****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

lol, that sounds FAB!!!! I love sitting at night and watching my belly jump about! booo to it being a bit sore tho! But YEY for your feisty little one!
Belly wobbles cos of baby are the best! Feel like I have been pumped up with a balloon pump at the mo, Moglet is defo making good use of the little space he has though - he is doing kung fu on my innards! It does make me laugh though and my moggy doesnt want to sit on my lap any more :nope:
abby sat on my knee earlier and had to arch her back over my bump... she was fine untill my tummy started moving....she was giving my stomach evils and saying mummy noooo... hehe xxx
ok... after worrying about how unprepared i was the other day iv been on a mission... to get my baby bag sorted at least.... and write a list of bits i can go out n get when i get my sure start grant thru......

i bought cot bedding..... and hospital bags https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200469775185&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_530wt_1139

and i went to savers n got toillettries for in the bag.... mini shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush (need toothpaste) soap, sponge (mmmmmm spongeeeee haha), big maahoossiivveeee sanitry towels... fem fresh wipes (coz i remember feeling abit rank down there specially with a few stitches), eeerrrrmmmmm what else... nappies cotton wool.... erm i cant even remember....

going out tomorrow to buy the babys clothes and me pjs for the bag... then ill feel abit better... x

i also got bottles and a moses basket online :) and the promise of some clothes from a friend with a young daughter.... so i have more than i thought..... x

feel amazingly emotional tonight tho... finding it really tough that OH is in marbella and im here n he wont be back til im 39 weeks :( just a bit scared and rather unconsollable.

cant stop the tears.............. x
Jetters hugs!
Lliena glad all is ok.
Mumofthree that is a bit of time to be away but I am sure all will be well, hopefully you got a really good friend who you can call just incase.

Mercy love the stroller! Very similar to the one I got and I love mine!

afm: Ordered crib mattress should get it early next week, got a membership to costco and bought a huge box of wipes and diapers and some more sleepers. Baby is moving like he's on speed right now! My belly won't stop wobbling and shaking. Still not packing my bag for another 3 weeks. Looking forward to my apt on monday to find out about the GD and extra scans I might get etc. Sugars have been pretty good the last couple of days. Now just tired and looking forward to cuddling up in bed with DH.
Morning all....

Well what a crap day. The weather is looking like feb not june here. I'm not complaining too much though as at least it's not boiling hot. However our friends are starting to worry as they get married a week on sat!

Not much for me to do today. Got an appointment with the housing people to register. Need to get a bigger place as my little flat just isn't going to be big enough for the 4 of us :-(. However with the council i'm really not holding my breath!

Bits of shopping and then off to see Mart's parents. Try to limit this contact as his dad annoys the crap out of me. He's one of those guys whose opinion is fact!!!

7 weeks and 4 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

morning girls...

Lliena, glad all is well, and hope you had a ood night in thehospital, not always easy to sleep in those places, but i hope you rested and got well looked after, such a rough day yesterday....

its piddling down with rain here this morning, and i have two poorly kids off school,

mercy, i love your pram..... i am using my old pram, but have bought a new travel system, which i still need to get rain covers for ...

mrs p... you inspired me to pack my bag, getting DS to go in loft for me thismorning to get my bag out to pack it up.THANK YOU..

jetters...youpoor thing... i must say i am struggling this time too... i thought it was cos of my age now and my body having had so many babies.... i feel like i have just had enough some days too.. the aches and pains etc... chin up love, the end will soon be here and you will hold your little one in your arms and it will all be worth it...
right here i go, lunches to make...

talk later.. hope everyone is ok..
ok... after worrying about how unprepared i was the other day iv been on a mission... to get my baby bag sorted at least.... and write a list of bits i can go out n get when i get my sure start grant thru......

