dont get me wrong part of me is happy for her, just wanted to say that first. my
frustration is that just a few months ago she had one ovary and one fallopian tube taken out. this is my supposed to be best friend, thing is she never calls or texts me. so earlier i get a text from her and before i read it i knew what it was going to be about. SHE IS PREGNANT. it just hurts me because its like wow are you kidding me. i just dont understand. i am doing everything i can, money wise, being that i am going to the doctor. i am just frustrated
I completely understand how you are feeling, trust me, and it is completely normal to have those feelings. Me and DH have been ttc for 6 years and so I understand the struggle far too well. I also have a "best friend" who is a lot like the one you have discribed. She has 3 kids and lives off the government. Her husband works, but has a crappy job, they live in a beat up mobile home (I live in a mobile home too, I am not trying to bag on people that live in them) that has black mold, no carpet and they can't ever make their rent.
My friend knows of my struggle, she is bi-polar so she has moments where she does not take my feelings into consideration. Like for instance one time she got into a fight with me and told me that I was just a jealous b**** because I cannot have my own children like she does. That hurt. To this day I have not been able to excuse those words because she knows that me and DH are more than worthy of having children. We have a nice place to live, two nice vehicles, health insurence, good jobs, lots of love to give and we don't have any government help.
She had her tubes tied after she had her youngest because her doctor told her she needed to stop having children because they couldn't even afford the ones they have. Even though she had her tubes tied, she still managed to get pregnant!! Although it turned out to be an eptopic, she still managed to concieve. And boy, was she quick to tell me she was pregnant even though she knew DH and I were going through a hard time.
reading your post made me feel like i was reading something i would have wrote lol. oh i have had way too many people throw it up in my face how they can have kids and i cant. i dont care how mad someone gets at us they should never say words like that. and my so called friend does sound exactly like yours. its just aggravating. like you i too have health insurance that my husbands company takes out $188 a week just so we can have it. and yet we still make it and have more than enough of what we need and want. but when women like us complain about someone else then we are the ones being selfish and just needs to "grow up" and get over it.
some people seem to think just because you havent charted for so many years or obsessively pee'ed on ovulation sticks that you havent really been trying to conceive. im sorry but if you and your spouse dont use anything on the hopes of getting pregnant then yeah you are TTC. i have been with my husband for 5 years and so a few months into us being together we knew we were going to get married and wanted kids so we did nothing to prevent it. we are about to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary on June 29th and just here recently i have started to finally figure out why we havent got pregnant yet. so no matter what others think you and your DH are the ones who know how long you have wanted a child and its not for others to say.
sorry that it seems like i had a little rant there it just came out lol
hugs and baby dust your way
If I could just intrude for one moment.. I just gotta add and agree with you, there is nothing more annoying I find then women who think they can determine other peoples level of TTC. Just because some of us aren't buying OPK's by the truck full and what not doesn't mean we are not trying lol. Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one who gets annoyed with the TTC'er "elites".
Sorry to intrude myself, but I had the same experience when I first joined this forum in general that I wasn't considered to be TTC because I wasn't temping or using OPK's at the time either, I was told that I was NTNP, so yes I agree that it's annoying.
You don't have to be using OPks or temping to be considered TTC. I gave up that crap after I found out MF...it was just pointless. As long as you're BDing during your ovulation then that IS TTC. The only time a woman wouldn't be is if she was NTNP. In that time, you're not actively TTC.
As long as you've been actively TTC for over a year (35 and over, 6 months) then that is LTTC. I don't understand why anyone would argue about that, none of us want to be here!