****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Man not being able to sleep sucks... :( Especially coupled with being sick, sore throat, runny nose and going hot then cold. Gah all I do atm is moan... sorry ladies!
Hugs hunny xx

Well I am in pain ha ha sharp pains in my lower back and strong cramps and legs are very achey! hmmm ........
ooh do you think things are starting? I've not managed any kip, I dont think theres any worse feeling than the one of being so tired all you want to do is sleep but your body just wont let you :nope: James has took the day off work to look after me bless him as I physically feel so weak I have been sick 6 times since about midnight :(
morning ladies..sorry to hear about all the ladies feeling poorly..big hugs!!
im feeling a little energetic today..not to much but least not feeling i could sleep another day away..must be the iron tablets kicking in..or nesting coming on..hahaha(heres hoping).
feeling nervous about my sweep tomorrow afternoon..im afraid il be so down if it doesnt work,so im kinda trying to think it wont then if it does its a bonus.
Morning ladies!

oooh I had such a brill sleep last night! Wide awake and ready to go now :D Got to crack on with the cleaning tho while OH is at a job interview.
Hope your all well this rainy day x
Tiggerlix thats the best way to think of it hun, sending lots of labour vibes your way :) Im looking at my appointment the same way tomorrow, expecting them to say no to an early induction but if thye do say yes it'll be a good bonus.
ooh do you think things are starting? I've not managed any kip, I dont think theres any worse feeling than the one of being so tired all you want to do is sleep but your body just wont let you :nope: James has took the day off work to look after me bless him as I physically feel so weak I have been sick 6 times since about midnight :(

Not sure but all my labours start in my back and my 1st born was born on a monday and @36 weeks!Have to see.But it just may be baby shifting around.Hope you get some rest today hunny x

morning ladies..sorry to hear about all the ladies feeling poorly..big hugs!!
im feeling a little energetic today..not to much but least not feeling i could sleep another day away..must be the iron tablets kicking in..or nesting coming on..hahaha(heres hoping).
feeling nervous about my sweep tomorrow afternoon..im afraid il be so down if it doesnt work,so im kinda trying to think it wont then if it does its a bonus.

FX crossed for your sweep.Mine was successful with my 3rd child.Glad you have energy.Send some my way!

Morning ladies!

oooh I had such a brill sleep last night! Wide awake and ready to go now :D Got to crack on with the cleaning tho while OH is at a job interview.
Hope your all well this rainy day x

:thumbup: to sleep and good luck to OH xx
Tiggerlix thats the best way to think of it hun, sending lots of labour vibes your way :) Im looking at my appointment the same way tomorrow, expecting them to say no to an early induction but if thye do say yes it'll be a good bonus.

i had my consultant appointment on the 9th(friday just gone)and asked for a 38 week induction(due to severe spd and numerous other probs)she said she wouldnt agree to a 38 week induction untill at least a sweep was performed and hopefully id be favourable for the induction,but i think im going to get it at 39+ weeks.anyway she gave the go ahead for my midwife to preform a couple of sweeps before hand..so im hoping i go natrualy..
best of luck tomorrow..i hope you get a good result..il have my fx for you
Eoz im feeling glad i have some lol!! had none for weeks..haha!! mind you my iron levels came back below the limit..so that might explain why i was feeling so drained and looking so pale..
hope you get some energy soon to
Morning crew.....

Well what a shocka, another crappy night sleep. Add to the fact that Mart up at 5am as he hadn't ironed his uniform. (he'll be doing the rest tonight!). I tried to go back to sleep but then i feel guilty that i have left Brian. So got up but have a feeling a may need a snooze real soon.

It's lovely and cool here though, been raining all morning so i'm all snuggled up on the sofa, haven't done that in a long time. Please let it be like this on the day i give birth!!!

Good luck with the sweeps and appointments this week everyone. I've got mine next week and i'm starting to crap myself...

Lliena Hope you manage to get some much needed rest :sleep:

Danielle Good luck to your OH on his job interview, fingers crossed!

Tiggerlix Ooh its so exciting, you could have your LO by the end of the week!!!

eoz Sending you any spare energy I have, OH is just finishing from nights and my mum is having Jacob today so hopefully I can rest a while and then get jobs done, but you can have it till then!

Hope everyone who has scans and that today go well!

AFM currently waiting for Kev to come off from nights, had a busy night by the sounds of things a warehouse fire - no doubt he's going to stink of fire and be a v tired ted! Hopefully he'll only need an hour or so, we've got lots to do and its easier since Jacob is with my mum!