i bought cot bedding..... and hospital bags https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200469775185&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_530wt_1139

and i went to savers n got toillettries for in the bag.... mini shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush (need toothpaste) soap, sponge (mmmmmm spongeeeee haha), big maahoossiivveeee sanitry towels... fem fresh wipes (coz i remember feeling abit rank down there specially with a few stitches), eeerrrrmmmmm what else... nappies cotton wool.... erm i cant even remember....

going out tomorrow to buy the babys clothes and me pjs for the bag... then ill feel abit better... x

i also got bottles and a moses basket online :) and the promise of some clothes from a friend with a young daughter.... so i have more than i thought..... x

feel amazingly emotional tonight tho... finding it really tough that OH is in marbella and im here n he wont be back til im 39 weeks :( just a bit scared and rather unconsollable.

cant stop the tears.............. x

Loving the bags hon, very cute. You dont sound that unorganised. I write a list for everything not just to stop me forgetting things but the more I watch it go down the better it makes me feel knowning I havent actually that much left to do.

Hope you're feeling a bit brighter this morning, think there must be something in the air this week for our hormones. :hugs::kiss:

Morning all....

Well what a crap day. The weather is looking like feb not june here. I'm not complaining too much though as at least it's not boiling hot. However our friends are starting to worry as they get married a week on sat!

Not much for me to do today. Got an appointment with the housing people to register. Need to get a bigger place as my little flat just isn't going to be big enough for the 4 of us :-(. However with the council i'm really not holding my breath!

Bits of shopping and then off to see Mart's parents. Try to limit this contact as his dad annoys the crap out of me. He's one of those guys whose opinion is fact!!!

7 weeks and 4 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:happydance::happydance: to 7 weeks and 4 days, I wonder what that could be?!?!?! :haha:

The weather is pretty much the same here today too, although yesterday started like that and although we had a couple of showers it brightened up quite nicely. Hoping for the same today. Can get my bedding on the line then.

Hope the council goes well and that Marts partents arent too bad today. Both sides of mine and Si's family can gt a bit like that at times, so know how over powering it is.

morning girls...

Lliena, glad all is well, and hope you had a ood night in thehospital, not always easy to sleep in those places, but i hope you rested and got well looked after, such a rough day yesterday....

its piddling down with rain here this morning, and i have two poorly kids off school,

mercy, i love your pram..... i am using my old pram, but have bought a new travel system, which i still need to get rain covers for ...

mrs p... you inspired me to pack my bag, getting DS to go in loft for me thismorning to get my bag out to pack it up.THANK YOU..

jetters...youpoor thing... i must say i am struggling this time too... i thought it was cos of my age now and my body having had so many babies.... i feel like i have just had enough some days too.. the aches and pains etc... chin up love, the end will soon be here and you will hold your little one in your arms and it will all be worth it...
right here i go, lunches to make...

talk later.. hope everyone is ok..

Oh bless, dont quite know what I did. But its a nice feeling eh when you getting something out of the way and all done and dusted.

boo to the rain, that never helps anyone feel better eh? :kiss:

AFM - Line up girls and who wants to give MrsP a slap? I seem to have taken some feel sorry for my self pills at some point between going to sleep and waking up!

Very sensative this morning and really feeling the brunt of it, no more than anyone else I am sure but can't shake it this morning. Si is annoying the hell out of me, he has a lot on but can't help but think thats not my problem. Selfish I know but I normally try to stay pretty up beat, but its got me today. :cry:

Also question for you 1+ mums, how you managing to hold your patience with your little ones? I just seem to be loosing it at the slightest thing with. We or me more than Si is quite strict with her anyway, but I think some being her age (19 months) is making her test the boundaries and the rest is me. Really I cant complain as she is as good as gold, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

MW at 11am. Hoping the rain is going to hold off, want to get the gardening done.

Hope you have a good day girls.

ooo Moggy sorry - how did Mogster get on at the party without his nappy?
Morning all x x
Well its another dull and dreary looking day in northern Ireland! BUT its cool which I guess is a bonus!
Nothing much planned for us today! Doig my Mums and Tots group this afternoon, and possibly a bit of lunch out with a friend before that but nothin to strenuous lol!

