the best ''how I tell the parents" plan I've heard! :) I think that's so nice to plan it like that, and yeah but then you will be 12 weeks
6days what a perfect time to tell all! :) Hopefully no one will notice until then! Im just going to sit my mum down and tell her *gulp*. That'll be a nice surprise for your parents to see a little baby scan inside im sure a lot of happy tears will come out on that day ! :). So if you book a EPS when would you plan to book it for? Thinking you can't wait until the 12 weeks? Then your exactly like me lol.

I think I have a good chance of keeping it quiet for a while as Im only going to be seeing my family once or twice before I get to 12 weeks, one before I go on holiday which at that point ill be around 9 weeks ...hopefully I won't show =/ . But yeah, I have been eating more but noone have noticed... I must of been a right old pig to notice first of all! haha

Hope your all having a stress free day so far :) Think it's lunch now for me... *hmmm what to have....*
Hey :)
Im not to bad thanks, just feeling so no pregnant today and a bit lonely. =( think im going to hit the sheets soon...

My jaw dropped when I saw 50+ hours a week work! You must be so tierd, you definitly deserve to put your feet up!! You need a nice massage! Why don't you have a nice long soak in the bath and relax? xxxx

HAHAHA yup i work two jobs unfortunately. An ex left me ina lot of debt so working my butt off to pay it off before baby comes along. Hopefully have it all by xmas!which will be an extraordinary feat!

Also trying to get my house in order and freshly dewcorated for baby but of course that costs money!
Well, I might wait and see what you can see at 7 wks and if there's something to see, I might go for it! Having looked at a few websites, it does look like 7 wks should be about right - any time before and they might not find a HB and then tell you to go away adn come back in a week - which would be the most horrendous week ever! 7 weeks is 2 weeks away, which seems such a long time but I think I'm better waiting until then so I don't drive myself mad! Will you get a picture? can't wait to see it!

I am terrible for planning things, but my little scheme will take my mind off it a bit! I don't live anywhere near my folks either so we will only see them once or twice before I'm 12 weeks but I do speak to my mam every day on the phone s it will be hard to not tell her, especially when I've been sick, am excited about a scan etc. but she has MS and has recently had lots of upsets so I don't really want her to go through any trauma if the worst happens....But it won't, PMA!!!!

How do you think your mum will react? Have you been with your OH for long? (I noticed you said you were 19)....

Lunch for me too, the baby wants omelette (or that's my excuse!)...!! Have a happy Monday! xxx
Yeah definitly, I will tell you exactly how it went and what I saw *big gulp* yes, it would be so terrible if I didn't see the HB, I don't know what I'd do, having to come
back in a weeks time! *ahhh* but im going to keep positive thoughts and hope for the best :D yes, when I spoke to them they said I will recieve a picture!! and I will
post it on here straight away! good or bad news I still will.

Ahhh yeah definitly, 12 week mark and I will be telling everyone! Its not long to go... hmmm lol, just think once it's into September it'll be merely a couple of weeks then
we can reveal all! Imagine how good that is going to feel! I read so many people at the 12 week mark and Im thinking such a long way away, but as long as I have
people just like you to talk I can feel more relaxed, sharing my thoughts and feelings with women who are in the exact same situation as me!

I know my mum will be there for me, I was a bit sneeky and the other day I was like ... " hey mum what would you do if I was pregnant " and she said " oh no I would be
a bit upset first but then I would make sure you kept the baby ect " I know she'd support me 100% shes a great person who understands me. Well .. I've only been with my
OH 1 year on 31st August! ( Were going to Lanzarote rented a villa for the week commencing 29th! ) I know it's not a long time but time doesn't matter as long as I know
he will be there for me, he is sooooo excited about the baby it's crazy!!!

Ahhhhhhh a omelette! *drools* I would love one right now, but I settled for a pie, was horrible, couldn't finish it, so its a bar of caramel chocolate for me!...
uh oh, earlier on in the day I have been getting heart burn! Still continuing, so Gaviscon will be my new best friend im guessing!

Night all! xxxx

( btw, how do I get my ticker up? been trying to get it up but all it shows is the actual HTML :( ) xxx
Hey CookieDough

You're right, September really isn't far away - when I think of all the things I've got to do at work before then, it's scary! But you're right, this forum is useful, as it gives us all someone to talk to - however much he wants the baby, my DH can only cope with so much psychoanalsying of symptoms! Glad your OH is happy about bubba - as you say, time doesn't matter it's as long as he's the right type of guy - we met and moved in together after 2 months so when you know it's right...!

Glad your mum will be supportive - TBH, although I'm nearly 29 and been married for almost 2 years (with DH for 6 years), I can see my mam initially thinking I'm 'throwing my life away' and then eventually getting happy about it!! I thnk she'll just be concerned about how it'll affect my career, how we'll cope etc etc.

Oh the hol will be so nice - see, once you go, you'll be further along, and then when you return it'll be september - the time flies!

Oh heart burn - nasty! After loads of tummy pains last week I seem to have lost all symptoms (hence doing another test this morning to check the line was darker!) but reckon they'll come back to bite me next week!

