****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

:haha: Bloody hell Nik, how did you not notice you were at 3/4 cm? I'm giggling at the thought of babies head coming out and you thinking...I wonder what that it?! Lol!
i cant belive 7 babys already!! congrats to all the new mums and i hope your babys are doing well x
iv had enough now this heat is horried. im not the best in the heat any way and being a plus size lady and pregnant makes it 10 times worse. i can no longer do school runs as i keep blacking out so my other half who works nights has to get up to do it.
i have now washed all the baby bits people have given me. its starting to hit me now that soon i will have my baby boy in my arms.
o and iv just seen im on the last box yay
Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:

Cant wait untill I hit the last box! almost there x x
Feels exciting getting nearer to the end doesnt it hun x

Ah ul hit the last box in 2 days i think !!! Yea, exciting but scary at the same time !!! :happydance: :dohh: Think im more nervous about labour this time than last time... :thumbup:

I am quite nervous about "not knowing" when it starts lol. I was 3-4 cm last time before they put the drip up to start my contractions coming quicker! I didnt even notice that I'd had early contractions, that had started dialating me lol! I am convinced that when labour starts for real this time I will just keep putting it down to wind, or the head engaging or somethin haha!

That must have been great though knowing that you had already gone 3-4 cm without knowing !!! Less to push when the time came !!! :thumbup: I dont know whats going on, but i feel an awful lot of pressure 'down there' today and sort of period like pains down low at the front... Doc stated on Friday that he didnt think i would go near my due date and he did say something bout going within a week from Friday... I wonder does he know something that i dont??!!! Im clueless... :shrug:
:haha: Bloody hell Nik, how did you not notice you were at 3/4 cm? I'm giggling at the thought of babies head coming out and you thinking...I wonder what that it?! Lol!

Haha thats what I am scared of now! lol. I went in last time with pre eclampsia and when they examined me the doc was like, "erm... have you been having contractions?" I just didnt think I had haha! Although when they put the drip up to get me moving it made up for it haha!
I have horrid visions of me giving birth in the loo or somethin haha!

i cant belive 7 babys already!! congrats to all the new mums and i hope your babys are doing well x
iv had enough now this heat is horried. im not the best in the heat any way and being a plus size lady and pregnant makes it 10 times worse. i can no longer do school runs as i keep blacking out so my other half who works nights has to get up to do it.
i have now washed all the baby bits people have given me. its starting to hit me now that soon i will have my baby boy in my arms.
o and iv just seen im on the last box yay

YEY for another of us reaching that last box!

Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:

Cant wait untill I hit the last box! almost there x x
Feels exciting getting nearer to the end doesnt it hun x

Ah ul hit the last box in 2 days i think !!! Yea, exciting but scary at the same time !!! :happydance: :dohh: Think im more nervous about labour this time than last time... :thumbup:

I am quite nervous about "not knowing" when it starts lol. I was 3-4 cm last time before they put the drip up to start my contractions coming quicker! I didnt even notice that I'd had early contractions, that had started dialating me lol! I am convinced that when labour starts for real this time I will just keep putting it down to wind, or the head engaging or somethin haha!

That must have been great though knowing that you had already gone 3-4 cm without knowing !!! Less to push when the time came !!! :thumbup: I dont know whats going on, but i feel an awful lot of pressure 'down there' today and sort of period like pains down low at the front... Doc stated on Friday that he didnt think i would go near my due date and he did say something bout going within a week from Friday... I wonder does he know something that i dont??!!! Im clueless... :shrug:

oooo keep us posted missy! The doc has said something similar to me, although she said within three weeks! lol. I bet now shes jinxed me and I end up going 2 weeks over tho haha
Yep, il definitely keep ye all posted but i dont think bubz will be here within a week... But saying that, i was laid on the couch when pregnant with Kaitlyn with absolutely nothing, i didnt have any braxton hicks or anything and then my waters started leaking and less than 24 hours later Kaitlyn arrived... :)
Yep, il definitely keep ye all posted but i dont think bubz will be here within a week... But saying that, i was laid on the couch when pregnant with Kaitlyn with absolutely nothing, i didnt have any braxton hicks or anything and then my waters started leaking and less than 24 hours later Kaitlyn arrived... :)

Oh yea, forgot to mention that she arrived 10 days early at 38w4d. :thumbup:
:shrug: I may be strange saying this but I actually want to see my due date this time? I was induced last time and even though I was excited to see my little baby, I'd mentally prepared myself that I had at least 3 weeks left...I didn't think I was lucky enough to meet my little munchkin early.

