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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Oh hon that would be great eh? then you wont be too far behind us, but either way we will be with you everystep of the way :hugs:

Rant Warning :hissy::hissy:

Well I hope you are having a better day than I am!!! Hormonal for a start, managed to upset DH Oops!! And more importantly I have been trying to make contact with a friend for the last couple of days and nothing, so started stalking just saying hope ou're ok not like you to no be in touch hope all is well

Then out of the blue she replies "Michelle, after the way you spoke to me the other night when I babysat Eleanor I don't wish to speak to you anymore. There is no point you calling or texting cos I wont answer. Carrie"

I was a bit taken back cos I'd never mean to upset anyone and what the hell could I have said to make someone stop being friends on the spot? I mean she left pretty sharpish but then it was about 10pm and she had been to work all day so just assumed she'd want to get home. We had a heat conversation before we went out about mobiles and that she got an Iphone just because everyone has gone one and I refered to sheep senario which could have come across totally wrong I agree but I don't remember anything else. I can't help but thinking there must be more to it than that.

Would you just stop being friends with someone? DH said I did sound rude. I have apologised sincerely but what else can I do. I mean she wasn't my closest frined in the world but I valued her opinion and noone ever wants to upset anyone eh? :nope:

oh dear well be honest if she ws a good friend then on the night she"thought" you were rude she should have said something not just say that how very strange!!!
Well yes, baring in mind she babysat on 16th November (my birthday). I just can't help but think there must be more to it than that.

I am the first one to admit that I am quite a brash/abrupt person, but I was saying to a friend today, if it had been me and the boot on the other foot, probably wouldn't have said anything that night when they had just got in but I would have text the next morning maybe and just look don't know if you meant to but you really p1ssed me off last night and I found you incredibley rude, but just to say nothing.

So if I hadn't of tried to make contact when was she going to say something?

I've text/mailed a 100 times to say I am sorry and unless she wishes to explain there isn't an awful lot I can do, but do I just leave it and see if she makes contact or try again in a week or so?
oh blimey you are right there must be something else to do with it...it cant be just that and if it is then its silly....if i was you hun i would leave her to sulk you have said sorry she will come running when she wants you x
MrsP. you did the best you could. I think give your friend some space to get over whatever she is upset at. Time can bring alot of clarity to a situation. You have apologized sincerely and there is little else you can do right now.
Well I'm shattered today!! First day I've had the wholeday out with C in months!! Mum and tots this morning, train to Belfast and lunch out, then bus to the Ulster Museum to meet some friends and train home again!
C is fed, DH is home, and I'mjust about to head out to Brownies, when I get home FIL will be here, and I have to entertain him tomorrow as DH will be at work - phew!
On another note, anyone else still POAS?! I did today and it was a lovely dark line - made me smile :)
Have about 10 ICs left...
I haven't done a test for over a week, was wondering if I should but AF hasn't shown and I am stroppy as hell so something is obviously going on in there!
is it weird that I am scared to test again? I havent had any spotting..but my symptoms are limited as well... no nausea.. how sick is it that I want to get sick.. ARGH! only in my head would I want this..

I took two tests... one FRER that had a nice dark line at 17 dpo and then a CB Digital at 20 dpo that showed Pregnant 1 to 2 weeks. Now, I am just scared to take another one and see no progress..esp on the CB Digital (I have one left of that)

Sorry for the rambling...
hello ladies hows everyone i'm due the 7th of aug:happydance: i'm gonna phone doc tomorrow to get booked in and start the ball rolling with antinatal how freaky my aunt has been tryin for two years we've both our cycles on the same day she has had help concieving hormone drugs or something not quite sure what but anyway phoned her to tell her yesterday as soon as i found out as i promised i would she was happy for me but understanderbly felt deflated as i would after 2 years ....she decided to do a test when she'd calmed herself and guess what she's pregnant and it's due the same day i must be her good luck charm lol how weird never thought in a million years i'd have a bump buddie so close
So my blood tests on tuesday showed hcg of 1332 :) I was 4 weeks and 4 days then, so that seems to fall in the right range, so I'm pretty happy. today i got more bloods done but I won't find out the results until tuesday :(
I hope they're rising fast!!!!

