****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Congrats on all the babies born!!!! Keep them coming mums!

i really have been neglecting my fave mums and tums!! Im just flying in to say hello before i have a wash so for 5mins of the day i dont smell like baby sick!! haha...

Ailah and abby both doing really well :D Ailahs colic seems to have settled an is only bad late evening...

congrats to all the new mummies :D

my central heating is all done now im just in the process of sorting the carnage they left behind! :(

hugs to all :D xx
on a side note, ive just counted how many people who were due after me have given birth before me and it is 36!!! thats depressing lol


I totally agree!!!! I hope something happens for you :hug: I feel your pain running after a toddler and going overdue is torture.
labour :dust: to all you overdue mummies!! and anyone else who need's it :)

afm - went to bed last night with back ache, and I'v decided I have got to have dropped....I can now see my belly button and some stretch marks underneith it when I lay down I couldn't before..
I could feel a funny sensation really low down and between my leg's so surely he's engaged now!! (Find out Weds as I have MW then) also ended up getting up to go to the toilet, because it felt like something went pop, then (TMI) trickled out...but there was nothing there :S

OH said to me this morning that he had a rubbish sleep last night, so i'v pointed out he should get used to it because we are probably never going to get a decent sleep again...he's gone to work in a sulk
good morning ladies!! i've got doc appointment with in another half nad hour wish me luck ladies!
hey girlies...... x

i just read through the last three pages... bless all of you waiting to give birth! we all know how that feels... x

lolas now 3 weeks and 2 days and i havnt written my birth story yet lol... i wonder how long itll be til i feel like i make enough sense to write something longer than a few short sentances lol x

its not even lack of sleep its just that i am braindead x

me n olly have had talks and decided were just friends :( (he decided really not me) so i told him he needs to find somewhere to live. not fair on me him staying here yanno... sleeping in my bed...... but dosnt wanna be with me grrrr whatever.... x

anyway il be back later to stalk u all a little more...... x
hey girlies...... x

i just read through the last three pages... bless all of you waiting to give birth! we all know how that feels... x

lolas now 3 weeks and 2 days and i havnt written my birth story yet lol... i wonder how long itll be til i feel like i make enough sense to write something longer than a few short sentances lol x

its not even lack of sleep its just that i am braindead x

me n olly have had talks and decided were just friends :( (he decided really not me) so i told him he needs to find somewhere to live. not fair on me him staying here yanno... sleeping in my bed...... but dosnt wanna be with me grrrr whatever.... x

anyway il be back later to stalk u all a little more...... x

:hugs: honey. I hope you are ok. You know where we all are if u need a chat xxxx
hey girlies...... x

i just read through the last three pages... bless all of you waiting to give birth! we all know how that feels... x

lolas now 3 weeks and 2 days and i havnt written my birth story yet lol... i wonder how long itll be til i feel like i make enough sense to write something longer than a few short sentances lol x

its not even lack of sleep its just that i am braindead x

me n olly have had talks and decided were just friends :( (he decided really not me) so i told him he needs to find somewhere to live. not fair on me him staying here yanno... sleeping in my bed...... but dosnt wanna be with me grrrr whatever.... x

anyway il be back later to stalk u all a little more...... x

Hey Hun, I hope you ok, sending you lots of hugs:hugs: Im here if you wanna chat.......

I know what you mean about feeling brain dead too, i keep coming out with such random crap. :)
Hey girls,

was gonna come on here for a sulk lol, as i'm due fri, and my friend had her baby saturday (on time after induction) my cousin is in hospital waiting to have her twins taken out (on my due date) and my other friend had her baby saturday too (4wks early) I know prem babies aren't the best case scenario. But it's still a frustrating feeling knowing everyones having their babies round you, especially when the midwife says you're not even fully engaged yet!! That just sucks :cry:

Then I come on here and find i'm not the only one and selfishly feel much better!!

Good luck to all those who have "started!" and those still waiting x x x
hi mumma :hugs: hunny last thing you need at this time but we are all here to talk to

sorry ladies i've been lurking but not really caught up on much mush brain lol :hugs:to all the ladies gripping on to babas

guppy wishing you loads of labour dust :dust:so you get your natural water birth hunny

Joel is doing great and sleeps well got bf down now and we've made an agreement i'll keep feeding as long as he dosen't bite lol

:hugs: everyone and hello to all
Thank you flutterbaby!
Congrats to all the new mamas! :cloud9:

:dance::shock::yipee::happydance::wohoo:I AM DUE TODAY!!!!!!!!:dance::shock::yipee::happydance::wohoo:

https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b322/smturdo/TTC%20or%20PG%20Blinkies/Wannabe%20Mommies/labour4btz.gifTO ALL THOSE DUE TODAY OR OVER DUE!https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b322/smturdo/TTC%20or%20PG%20Blinkies/Wannabe%20Mommies/labour4btz.gif
well im 11 days overdue today and its not looking like anythings about to happen today :( x

Wow. Hang in there. Hope labor comes soon!