Had another crazy dream last night that My waters broke while looking at kitchens in B&Q lol! and for some reasone the members of that pop group Mcfly were there haha! I swear pregnancy hormones do strange things to a womans brain! haha!

Anyways, hope we all have lovely days x
Nikki x
Mogster is potty trained :thumbup: Final tests today at footie then in couple weeks we go to a wedding away from home....pottette goes everywhere now and its fab :thumbup:

19 months - yup - she is testing her boundaries and much as Id love to say it passes we are coming up on 3 in July and still doing it - sorry! Good news is that the better she gets at knowing what she wants and how to communicate it to you the easier it gets, however they also get bigger and more influenced by others into being little g1ts!

E sounds fab, we ordered Mogster a doll from ELC that will cry, burp etc, due to get it next week I hope as theyre all out of the white boy baby at the moment :dohh: They offered me a girl instead but we want him to have his own one like baby will be IYKWIM, basket etc was on offer as freebie and that already arrived - with PINK covers! Called them and they said the pink is standard and they have sent us some blue covers! Does she like doing anything less energetic and quieter? I find it easier when we are still and more passive at the moment but have Tumble Tots today - will be energy sapping as got to walk both ways

Dry here this morning so if Mogster gets too loud etc later may take him out to chalk on the patio, due to rain tonight so will all wash away nicely and it always keeps him entertained. our pound shop sells big fat chalks perfect for outside - would E give it a go? Can send you some if you cant get em locally..?

HWM hope you feeling more spritely today?
Lliena hope you got good rest at hospital and that you n bubs are raring to go again...feet up lots I think?
I am feeling pretty poo now to be honest. Feel huge and uncomfortable most of the time, and just sooo tired. School is really ahrd work, and I'm so hot all the time!! Been thoroughly fed up this evening and just can't be doing with work, another 4.5 wks odd!

And work have screwed up my SMP etc so are saying I can't claim it. Well, my current employers haven't screwed up but my previous ones are being arseholes. Long story! Does anyone know if you have to start claiming Maternity Allowance on the day your baby is born or can you set a date a little after?

My school tried to do that last time as I'd changed schools within the qualifying period for SMP, but got it sorted in the end - burgendy book states 'continuous service in one or more employing authority'... I'm guessing you're a union member? Would be worth contacting them to look in to this on your behalf, you don't need the grief right now! I'm so glad though that we finish the end of June in Northern Ireland - 3 weeks today!!

omgoodness ladies i had to share this....

i was sitting here, feet up, daim bar in hand (naughty i know) when all of a sudden my bump starting moving about... so i lifted up my top and watched as i normally do when all of a sudden a foot, yes a FOOT stuck out my belly!!!!! just above my belly button.... was so clearly a foot!!!

i froze haha, i never had anything like that with abby... it was actually quite sore too... felt like she was going to stretch throught the skin!! haha.... :cloud9: xxx

That's very cool Carolyn! I've seen a photo like that online, but always wondered if it was photo-shopped - I guess not!

Mogster is potty trained :thumbup: Final tests today at footie then in couple weeks we go to a wedding away from home....pottette goes everywhere now and its fab :thumbup:

19 months - yup - she is testing her boundaries and much as Id love to say it passes we are coming up on 3 in July and still doing it - sorry! Good news is that the better she gets at knowing what she wants and how to communicate it to you the easier it gets, however they also get bigger and more influenced by others into being little g1ts!

E sounds fab, we ordered Mogster a doll from ELC that will cry, burp etc, due to get it next week I hope as theyre all out of the white boy baby at the moment :dohh: They offered me a girl instead but we want him to have his own one like baby will be IYKWIM, basket etc was on offer as freebie and that already arrived - with PINK covers! Called them and they said the pink is standard and they have sent us some blue covers! Does she like doing anything less energetic and quieter? I find it easier when we are still and more passive at the moment but have Tumble Tots today - will be energy sapping as got to walk both ways

Dry here this morning so if Mogster gets too loud etc later may take him out to chalk on the patio, due to rain tonight so will all wash away nicely and it always keeps him entertained. our pound shop sells big fat chalks perfect for outside - would E give it a go? Can send you some if you cant get em locally..?

