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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I'm knackered and my head is throbbing. I've had awful headaches, not awfully severe, but chronic, since February. There is not a single day between the start of June and today that I haven't had a headache. I'm waiting for a brain scan. Pregnancy seems to be making them worse :(
Going to slimming world tonight, apparenlty you can still go while pg, I'm not trying to lose weight really any more, but I'd like to not gain to rapidly either!
Headaches sound awful holywoodmum - hope they can fix that for you....

I should think slimmingworld is one of the slightly better options in terms of diet as from what I have heard it's fairly common sense eating and home cooking? And I know with ww there is an option for those wanting to maintain their weight, maybe slimmingworld have something similar so you don't lose any? :thumbup:

I should take a leaf out of that........eating rubbish at the moment and feel bad for it!

Well today I have been emotional and weepy for no real reason at all, doh! Poor DH just does not know whats hit him :dohh:

Hope you ladies are faring better this evening! :hugs:
Quiet in here tonight girls where are you all?

I just finished writing my christmas cards, well 3 left waiting for new addresses. Just chatting to some friends online and watching i'm a celeb, DH is out and Eleanor is asleep.
Well my night has been eventful, staying at OH's tonight.

Watched The last house on the left. And there's a horrible scene where the young girl gets raped. And its brutal. It shows everything. I had to turn it off and started crying. OH was worried saying whats wrong, and i got all emotional saying what if that happens to our baby?????

It was so frightening. Oh dear im going to be the most over protective mother in the world!!

But on the plus side, i stuffed my face with chippy :D

And read a few leaflets i got off the doctors about baby with OH :) I think it hit him tonight how much this baby will actually rely on us.

How is everyone else??
Congrats to all of you spotted this thread and had to reply as it was me this time last year!! Gone so quick! Hope you all have fabulous pregnancies you lucky things miss my bump xxxx
I'm actually a July birthday, but it's July 30th so almost August!!!

I'm going in tomorrow morning for another blood draw and they're going to see if my levels have risen like they should....i really hope so!!!
Thank you rubyrose!!

Melissa - am sure the bloods will be fine, keep us posted!

Lottie - film sounds horrific - have the leaflets shellshocked OH now??? :haha:

No idea what I was doing last night! I thought I was mooching on here but maybe I was snoozing on the sofa?? Oh oh I know, I watched Spooks at 9 yay! And stayed awake through it all!!!!

Well a quiet day in work today as team leader is off for a couple of days :haha: And an early finish tonight for the ballet woohoo!

Happy Friday-eve ladies! :hugs:

Thanks rubyrose

Good luck this morning Melissa, fingers crossed for you

Enjoy your evening pinkandfluffy

Today I have more mummy/wifey duties :happydance:!!! Shop at tesco, change the beds and get a couple loads of :laundry: done. Then I have a friend coming in for lunch with her LO who is same age as Eleanor, well he'll be 1 on Christmas day.

Feeling a bit yuk this mroning, but never mind.

Hope you all have a good day xx
Holywoodmum, really hope your headache has shifted a bit, i get migraines and i know how disabling it can be, ((hugs)) hun.xx
Melissa, good luck with your bloods today!! will look out for good news xx
Lottybump, thats sound horrible eekks, poor OH, thank goodness we all have 9 months to adjust lol xx
Rubyrose, thanks very much! xx

Well I had a dash to a and e last night, not for me, but my poor friend was screaming in pain with her endometriosis so i stayed with her till she got the kick ass pain relief bless her, all home now. Then sat with OH and finally told him I was preggers..yes i know i hadn't done it yet, I have only been sure myself the last couple of days and was processing it for myself. Could have gone better to be honest, was a bit like watching a shock and awe lol. But he will be ok once it sinks in.actually it may take till the first scan. He is terrified of having a baby and he had an awful abusive father so this is a big adjustment for him to do. We will get there, and i know he is going to be an awesome dad!!