Having said that I'll probably be begging for them to induce me if I see y due date come and go and if the heat comes back I'm not sure I'll be able to cope. Kev wants baby to be early again - he has his 18days off starting at the beginning of August and if baby is early he'll have a month off with us! But we'll see!

Yeah to those on the last box...I'm getting closer and closer! I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and its flown by!

Right now I'm going back to bed for a little snooze, Kev's already in bed and Jacob's just gone with his Nanna! :sleep:

See you later

Lou x
I am not sure how I'll be if I reach my due date, Riley was exactly a week early so I havent experienced it before! I imagine myself murdering anyone who texted or called asking "is the baby here yet" lol!
I am not sure how I'll be if I reach my due date, Riley was exactly a week early so I havent experienced it before! I imagine myself murdering anyone who texted or called asking "is the baby here yet" lol!

I think id probably be the exact same... lol :dohh:
Heres my bump at 35+2
Its feeling heavy these days! I bet I have a right chubster in here! haha



People keep telling me it looks like a pink bump! I cant decide what I think lol! any ideas guys x x
was it the same one you talked to on the phone Nik? weird eh that her attitude went so bad :(
glad you're all OK though!!
The flapjacks are just cooling now so we can take them out of the tin :)
then top gear, then bed methinks!

I'm not sure, as when I got there there was two MW's in there but one left and then the grumpy one saw me! :growlmad:
I am glad baby was ok, I have never had a problem with them before! Just made me feel really silly!

I remember when I had Mogster cos the waters broke almost a week before he was born they told us to come in if he didnt move for a while, when we did there was a very grumpy MW who told me dont be silly dont you realise babies sleep too???? Felt a right plonker and cried all the way home :cry:

The rest of the MW were wonderful but her attitude stuck in my mind, fortunately she emigrated a few months back :happydance: Think they forget sometimes that we are pregnant and they do this baby lark every day whereas for us its one baby after 9 months or so of waiting and a little worrying

Mogster is 3 tomorrow, had lovely family party today, he is sleeping beautifully and we are due a rainstorm overnight so hoping the heat will break....have thighankles at the moment and hands huge with fluid etc so they hurt and carpal tunnel braces only just velcro on :oops: Off to MW tomorrow so gonna beg again for date or something positive...:shrug:

Sounds like we ahve all had productive weekends in many ways and are now just waiting and tapping feet til the little ones arrive.....come on babies!

Happy birthday to Mogster George :cake:

:rofl: @Mrs P's face book.God I love ya hun.I need to be taught by you to grow some balls!

Yes my car died and i can't afford to do anything about it so it's gone.And having no car is killing me but no way of getting new.I think with Ady it's just sport and the fact I'm doing it all and not moaning or saying anything so he let's me carry on.He does his bit but its from half 12 to half 3/4pm where he sticks his head in his paper reads it front to back then does the crosswords n sudoko's whilst I'm tearing my hair out with the girls and pain.

Whats up with the city wheels?I love em.Still deciding on that or the Jane.

Has anyone heard from George?(moggymay)

Edit she has posted hey baby !

Sorry Zoe, you know me say it how it is. but call me selfish I dont keep shut for no-one, dont see why I should be quiet just to keep everyone else happy. Probably why Si's family love me so much, but hey!

His mum says she had her children for the family, well bully for her I had mine for me. Last thing that crossed my mind when planning for a baby was if everyone else would like one.

Oh dear have you spoke to him about it? Or is it not worth going there?

No nothing wrong with it, just dont think I like it and seems agro having to take all the tops off everytime to load into the car, might be just my frame of mind. Will have a another go another day.

Hey guys, there have been 9 august babies born (if you count the twins as one each) but we still have 7 up? I'm confused.

Otherwise, Mercy just ignore the lady, I find not festering on a point it better stress wise.

Moggy I hope they can help with your swelling.

Eoz you'll be back to pre pregnancy shape in no time with all that walking after baby is born, I'll have to get off my bum and do some more walking to.

Mumma your pics are quiet nice even the un-edited one. You're making me want to try one and send it to you to see what you can do but i Have no eye for creative poses and no one to snap the pic.

Me, I'm very quickly thinking c section might not be so bad! lol, I have been doing my rotation on the maternity postpartum ward here and have seen some bad tears, hemorrhoids and bleeding complications from vaginal births! It scares me! I also think baby might be trying to drop now to! Been having some weird feelings and pains in my hips super low down and baby's head feels lower... I have a prenatal tomorrow so hopefully doc will say yup he's moved down some! It's getting hard to do a lot of things I Have to do.

uummmm I make it 8 including the twins, do me a favour hon, let me know who I have missed. :dohh: xx

Morning all, boo to sicknes Lliena :(
It's a bank holiday here (12th July Orangemen marching etc - we've heard the bands already!) so DH is off which is cool and we're going to take Charlotte to a national trust place that is doing a Pirate Picnice day...
Not feeling particularly energised, slept OK, only one wee, but had bad dreams so it wasn't very restful... and somehow DH having been away all weekend and not having to get up for C managed to not get up for her this morning either!!