Mrs. P: you're friend sounds pretty immature like she's doing the "silent treatment" or something. if she has a problem i think the appropriate thing to do would be to talk about it. if i were you i would just give up, you've apologized and that's all you can do, so she can just wait until she realizes it's silly to quit a friendship for a few comments.
Great news about the bloods melissa, really pleased for you, and fingers crossed all good on tuesday for ya hun.
Hi Flutterbaby, welcome to the August beach babes! how cool to have a bump buddy in the family :)

well i am totally shattered, its 1:30am and have just got rid of the last of my friends after Ann Summers phew!! awesome night though, I predict a long nap tomorrow at some point as i am about to get about 5 hours sleep sob sob :-( xx
Welcome flutterbaby :hugs:, wishing you H&H 9 Months. Have added you to the front page.

OOoo I wonder how many new mummies we will get over the weekend? :shrug:

Milissa_M - Great news and 5 weeks today for us! :happydance:

Pixiepower - Glad your night went well, but hope you get a chance to rest later x

Thanks girls for your comments with regards to my friend, for now I have just thought stuff her I can't do anymore and maybe sh isn't the friend I thought if she wont even speak to me, but hey!!

Don't know about the rest of you (apart from Holywoodmum!!) I haven't done a test since last Friday and I know I haven't bled but I feel scared to do one incase it comes up neg. Silly I know. But doc didn't do one to confirm he takes your word for it so wondering if I do a digital it might sink in a little more seeing the words pregnant on the test rather than just 2 red lines! What a nutter! :dohh:

So what we all up to today and over the weekend?

I have a few jobs to do in doors today and then need to pop out and get Eleanor a sleeping bag, she keeps waking in the night so wondering if its cos she is getting cold.

Tomorrow DH is out at football and then his Christmas party so I am catching up with a friend and having a girly day and then Sunday, whether depedning we are going on a bike ride and then crack on with a bit more decorating.

Hope we are all ok this morning :kiss: x x x
Whew where do I start with these!!!

Mrs P - sorry to hear about your friend but I think you are right, you have done everything you can, the ball is in her court now!

Re POAS - I stopped after the docs appointment (had taken a pee sample to the docs just so they would do another one though :haha:) BUT you have just reminded me of a stash of IC's somewhere in my wardrobe :rofl:

With pretty much no symptoms I am starting to wonder - have had no spotting etc though.

Welcome to flutterbaby - happy and healthy 9 months to you. And YAY for someone with the same due date as me at last!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be lovely having that double whammie with your aunt as well. I have just found out a friend is expecting pretty much within days of me and am over the moon!

Melissa - great news on the bloods!! :hugs:

Glad the ann summers night went well pixie! That is a late one, I'm often asleep now much earlier than that!!

Sounds like a good weekend ahead MrsP. I am off to my parents tonight (my mum has a craft shop and we're having a bit of a christmas card making session on Saturday). DH is going out with his dad on Sunday doing man stuff so I may wrap some pressies, then we go dancing on a Sunday afternoon :happydance:

Hoping I don't fall asleep at 8pm again tonight else my parents will think I'm odd :haha:

Happy Friday all :hugs:
hello ladies i've just rang doc's amazing 3 weeks ago i was really ill and it took me 2 days to get to see anyone i've rang this morning and said no rush its just to book in antinantal and they said to come this afternoon lol so thats good i suppose it's gonna be a long time until my next appointment though
Suprising what they can do when they want.

Get your self a ticker hon, then we can watch your LO grow x
Just say goodluck to you all, I was due 15th august 09 and my beautiful little boy came right on time, it seems so far away right now but it will go so fast! I'm so excited for you all and good luck! :) x
i'm so computer dumb i made a ticker with lilly pie and don't know how to get it on this site help please
i'm so computer dumb i made a ticker with lilly pie and don't know how to get it on this site help please

Go onto User CP at the top of the page, and halfway down there will be a link saying Edit Signature. Paste the link into there

hey girls!
how is everyone??
well i went to the doctors today and got bloods done and should get my results monday or tuesday!
had a quick question, around my nipples are starting to look darker is this all good at 5 weeks....also i thought i hada rush of blood today like my period was coming but when i went to the toilet all was good just the same CM ive been getting for almost 2 weeks now....anyone else experienced this???

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