Hope everyone and bumps are ok and those aches and pains leave us be...just for a couple of hours eh!!:hugs::flower:

Lou x
Morning all, boo to sicknes Lliena :(
It's a bank holiday here (12th July Orangemen marching etc - we've heard the bands already!) so DH is off which is cool and we're going to take Charlotte to a national trust place that is doing a Pirate Picnice day...
Not feeling particularly energised, slept OK, only one wee, but had bad dreams so it wasn't very restful... and somehow DH having been away all weekend and not having to get up for C managed to not get up for her this morning either!!
lliena i'm right there with you hunny been up since 3 feel sick but nothing is coming up i'm soo tired right now

thanks to all the ladies comments for my cousin hope the day goes well with her and baba

i'm so ready now please let this baby come soon i have had enough of no sleep :hugs: ev eryone i'll check in later when i have my brain back
kelly9 i just take loadsa pics and delete loads once i see em lol... its all about trial and error i suppose....... and edited is def better without the crappy kitchen, i do wish i could select and erase all the crap in real life tho. x

everyone seems a little run down and exhausted !! girls, if you have your man at home demand a little rest ! put your feet up and do nothing !!! you deserve it.

i spoke to olly last night, he said he was considering going to that festival global gathering from july 29th - 31st....... he only gets back the day before that...

now im not the type to say this but i just straight out said no...... if he goes then he may aswell go back to spain on the 31st coz i wouldnt wanna see him lol x

he said hes not gonna go and he also said hes got me a queen size bed :) yay.... god i need a new bed !! so i just have to buy bedding :) happy with that

anddddd...... he said he's gunna be home for a couple of months !!!!! so im happy... not just 4 shitty weeks. x

i asked him what he wants for his first day home... food etc...... told him that if he wants anything specific then he best tell me now coz after day 1 its about me til lolas here then its about her lol x

so... plans for today - i have a few phonecalls to make and then its basically tidy up the reult of not tidying up yesterday haha x

thats alll....... hope you all get some rest :)

love to ladies n lumps :) x

me + three

Lliena Hope you manage to get some much needed rest :sleep:

Danielle Good luck to your OH on his job interview, fingers crossed!

Tiggerlix Ooh its so exciting, you could have your LO by the end of the week!!!

eoz Sending you any spare energy I have, OH is just finishing from nights and my mum is having Jacob today so hopefully I can rest a while and then get jobs done, but you can have it till then!

Hope everyone who has scans and that today go well!

AFM currently waiting for Kev to come off from nights, had a busy night by the sounds of things a warehouse fire - no doubt he's going to stink of fire and be a v tired ted! Hopefully he'll only need an hour or so, we've got lots to do and its easier since Jacob is with my mum!

Hope everyone and bumps are ok and those aches and pains leave us be...just for a couple of hours eh!!:hugs::flower:

Lou x

Thank's hun, he was only gone an hour. Got to wait until later in week to find out if he was succsesfull or not, hopefully he was and then he'll start Monday
Man not being able to sleep sucks... :( Especially coupled with being sick, sore throat, runny nose and going hot then cold. Gah all I do atm is moan... sorry ladies!

Oh hun, sending hugs and hope you manage to get some sleep asap x x :hugs:

Hugs hunny xx

Well I am in pain ha ha sharp pains in my lower back and strong cramps and legs are very achey! hmmm ........

hmmm have a gentle :hugs:

morning ladies..sorry to hear about all the ladies feeling poorly..big hugs!!
im feeling a little energetic today..not to much but least not feeling i could sleep another day away..must be the iron tablets kicking in..or nesting coming on..hahaha(heres hoping).
feeling nervous about my sweep tomorrow afternoon..im afraid il be so down if it doesnt work,so im kinda trying to think it wont then if it does its a bonus.

Yey for nesting, but remember to take some chill time missy or you'll be shattered lol! Good luck for the sweep chick too! :thumbup:

Morning ladies!

oooh I had such a brill sleep last night! Wide awake and ready to go now :D Got to crack on with the cleaning tho while OH is at a job interview.
Hope your all well this rainy day x

Glad you managed a good nights sleep hun, and Good luck to OH for the Interview! :thumbup:

Morning crew.....

Well what a shocka, another crappy night sleep. Add to the fact that Mart up at 5am as he hadn't ironed his uniform. (he'll be doing the rest tonight!). I tried to go back to sleep but then i feel guilty that i have left Brian. So got up but have a feeling a may need a snooze real soon.

It's lovely and cool here though, been raining all morning so i'm all snuggled up on the sofa, haven't done that in a long time. Please let it be like this on the day i give birth!!!

