Are social networking sites ruining our relationships & society as a whole?

Social networking is like anything else in this world that changes our lives as we know it. Huge impact - it can be used for good and it can be used for bad. It is the individual user that decides what to make of it - if anything at all!
Social networking or not, if your guy is an unfaithful, lying *******.. he's going to be so without it.

Same with shitty friends.. if they're going to be crappy to you on FB, they'd do it even if it didn't exist.

It's true. My dad cheated on my mom for 8 years - this was before the internet as we know it even existed. If someone is a cheater - they just are. They are going to find a way to do it with or without the internet. It's happened throughout time.

My dad doesn't even own a Facebook account these days and pretty much ignores the internet. Didn't take the internet to ruin him.

My husband and I both use technology, the internet, Facebook, etc and neither of us is bothered with what the other is doing on it. We trust each other and we know that the other wouldn't and isn't cheating. His ex-wife even contacted him to "check in and say hi" which I believe is all she was doing. I really didn't care. I trust him so whatever. It comes down to trust. if you can't trust your man or woman or whatever - that would be the case with or without the internet.

Nothing in society has changed. Our morals haven't changed. Only the methods have changed.
I honestly think facebook is the devil for relationships.. everything is so out there and people feel the need to put all of their business about their significant others especially during a fight on there. its terrible

I think people make themselves sound ridiculous when they air their dirty laundry on Facebook/Twitter. It's always the same people too. But they are the same people who would make themselves sound ridiculous anyway - just now they can humiliate themselves in front of 10x more people.
I have to admit I am a facebook addict but I do not engage in online flirting or anything else. My husband has a facebook but hes never really on it. We also have a very strict rule or not allowing ex's or anyone we've had a "fling" with. I won't tolerate it. He said he couldn't agree more. I believe that you can have networking sites and have trust with your partner.

I also agree with the previous poster about how if your happy in your marriage then you can't blame media sites for breaking them up. Do I think they make it easier to cheat and lie and leads to temptation? HELL YES!

My husband has my passwords to EVERYTHING, literally everything and I have his. No secrets, no problems.

I agree with sjwebb. My husband and i know each others passwords and have the same rule about not adding an ex or previous fling onto facebook etc. Although it still doesn't stop some of his ex's trying to add him continuously which is very frustrating. How many declines does a woman need to get the idea?! :shrug: I've also noticed that after his ex's try adding him, he'll go onto their page to check out their public profile and pics. Harmless? Yes but for some other men it might make it more tempting or easier especially with someone they were once sexually attracted to.. well that's my opinion anyway.
Everyone is encouraged to provide their own opinions on this topic, but please dont let it turn into a fight. I've noticed a lot of heartbreak on here (myself included) that has been caused by social networking and the internet is general. Facebook, Twitter, name it, these sites are a breeding ground for emotional affairs to spring up. It's easier to cheat on your loved ones when you new "whore" is just a click away. Before these sites, I think having an emotional or physical affair was more difficult to a certain extent. Your significant other would notice if your schedule was off, leaving the home for extended periods of time, and etc. It seems like most of these sites have just enabled these "losers" even more in the quest to find their next fling. I believe cellphones, social networking and things of that nature have only fueled the already skyrocketing divorce rate and number of kids who come from broken homes. Now, I'm not saying everyone who uses these sites is just looking for their "next piece of ass", I'm simply stating that its making it easier to do the wrong thing. After all dont each of us know at least one person who has been hurt by these so called advances in communication technology?

I wouldn't blame the internet or social networking sites for the problem of cheating itself, however I totally agree that it's basically adding fuel to the flame. The internet won't make someone cheat who would never have cheated, but it can be used as a tool by those who may have been wanting to but were perhaps timid or not sure of where to start. I'd compare it to someone who really really loves chocolate cake and is trying to stop eating it. They haven't had chocolate cake in a month and are doing great. Well, say another person placed a big piece of chocolate cake in front of the dieter, waved it around, and then left the two alone together. There's a good chance that when they reenter the room they'll find the cake is gone. Would the dieter have gone out and bought themself that cake had it not been handed to them? Perhaps, or perhaps without that little event they'd have never been pushed over the edge.