On another note, happy due date to me. Can't believe that "magical day" (you know, the one where nothing happens) has finally arrived. Finally moved the crib into our bedroom today hoping against hope it won't just be in the way for the next 2 weeks. Well at least we reserved some movie tickets tonight. Maybe I WILL go into labor since I have other plans...

Philly if they fit cant see any reason not to use your tommee tippee steriliser. My poor baby is a bit constipated :( Gonna try giving her some cooled boiled water today to see if it helps, if shes no better by mon i'll have to think about triyng a diff formula.

What milk are you using? I know you're not supposed to give them this but i gave Peter sugar water and it worked a treat. Not great for long term but it eased his suffering after 5 days. I've had to get lactalose from the docs as he's still got it. Let me know how you get on though xxx

i used to give harry boiled wataer with ... is it called madera pure cane brown sugar..? in it... cant remember where i got that advice but seemed to work for same digestive type problems. x

i also used to use cow and gate comfort formula, ask ur health visitor about it, its sort of predigested so not as thick. x

im breast feeding lola but she has 1 bottle a day at 9pm and i use cow n gate number 1 in a little mam bottle... the white n lilac ones ehehe xx

hope everyone is well.... im stressed to the max with olly right now !! another day for that story !! hey i jst realised i never gave my birth story. god im lazy x

Im using cow and gate first infant milk from new born. I read about the sugar water thing too might try it if just normal water doesnt help her. It has only been Wed night and Fri night she was like it, not sleeping hardly over night just resting then every 10mins or crying going bright red and pulling her legs up to her chest. As soon as she had got it out though she relaxed and fell asleep for a 5 or so hrs! I just want her to be able to sleep though and wake up and to have pooed not to have to feel it and it keep her awake the poor thing.

I used C&G with E after changing from aptamil, she would have done great on it if it hadn't have been for her intolerance!! Henry I have changed twice already, we started on C&G, then SMA and now SMA staydown and it seems we maybe staying on this one, fingers crossed!!

I personally wouldnt recommend Aptamil I think the stuff is evil, most people I know who have had their babies on it have then had unsettled babies but each to their own I think.

I hope you manage to get it sorted soon, I feel your pain as Henry is very unsettled due to his milk and bunged up at times too.

Hi girls,

Hope we're all ok there seems to be a lot of us in our final week or going over due at the moment :hugs: to you all.

I don't know if it's last minute nerves but i've all of a sudden to change my place of birth :wacko: we are viewing the local birthing unit today, it's 20mins away and my local hospital is 5, but I hear so much negative feedback about the labour ward at the hospital i've decided to book myself in with the unit.

Plus the unit has a water birth facility which the hospital doesn't and thats what I wanted originally but baby was breech and I was waiting on strepB results, now baby head down post ECV and stre B is negative theres no reason why I can't use the unit!

Fingers crossed hon :kiss:
oh well!! im still here with huffs & puffs... im really sad and scared coz i know the baby must have gained more weight! I got the Dr's appointment tommorrow she will scan me again! and may be will induce on friday but must discuss with doc!

I am really in pain uncomfortness i feel like my lady bits gonna fall down from the pressure im getting OMG.. ladies please pray for me!! im always crying! i want to have a natural deleivery!

Awww Big :hugs: hun, Heres hoping its ur time very soon x x
Fingers crossed for your natural delivery! :kiss:

im still here...with the back ache :( such a rubbish sleep, could not turn over with out waking up. Midwife on Wednesday, so I must remember to tell her!!

Hope something picks up soon hun, not long untill its your turn x

err ok just read on facebook, that OH's neice as come out in chicken pox's last night :/
I was with her alday Friday, I don't understand the whole chicken pox and pregnant women thing...with me being so late into my pregnancy will I need to have the jab thing? (I had chicken pox when I was a toddler)..

If you had a good dose of them yourself as a child you should be fine, I had them as a kid, and came into contact with lots of children with them when I was school nursing and pregnant with Riley! Everything was fine, but I did mention it to the MW when I got chance!

