ok pos a weird question but...
do u ever feel 'lonely' as an AP? that prob sounds a bit mad doesn't it?!
i find the subject of parenting theories really interesting and since becoming a parent i'm probably mildly obsessed with all things to do with it! lol so having read various books, studies and generally researched the subject of parenting quite a bit since Kians birth, i've found myself drifting further away from 'normal' parenting.
I know quite a few mums- particularly a group of friends i made through nct classes.
I couldn't do some of the things i see my mum friends doing and i strongly disagree with the theories behind a lot of their methods and it makes me feel a bit...left out? like the 'odd one out' i guess. Obviously I know i'm not alone in my parenting methods but i only have other AP and natural mum friends online. In 'real life' i have quite a few mum friends but none of them r like me. Pretty much every one of them subscribes to the 'training babies' school of thought. I really struggle to talk about certain aspects of parenting with them because i don't do what they do and i don't want to appear judgemental (like i've said before i'm no parenting guru so i don't claim to know for sure what the 'right way' to parent is) and whenever they talk they assume i'm in agreement which makes conversations about parenting really horrible for me to be a part of. Heres an example of a convo i had to escape from!! i was lost for something to say...
something one my mum friends said about her LOs night waking- apparently her LO was teething and for the first night they went to her when she cried and offered her calpol then the next night they decided she'd gotten into the 'habbit' of having them come when she cried so they 'had to' ignor her: "
you know when you can hear them crying and you've gotta just turn the monitor down coz its hard to listen to but you know they just want you to go in there....they've gotta learn though"
It made me feel really sad coz her LO was clearly in pain and just wanted mummy and/or daddy
so what if she just wants you to go in there? i don't get it?! anyway i had to escape that conversation coz i couldn't listen anymore!!
theres been a few convos along those lines and i just don't know what to say!! i don't agree and my reasons for not agreeing r kinda insulting to her methods-IYKWIM?! How to deal with that? i just make non committal sounds. If i was asked what i thought outright then i have no problem saying but i don't wanna just pipe up with 'my theories' and sound as though i'm putting their ways down.
and a fair few times i've witnessed my mum friends leaving their child to cry (most of the mum friends i have put their LOs down for a nap and leave them crying until they fall alseep) which i really struggle to watch. it makes me get all bothered and i really wanna go pick up their LOs (but i wouldn't ever do that because its up to them to make their own parenting choices and not up to me to butt in IMO) Its really hard though!
Most of the parents i know (not on BnB) traditionally weaned- most of them believed when their kids started night waking at around 4 months that it was a sign to wean, they all talk about cc or cio all the time and about parents 'spoiling' babies/children my 'pandering' and none of them use cloth nappies (i know thats not an AP thing but its another area that i'm the 'odd one out' in). They're not outwardly judgemental of my choices but they clearly find some of the things i do weird and r clearly humouring me when i talk about certain things!...i often feel in a minority and i have a funny feeling its only gonna get worse the older our children get (with my nct friends our children r all pretty much the same age...i know as they get older theres more pressure to 'train' them etc)
i do have some non-mum friends who agree with my way of thinking/ or r open to my ideas but theres only so much they wanna hear about parenting. Thats y its usually nice to have mum friends...so u don't bore all ur non-mum friends!
Its a shame coz talking about parenting, BLW, AP and all these things r my current favourite subject.
anyway thats my little moan over...didn't really know where else to post it.