Sounds kinda silly, but the internet is the same thing to someone entertaining thoughts of cheating. It really puts everything--good or bad--right at your fingertips. It takes any effort that might have once been necessary out of the equation. There are probably more passive, lazy, timid men (and women!) with poor self esteem cheating these days. These dating and cheating sites are only a click away from any semi computer literate person who's been thinking about cheating. It only takes a few moments... they can look, check it out, take plenty of time to build up the courage to chat to someone. Heck, I bet the sleaziest of men chat with their online skanks while their wife is sitting in the same room. It's that easy, and it wasn't always that way. I totally get your point. But would it turn someone who is totally committed to their partner into a cheater? Definitely not (I don't care if Brad Pitt himself started flirting with me over the internet, I wouldn't be having any of that). The source of this problem lies within what appear to me to be degrading family and relationship values in large segments of our society.

I agree completely, couldn't have said it better myself!
Personally, what I have found is that certain people's interactions are cheapened with technology. Before I had text messaging, one of my friends would actually call me and talk. Once I got text messages, she wouldn't pick up the phone or call me back - she'd just text me. Once I got facebook, she wouldn't communicate with me except on that. If you are a good friend, you can obviously still be a good friend with technology. But if you suck and are a lazy friend, technology is a great way to feel like you are being social without putting forth any effort whatsoever.

As far as cheating OHs, technology makes it easier for those who are inclined to cheat. Those who are faithful won't be turned bad by easy and private access to other women.
yeah.. my FOB was cheated on before because of facebook.. (before me) and when he found out i had one it made him really uncomfortable... he never told me to delete it but i always constantly caught him on mine and looking through everything. I ended up deleting it to save us because every time we argued it was over facebook and wasn't worth it anymore. We barely argue and always hear about people cheating on people with someone they met on there.
Internet/Social media like everything in this world used for bad will give you a bad ending. You can use Internet/Social Media to start and promote your own business, find lost family members, childhood friends, communicate with family in another country and keep in contact with family and friends even when u are not able to meet them every weekend. Plus it helps for research and keeping u informed....

I see the internet/ social medical as a is not the gun that kills, it is the intent of the person who pulls the trigger.

It is all about intent....before our spouse could not hide porn because they were on magazines and big ass vhs u have porn on the palm of your hand, little memory cards things, and "private browsing"

before our spouses ex's were out of the equations for good..but thanks to facebook u just need to look them up and friends them... a lot of people are still friends with their ex...but I think that is a bad idea, a lot of marriages have ended because they "found an old friend" and everything could have started innocent but we all know sometimes things happen and all of the sudden they only remember the good times and forget the reason why they were exes and even forgive them for it and then the grass seems a lot greener where they are. We have no exes on facebook period!

We know each others password and emails because neither is hiding anything and when your spouse calls u snooping then u have a problem because you are supposed to be open with each other...When u Snoop you are searching for something that u are not meant to know...and in marriage that simply should not exist :)
Facebook doesn't make someone unfaithful. They do that on their own, no matter what the method. My husband's a good boy, and would nevvvver do anything like that, but not everyone is like that.
I will call it snooping either way, my husband has always known that i have his pass codes. Ive offered him mine but he doesn't want them. He doesn't feel the need to look at anything I do. Sometimes he plays with my cell but he's more than allowed to. I have an ex on my Facebook but that will always be just as friends. We no longer like eachother that way and haven't in a long long time. I'm quite sure my husband also has a few exs on his. Not a huge deal because we both feel exs are always exs for a good reason..
I will call it snooping either way, my husband has always known that i have his pass codes. Ive offered him mine but he doesn't want them. He doesn't feel the need to look at anything I do. Sometimes he plays with my cell but he's more than allowed to. I have an ex on my Facebook but that will always be just as friends. We no longer like eachother that way and haven't in a long long time. I'm quite sure my husband also has a few exs on his. Not a huge deal because we both feel exs are always exs for a good reason..