Sounds like a lovely day, hope you managae to enjoy it and not having the rain that we have.

Man not being able to sleep sucks... :( Especially coupled with being sick, sore throat, runny nose and going hot then cold. Gah all I do atm is moan... sorry ladies!

Oh hun, sending hugs and hope you manage to get some sleep asap x x :hugs:

Hugs hunny xx

Well I am in pain ha ha sharp pains in my lower back and strong cramps and legs are very achey! hmmm ........

hmmm have a gentle :hugs:

morning ladies..sorry to hear about all the ladies feeling poorly..big hugs!!
im feeling a little energetic today..not to much but least not feeling i could sleep another day away..must be the iron tablets kicking in..or nesting coming on..hahaha(heres hoping).
feeling nervous about my sweep tomorrow afternoon..im afraid il be so down if it doesnt work,so im kinda trying to think it wont then if it does its a bonus.

Yey for nesting, but remember to take some chill time missy or you'll be shattered lol! Good luck for the sweep chick too! :thumbup:

Morning ladies!

oooh I had such a brill sleep last night! Wide awake and ready to go now :D Got to crack on with the cleaning tho while OH is at a job interview.
Hope your all well this rainy day x

Glad you managed a good nights sleep hun, and Good luck to OH for the Interview! :thumbup:

Morning crew.....

Well what a shocka, another crappy night sleep. Add to the fact that Mart up at 5am as he hadn't ironed his uniform. (he'll be doing the rest tonight!). I tried to go back to sleep but then i feel guilty that i have left Brian. So got up but have a feeling a may need a snooze real soon.

It's lovely and cool here though, been raining all morning so i'm all snuggled up on the sofa, haven't done that in a long time. Please let it be like this on the day i give birth!!!

Good luck with the sweeps and appointments this week everyone. I've got mine next week and i'm starting to crap myself...


Lovein it being cool enough for snugglin on the sofa! I did that yesterday with my duvet and a nice cuppa haha! :thumbup:

Morning all, boo to sicknes Lliena :(
It's a bank holiday here (12th July Orangemen marching etc - we've heard the bands already!) so DH is off which is cool and we're going to take Charlotte to a national trust place that is doing a Pirate Picnice day...
Not feeling particularly energised, slept OK, only one wee, but had bad dreams so it wasn't very restful... and somehow DH having been away all weekend and not having to get up for C managed to not get up for her this morning either!!

No day off for the boys here today! guess it keeps em outa trouble haha! I dont technically get what the whole Orange marches thing is about?? Think I shall Google and educate myself x :thumbup: x
Pirate Picnic sounds fun! bet C loves it!

lliena i'm right there with you hunny been up since 3 feel sick but nothing is coming up i'm soo tired right now

thanks to all the ladies comments for my cousin hope the day goes well with her and baba

i'm so ready now please let this baby come soon i have had enough of no sleep :hugs: ev eryone i'll check in later when i have my brain back

Sleep deprivation is no fun is it! heres hopeing at least some of us manage more sleep soon! fingers still crossed for your cousin hunny x :hugs: x

kelly9 i just take loadsa pics and delete loads once i see em lol... its all about trial and error i suppose....... and edited is def better without the crappy kitchen, i do wish i could select and erase all the crap in real life tho. x

everyone seems a little run down and exhausted !! girls, if you have your man at home demand a little rest ! put your feet up and do nothing !!! you deserve it.

i spoke to olly last night, he said he was considering going to that festival global gathering from july 29th - 31st....... he only gets back the day before that...

now im not the type to say this but i just straight out said no...... if he goes then he may aswell go back to spain on the 31st coz i wouldnt wanna see him lol x

he said hes not gonna go and he also said hes got me a queen size bed :) yay.... god i need a new bed !! so i just have to buy bedding :) happy with that

anddddd...... he said he's gunna be home for a couple of months !!!!! so im happy... not just 4 shitty weeks. x

i asked him what he wants for his first day home... food etc...... told him that if he wants anything specific then he best tell me now coz after day 1 its about me til lolas here then its about her lol x

so... plans for today - i have a few phonecalls to make and then its basically tidy up the reult of not tidying up yesterday haha x

thats alll....... hope you all get some rest :)

love to ladies n lumps :) x

me + three


YEY for the new bed, I bet I could sleep sideways in a queen sized bed lol! Yey for Olly being home for a while! and dont go wearing yourself out tidying! I have finally let my tidying OCD subside and given in to accepting a little mess! lol

Well. I was a bit naughty in the night lol, and while laying awake for what felt like the millionth hour!!!! I snuggled into DH and woke him up for a bit of DTD,
haha! Not sure what came over me but hey! haha!
Anyways, now GOD the avhes I have "down there!" that'll teach me for being frisky! lol. Feels like I've been beaten up not had a bit of "hows ya father! haha!
cheered me up tho, as It helped me get off to sleep after lol! (the things I write on here would make me turn as red as a beetroot of I ever said them outloud in public haha!)

