oh yeah she was a lovely woman..very talkative though which i thought would be really annoying once i got in pain but no she really calmed me down...very nice lady x
Hello (feel like I'm talking to someone famous lol - bit starstruck!)
Was Barbara the first midwife you had? Did she get annoying when he kept asking your boyfriend questions about his course? Sorry if that comes across as rude!
Also, I watched the entire programme last night and thought your baby had been delivered by c-section in the end. I hadn't realised it was by forceps (my first child was forceps, 15 years ago - ouch).
I thought you coped really well. I liked your bf - he made me laugh with his dry sense of humour!
My first midwife was called Norma (she's a midwife that does the inducing). She gave me my first pessary. Barbara was my second midwife that took over from Norma though.
It did annoy me a bit because i was "hello...girl wanting to be examined here!" lol and i really really hat his interest in history so it was a little annoying and irrelevant lol.
I agree they didnt really make it clear how he had been delivered and they did make it seem very much like he was a c-section birth. Was a bit annoyed by that actually because i was determined not to have a c-section (fear lol) and they made it look like one haha
Thankyou but i really wasnt coping. It looked that way on the outside but on the inside i had never been more scared or in more pain in my life