not to sound like a complete hag, but I assume you forgave your husband for cheating on you?
I will call it snooping either way, my husband has always known that i have his pass codes. Ive offered him mine but he doesn't want them. He doesn't feel the need to look at anything I do. Sometimes he plays with my cell but he's more than allowed to. I have an ex on my Facebook but that will always be just as friends. We no longer like eachother that way and haven't in a long long time. I'm quite sure my husband also has a few exs on his. Not a huge deal because we both feel exs are always exs for a good reason..

not to sound like a complete hag, but I assume you forgave your husband for cheating on you?

The army did a full investigation into that situation. It was proven that there was nothing on an affair level going on between them.

People can think what they want since we are all entitled to, but they dont take stuff like that lightly. If it comes out with proven facts that he really did ever have an affair then i would deal with it at that point. For now, innocent until proven guilty. This thread really isnt about me or whats going on behind closed doors in my id prefer it if we kept to just the general topic itself.
Yeah I would agree with you painted_pony the internet is def a vehicle for people to cheat. Before internet dating, have affairs website were around you had to flirt with a co-worker, go to bars etc to meet people, now its a few clicks of a button.

Facebook etc I am not so sure about, probably is the cause of a lot of failed relationships. I honestly think if your dumb enough to put your infidelity out there on Facebook you deserve everything that's coming to you.
I personally believe that blaming the internet like facebook etc is a cop out... if people are gonna cheat they're gonna cheat regardless of the internet or what not. Before the internet was even around my parents both cheated on each other constantly - my mother doing it more than my dad. His way of snooping back then was to set up hidden cameras all through the house.

The internet doesn't make anyone do anything. I mean yeah sure there might be sexy girls doing porn on there, or there might be sexy girls on facebook trying to add our men as 'friends' and then to try and entice them, but that shit has been happening for many years without the internet.... next door neighbors, people at work.... people on the train! It can happen anywhere. I have been hit on when i was in the supermarket and the gym as well as on facebook and at work, same with my husband! Temptation can happen anywhere.... if the person is looking for it, and/or willing then they're gonna go for it regardless of where they found it.

While the internet may make it 'easier' i do feel though that regardless of it people love the game and the chase, so easier or not like i said if they're willing to cheat than they will.
I think people make themselves sound ridiculous when they air their dirty laundry on Facebook/Twitter. It's always the same people too. But they are the same people who would make themselves sound ridiculous anyway - just now they can humiliate themselves in front of 10x more people.

Couldn't agree more!! I find it hilarious when people air their laundry on facebook - totally cracks me up at their expense. I know that sounds harsh, but seriously... facebook isn't the place to do it. When the hubby and i have an argument posting about it on facebook doesn't even entertain my mind!
Painted_pony: ye of course, instant communication affects things but I just believe that a happy man at home doesn't stray... There's always a crack in relationship to make someone use such sites.

Its a raging debate which we, thankfully, are having here!!

It's addictive cos it's annonymous. That's the real excitement of cheating isn't it? Secrecy. But once a cheater gene there.. Well.. Not much you can do.
I hate it when people have personal arguments on fb - do you have that little respect for each other that you need to tell the world your problems? or is it plain attention seeking, I don't get it at all.

I don't think its ruining relationships per se, I think they have made it easier to do and easier to get caught but you need to want to cheat to go out looking for it, cheating is not something you fall into, its a pre meditated thing where someone goes out of their to have a secret relationship, and as for society it's been going downhill before the Internet got here its just more highlighted now, as for morals and attitude well, for a country that has the highest teen pregnancy rate, alcohol abuse rate and obesity rate in Europe I doubt that could be pinned on social networking.
I persoally think a women that DOES NOT admit to doing a tiny bit of snooping is either a liar, in major denial, just doesnt care or is married to the pope (and we all know thats not true). I dont think that ALL men cheat but I wouldnt put it past any of them.

I don't snoop, I'm married to the pope :haha:
nah I have no need to snoop, he's a recluse.

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