Re: your ticker - you need to "BB code" - I know on lilypie, once you get to the last page it give you options of the type of code you want, and that's what you need - took me ages to figure it out!

04007722 I know the feeling with the decorating - we've just got rid of the builders after 10 days of working on our bathroom - there's dust and crap everywhere and I'm dying to clean it up but have far too much work to do!

Have a happy day ladies!

Were doing all the decoratin ourselves so you can imagine it will take FOREVER!! hahaha

How is everyone this morning?
Hey Noileena :)

Hope your feeling okay this morning? I still don't feel pregnant at all ... *thinks, do I take another test?* LOL.. Was speaking to my OH and he as like you take way to many
tests you know your pregnant so why do it! .... but this is my only reassurance that I am at the moment until the scan so he can sshhh :) lol. Make sure you don't stress to
much at work :) want to keep as calm as possible and relax :). Aww you moved in after 2 months and look now married and expecting a baby :) so yeah so true what you
said you just know when it's right!

Yeah definitly your mum may think about whats going to happen to your career but we all know that mums are going to eventually calm down and start to become excited
:D. Have you recieved any letters from the hospital yet? I recieved one yesterday, for 6th September, for blood tests ect ect ( the day afte I come back from hols! )

I am excited about hols but not as excited, see we booked this even before I knew I was pg, so if we had known this, then we definitly wouldn't have gone on holiday as money
ect. but oh well it's booked now, and as you said when I come back i'll be even more pg! :) but imagine me in a bikini at this stage? LOL. I swear my stomach is so bloated =/
I mean I really do look like 3 months pg!.

Heart burn as calmed down now :). Ahhh! you took another test this morning! hehe. was the line darker yes? Which tests do you use? I've used quite alot of CB digi which is
bad as I worry as to why its not on 3+ yet and plus it's so expensive! tututut.

Ooo thanks for the ticker advice:) im going to try that now, but im sure I will get it wrong lol
Have a good day:D xxx
<a href="https://lilypie.com/"><img src="https://lmtf.lilypie.com/kd7cp1.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Maternity tickers" /></a>

^^^ that's all that comes up :( Im stupid. lol x
Hey 0400772 - How are you today?

Im not to bad thanks just had my cereal, and orange :) and my folic acid pill :) I take that after I eat in the morning..x
Urgh 0400772 - decorating yourself takes sooo long! We've bene in this house 4 year and still haven't finished! We just weren't confident enough to do the bathroom with all the water and electric!!

Oh CD, I've had nothing from the hospital - I have a feeling they're going to be rather useless and it'll be weeks and weeks before I hear anything. I'm giving them until we're 8 weeks and then they'll hear from me! Lucky you, at least its after your holiday. We had a holiday booked for October, going to Kenya but coz of the malaria tablets, we've changed it to Morocco - imagine how big I'll be then in a bikini (15-17 weeks!), but tough, I'm not buying a load of new stuff just coz a few people might not like my little bump!

My tummy's bloated now too, just like before AF arrives - I think it's coz there's all kind of gassy weirdness going on too!

yeah the line on the test was much darker - 1st one that gave me a + was a CB digi but only had the one, so I had some ebay cheapies in so that's what I used today. Just received some more digis off ebay (much cheaper than Tesco!) so I'm going to do one of those in the morning and hope for my 2-3!

Re; your ticket - go into "user CP" and then you get your ticker, it should look like this
*https://lbdf.lilypie.com/cdp1.png* (without the *)

Now I must work, god I'm so lazy and easily distracted at the mo!
Crap, it turn it into the actual ticket!
https://lbdf. lilypie.com/cdp1.png

I've added some spaces to it this time!
Still not working - hmmm, I've added *'s all over the place so you can maybe see it....
Hello Noileena :)
Ah yeah definitly if you haven't heard anything from 8 weeks I would contact them lol. First time for us and ofcourse we want to hear something! So at what stage will it
really hit you? Recieving the letters in the post for your hospital appointment? Symptoms? Or the scan? or not until the babies in your actual arms lol.

Ooo Kenya :) That would of been nice, but yeah the malaria tablets atleast you will be going to Morocco! :) I was going to go for New Years but stupid me wanted to go
asap blah. lol. Im sure you will look great at 15-17 weeks :) Be proud to show of your bump and screw anyone who don't like it. (although I doubt anyone would say
anything as we are pregnant hormonal women ahaha).
Oo how much were the digis of ebay? and how long did they take to come? It's great when the lines darker :) I opened up my CB digi test and the lines were v dark
(crazy opening them... i know... LOL ). Yeah I bet you will get your 2-3 def :) I want to take another one I really want to see 3+ seeing as im 6.1 today. Even though,
i've read that some woman don't get their 3+ until like 6+ weeks. craziness. I think CBD just adds to the stress of it all if it hasn't changed, but i can't help doing it =/

thanks for the ticker advice lol going to try it out now :D xxxx
sorry ladies i haven been ignoring ya i just thought maybe today i should do some wrk haha. How is everyone. I just been gettin sore belly and back but dont really feel pregnant! Keep taking tests to make sure im not dreaming! My mum text me last might saying she yas happy and excited for me so thats a relief lol x

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