Good luck with the sweeps and appointments this week everyone. I've got mine next week and i'm starting to crap myself...


Lovein it being cool enough for snugglin on the sofa! I did that yesterday with my duvet and a nice cuppa haha! :thumbup:

Morning all, boo to sicknes Lliena :(
It's a bank holiday here (12th July Orangemen marching etc - we've heard the bands already!) so DH is off which is cool and we're going to take Charlotte to a national trust place that is doing a Pirate Picnice day...
Not feeling particularly energised, slept OK, only one wee, but had bad dreams so it wasn't very restful... and somehow DH having been away all weekend and not having to get up for C managed to not get up for her this morning either!!

No day off for the boys here today! guess it keeps em outa trouble haha! I dont technically get what the whole Orange marches thing is about?? Think I shall Google and educate myself x :thumbup: x
Pirate Picnic sounds fun! bet C loves it!

lliena i'm right there with you hunny been up since 3 feel sick but nothing is coming up i'm soo tired right now

thanks to all the ladies comments for my cousin hope the day goes well with her and baba

i'm so ready now please let this baby come soon i have had enough of no sleep :hugs: ev eryone i'll check in later when i have my brain back

Sleep deprivation is no fun is it! heres hopeing at least some of us manage more sleep soon! fingers still crossed for your cousin hunny x :hugs: x

kelly9 i just take loadsa pics and delete loads once i see em lol... its all about trial and error i suppose....... and edited is def better without the crappy kitchen, i do wish i could select and erase all the crap in real life tho. x

everyone seems a little run down and exhausted !! girls, if you have your man at home demand a little rest ! put your feet up and do nothing !!! you deserve it.

i spoke to olly last night, he said he was considering going to that festival global gathering from july 29th - 31st....... he only gets back the day before that...

now im not the type to say this but i just straight out said no...... if he goes then he may aswell go back to spain on the 31st coz i wouldnt wanna see him lol x

he said hes not gonna go and he also said hes got me a queen size bed :) yay.... god i need a new bed !! so i just have to buy bedding :) happy with that

anddddd...... he said he's gunna be home for a couple of months !!!!! so im happy... not just 4 shitty weeks. x

i asked him what he wants for his first day home... food etc...... told him that if he wants anything specific then he best tell me now coz after day 1 its about me til lolas here then its about her lol x

so... plans for today - i have a few phonecalls to make and then its basically tidy up the reult of not tidying up yesterday haha x

thats alll....... hope you all get some rest :)

love to ladies n lumps :) x

me + three


YEY for the new bed, I bet I could sleep sideways in a queen sized bed lol! Yey for Olly being home for a while! and dont go wearing yourself out tidying! I have finally let my tidying OCD subside and given in to accepting a little mess! lol

Well. I was a bit naughty in the night lol, and while laying awake for what felt like the millionth hour!!!! I snuggled into DH and woke him up for a bit of DTD,
haha! Not sure what came over me but hey! haha!
Anyways, now GOD the avhes I have "down there!" that'll teach me for being frisky! lol. Feels like I've been beaten up not had a bit of "hows ya father! haha!
cheered me up tho, as It helped me get off to sleep after lol! (the things I write on here would make me turn as red as a beetroot of I ever said them outloud in public haha!)

I have my mums and tots group this afternoon, and hopefully a nice quiet one it'll be too! fingers crossed!

Sending tonnes of hugs to all of us who are struggling to sleep!
Sorry for yet another bout of TMI posting from me haha, I just think sharing with you guys stops me embarrassing myself in public haha!
Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:
Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:

Cant wait untill I hit the last box! almost there x x
Feels exciting getting nearer to the end doesnt it hun x
Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:

Cant wait untill I hit the last box! almost there x x
Feels exciting getting nearer to the end doesnt it hun x

Ah ul hit the last box in 2 days i think !!! Yea, exciting but scary at the same time !!! :happydance: :dohh: Think im more nervous about labour this time than last time... :thumbup:
Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:

Cant wait untill I hit the last box! almost there x x
Feels exciting getting nearer to the end doesnt it hun x

Ah ul hit the last box in 2 days i think !!! Yea, exciting but scary at the same time !!! :happydance: :dohh: Think im more nervous about labour this time than last time... :thumbup:

I am quite nervous about "not knowing" when it starts lol. I was 3-4 cm last time before they put the drip up to start my contractions coming quicker! I didnt even notice that I'd had early contractions, that had started dialating me lol! I am convinced that when labour starts for real this time I will just keep putting it down to wind, or the head engaging or somethin haha!

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