HWM hope you feeling more spritely today?
Lliena hope you got good rest at hospital and that you n bubs are raring to go again...feet up lots I think?

Yay for being potty trained!! Sidewalk chalk sounds fun, I think Charlotte would just eat it though... I'm also finding Tumble tots really hard work these days!! DH now working Saturday so I take her... she's still in walking to 2 as only 3 sessions left before summer and they didn't want to disrupt her too much before the long break - does it become a little less hands on when they go in 2 to 3?!

I'm feeling a bit better this morning. Antibiotcis started, thought I'd better stop the RLT (just started on Monday) as I wasn't sure if it would interact or something. Still have pain in my back though :(
Sitting here with a tiny bit of marking left to do, but really can't be arsed. Heartburn also bad, so need to go and find my rennies to munch!
2-3 just is taller and more structured than walking to 2. Some of the A frame ladders ar 8foot tall - Im not that big!!! Mogster loves it though but we will stop after the holidays as he starts pre-school every morning come September.

I love Rennies Minty Chews - have to hide them from OH though cos he likes them too :dohh:

Keep hearing about RLT - dont think I would like drinking it as I dont drink any tea except weak black tea even now, oh and jasmin tea when we go for chinese, I love that stuff, tried jasmin teabags and not the same :nope: Is it worth forcing it down?
I must confess, despite having two boxes of the teabags a friend gave me, I haven't tried it!! I got the capsules from holland and barrett(half price at the minute!)
it says 3-6 daily...
my plan was
2 a day 32 and 33 weeks
3 a day 34 and 35 weeks
4 a day 36 weeks
5 a day 37 weeks (when I'm term...)
6 a day thereafter...

Guess I'll go back on to 2 a day next week!
my plan was
3 a day 32 and 36weeks
6 a day thereafter...

we'll see tho i'm gonna get the tablets easy to get down lol but i need to get off my arse and go get some lol
Moggy i'm going to buy some on Friday, shall I get you a bottle and post them to you?? I don't mind!! :flower:

Mummaofthree I feel so bad for maoning about my OH being away for two weeks when yours is gone for months, it must be sooooo hard for you :hugs: least you got the kiddies to keep you busy. If your babe comes early, will he be able to come home early?? And I like them hospie bags- clever set- but would it fit everything? x
Thanks Holywood, I'll look into it. My situation is confusing as I'm on the GTP, so technically a trainee (assessment on Friday...eeek!) but employed by a school. My training provider pulled me out of my original school for whom I had worked for about 2 yrs and put me in my current one because the training was better. Unfortunately that all happened at the 25 wk mark, and my last school threw their toys out of their pram and 'discarded' me, setting the date they were cutting me off as being 2 days before the cut off! The training provider are now trying to sort it.

Lucky you schools finishing soon! We don't break up until around 21st July, a little too late for me (EDD 1st Aug) so I'll hopefully be finishing in around 4.5 wks.

Anyway, am really sore today, my whole lower bump really hurts (especially when I go for a wee which is weird) and am increasingly fed up. Can't wait to be able to rest!
Ooooh, for those with no shops nearby I meant to say that Holland & Barrett do online orders, here's the link.


I've ordered some tablets on offer and some teabags, I only ordered them at the end of last week and had a card through the door last night to pretty good service too. We don't have one hugely near us and was too lazy to want to travel!
my plan was
3 a day 32 and 36weeks
6 a day thereafter...

we'll see tho i'm gonna get the tablets easy to get down lol but i need to get off my arse and go get some lol

I wanted to build up gradually rather than jump up!

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