I have my mums and tots group this afternoon, and hopefully a nice quiet one it'll be too! fingers crossed!

Sending tonnes of hugs to all of us who are struggling to sleep!
Sorry for yet another bout of TMI posting from me haha, I just think sharing with you guys stops me embarrassing myself in public haha!

Look at you go girl, least one of us is getting some action. With E I was like a dog on heat, this time I cant think of anything worse. Si is not to keen either.

Hi all, totally off subject at the min but im just soooooo excited !!! I just realised that my ticker is on the last box !!! :wohoo:


Heres my bump at 35+2
Its feeling heavy these days! I bet I have a right chubster in here! haha



People keep telling me it looks like a pink bump! I cant decide what I think lol! any ideas guys x x

Sexy mumma!!!

AFM not too much to report, mum here cleaning the kitchen cupboards and the man here cleaning the carpets and then I have a few little jobs to do.

Almost ready for Lil' P just need to get everything into place and then thats me done.

The one morning I wanted to get up and out of the door E decided to lay in until 8.50am!!! Sleepy head!
~YEY for packing!!!!! Bags are lovely hun!
And Mrs P, I think E had Rileys lay in this morning, I was REALLY hoping he would stay in bed late but he was up much earlier than usual! lol! typical, I bet tomorrow when I need to get up early he'll be snoozin away lol!

I am starting to resemble a dog on heat myself haha! not sure whats come over me hahahaha! hubbs doesnt seem to mind haha! just wait till I reach my due date haha , the poor guy will be ruinning for the hills to escape lmao!
Its my bargain dress! It was £20 from Peacocks! lol!
My friend has an almost identicle one that she paid about £100 for haha! always makes me giggle!
Hey guys, there have been 9 august babies born (if you count the twins as one each) but we still have 7 up? I'm confused.

Otherwise, Mercy just ignore the lady, I find not festering on a point it better stress wise.

Moggy I hope they can help with your swelling.

Eoz you'll be back to pre pregnancy shape in no time with all that walking after baby is born, I'll have to get off my bum and do some more walking to.

Mumma your pics are quiet nice even the un-edited one. You're making me want to try one and send it to you to see what you can do but i Have no eye for creative poses and no one to snap the pic.

Me, I'm very quickly thinking c section might not be so bad! lol, I have been doing my rotation on the maternity postpartum ward here and have seen some bad tears, hemorrhoids and bleeding complications from vaginal births! It scares me! I also think baby might be trying to drop now to! Been having some weird feelings and pains in my hips super low down and baby's head feels lower... I have a prenatal tomorrow so hopefully doc will say yup he's moved down some! It's getting hard to do a lot of things I Have to do.

Its my bargain dress! It was £20 from Peacocks! lol!
My friend has an almost identicle one that she paid about £100 for haha! always makes me giggle!

oohhhh love it !! my pink bag on the left was a set of 3 la redoute bags from ebay for £8 brand new haha love a bargain x
you look beautiful Mercy!

Your so prepared with your bags packed Steph, Im so not there yet, I will do it on monday next week, when I am on maternity leave.

I only have 4 more days at work :D I am so ready for time off
ooo exciting stuff Lollip0p, be nice i bet to get some time for you!
I have my bag packed just a few last min bits to add to it now!
just realised the bump pic was PRE make up haha! I look a bit more awake now I have me slap on lol!
Thanks Mercy, I was meant to be working till the 23rd, so 37 and 4 days pregnant, but my blood pressure is going up, and Brad is worried about so he told me to try and finish work early, but its hard with my job, but I managed to finish a week earlier. its scary though in under 4 weeks lo will be here........... argh! :D but in a good way

I cant not wait to sleep in, and not have to get up at 5:45 for work. :D

I have all the things for my bag, bar a dressing gown and nursing bras I think............. im sure I will end up thinking of something else I desperatley need.
Feels like I am going on holiday, the amount of stuff I am taking for like 2 days

you look gorgeous pre-make up!

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