Today is going to be interesting lets say. i have 2 of my children at home, one with sickness, one with a heavy cold, so must tend to them. and i have a lot of cleaning to do as i am throwing an Ann Summers party tonight!! Obviously booked a while ago but my friends are going to find it very strange when i dont grab the nearest glass of rose. Will have to be an antibiotics thing ;-)

Oh my boobs seem to have come alive overnight, veins are obvious and lots of twinges and achiness, still my only symptom though really, now saying that is asking for MS lol.

have a great day everyone xx
Holywoodmum, really hope your headache has shifted a bit, i get migraines and i know how disabling it can be, ((hugs)) hun.xx
Melissa, good luck with your bloods today!! will look out for good news xx
Lottybump, thats sound horrible eekks, poor OH, thank goodness we all have 9 months to adjust lol xx
Rubyrose, thanks very much! xx

Well I had a dash to a and e last night, not for me, but my poor friend was screaming in pain with her endometriosis so i stayed with her till she got the kick ass pain relief bless her, all home now. Then sat with OH and finally told him I was preggers..yes i know i hadn't done it yet, I have only been sure myself the last couple of days and was processing it for myself. Could have gone better to be honest, was a bit like watching a shock and awe lol. But he will be ok once it sinks in.actually it may take till the first scan. He is terrified of having a baby and he had an awful abusive father so this is a big adjustment for him to do. We will get there, and i know he is going to be an awesome dad!!

Today is going to be interesting lets say. i have 2 of my children at home, one with sickness, one with a heavy cold, so must tend to them. and i have a lot of cleaning to do as i am throwing an Ann Summers party tonight!! Obviously booked a while ago but my friends are going to find it very strange when i dont grab the nearest glass of rose. Will have to be an antibiotics thing ;-)

Oh my boobs seem to have come alive overnight, veins are obvious and lots of twinges and achiness, still my only symptom though really, now saying that is asking for MS lol.

have a great day everyone xx

Ohh bless your friend :( hope she feels better soon.

And my OH was the same, he blamed me - of course i got myself pregnant, but hes excited now :)

Its probably about my only symptom, sore boobs, apart from weeing twice an hour and eating huge amounts

Oh hello Jade :)

i forgot that one....sorry.

How are youu??

hi yeah getting there huni...missing all you ladies :( hubby is thinking about us trying again but think he wants us to wait till nest year grr lol x
hi yeah getting there huni...missing all you ladies :( hubby is thinking about us trying again but think he wants us to wait till nest year grr lol x

Aww we miss you too. We really hope your back in first tri again soon. And thats great that he's starting thinking about trying again. I'm guessing its hard to even consider after going through what you've been through. I really hope you get a sticky baby soon sweetie xxxx
well i was the first august mummy lets hope ill be the first sept mummy heehee
Oh hon that would be great eh? then you wont be too far behind us, but either way we will be with you everystep of the way :hugs:

Rant Warning :hissy::hissy:

Well I hope you are having a better day than I am!!! Hormonal for a start, managed to upset DH Oops!! And more importantly I have been trying to make contact with a friend for the last couple of days and nothing, so started stalking just saying hope ou're ok not like you to no be in touch hope all is well

Then out of the blue she replies "Michelle, after the way you spoke to me the other night when I babysat Eleanor I don't wish to speak to you anymore. There is no point you calling or texting cos I wont answer. Carrie"

I was a bit taken back cos I'd never mean to upset anyone and what the hell could I have said to make someone stop being friends on the spot? I mean she left pretty sharpish but then it was about 10pm and she had been to work all day so just assumed she'd want to get home. We had a heat conversation before we went out about mobiles and that she got an Iphone just because everyone has gone one and I refered to sheep senario which could have come across totally wrong I agree but I don't remember anything else. I can't help but thinking there must be more to it than that.

Would you just stop being friends with someone? DH said I did sound rude. I have apologised sincerely but what else can I do. I mean she wasn't my closest frined in the world but I valued her opinion and noone ever wants to upset anyone eh? :nope:

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