I think I may reconsider my birthing partner :mad:

Just asked Mike to tidy some of his stuff up, because it's getting to hard for me to pick things up off the floor. And he's shouted at me "stop f*ing moaning, that's all you do lately and i'm sick off it"

I'm only in pain with my back, and it's getting that bad that i'm on verge of tear's :/ yet im not allowed to moan at him for his mess :(

Oh hun, u need him to be supportive right now, esp when ur in pain! I think maybe a serious sit down and tell him how your feeling, if he knows your reconsidering him as ur birth partner then he might just realise he needs to stop and think before he speaks!

Hi girls,

Hope we're all ok there seems to be a lot of us in our final week or going over due at the moment :hugs: to you all.

I don't know if it's last minute nerves but i've all of a sudden to change my place of birth :wacko: we are viewing the local birthing unit today, it's 20mins away and my local hospital is 5, but I hear so much negative feedback about the labour ward at the hospital i've decided to book myself in with the unit.

Plus the unit has a water birth facility which the hospital doesn't and thats what I wanted originally but baby was breech and I was waiting on strepB results, now baby head down post ECV and stre B is negative theres no reason why I can't use the unit!

Good luck with checking out the unit hun, it sounds fab!
and YEY for negative StrepB and Head down baby!

Afm, Well, little missy is settling in SO well to our little family! Riley is having a few little tantrums here and there but nothing to worry about at all. And none of them are directed at his sister, just general stroppyness lol!

Georgia didnt sleep quite so well last night, she had a really stressed couple of hours between 12 and 2-3 ish. She just seemed like she was ravenous, and she had totally drained me of milk AND had about 20-30 mls of the expressed colostrum I did before she was born.
I gave in and tried a dummy to comfort her, as she seemed to want to suckle just for the comfort of it lol. But that didnt work! lol
Bless her she finally settled about 3ish and then was routing for milk again by5 the little monkey!
My milk started to come in yesterday tho so I am hoping that the increase in volume will settle her better today!

So far so good with the breast feeding, although I do think she struggles to get enough of the breast into her mouth! but after a few resillient tries form me we seem to have it! I am still wondering how on earth I will manage to feed in public without my whole boobie wapping out tho haha! I need to prectice that one a bit more lol!

Hope everyone is well, I cant believe so many of us have finished out pregnancy journey, and so many more are about to experience their big days very soon!
I think there would be so many occasions that I would have lost my mind over these past months! Thankyou EVERYONE for all the advice,giggles and chat! LONG may it continue x x x x

Sounds like you're all doing fab hon and pleased to hear it. Bless Reilly, must be something in the air at little Miss E is being a madame, but I think it is her age as she is excellent with Henry, although gone for him once or twice but think its frustration.

Please send me some Labor :dust:!!!!! Im due in the AM!!!! :yipee:


baby ellaouise was born on Aug 18th 2010 5lbs 10.8 ozs and 18.25 inches long...

Congratulations xx


i really have been neglecting my fave mums and tums!! Im just flying in to say hello before i have a wash so for 5mins of the day i dont smell like baby sick!! haha...

Ailah and abby both doing really well :D Ailahs colic seems to have settled an is only bad late evening...

congrats to all the new mummies :D

my central heating is all done now im just in the process of sorting the carnage they left behind! :(

hugs to all :D xx

Glad all is well hon and that you have sorted the heating. Did you make a complaint and how did the buggy come out?

labour :dust: to all you overdue mummies!! and anyone else who need's it :)

afm - went to bed last night with back ache, and I'v decided I have got to have dropped....I can now see my belly button and some stretch marks underneith it when I lay down I couldn't before..
I could feel a funny sensation really low down and between my leg's so surely he's engaged now!! (Find out Weds as I have MW then) also ended up getting up to go to the toilet, because it felt like something went pop, then (TMI) trickled out...but there was nothing there :S

OH said to me this morning that he had a rubbish sleep last night, so i'v pointed out he should get used to it because we are probably never going to get a decent sleep again...he's gone to work in a sulk

Men :grr:

Not long now hon and you'll have your :baby: in your arms and you can get some normality back again.

hey girlies...... x

i just read through the last three pages... bless all of you waiting to give birth! we all know how that feels... x

lolas now 3 weeks and 2 days and i havnt written my birth story yet lol... i wonder how long itll be til i feel like i make enough sense to write something longer than a few short sentances lol x

its not even lack of sleep its just that i am braindead x

me n olly have had talks and decided were just friends :( (he decided really not me) so i told him he needs to find somewhere to live. not fair on me him staying here yanno... sleeping in my bed...... but dosnt wanna be with me grrrr whatever.... x

anyway il be back later to stalk u all a little more...... x

Oh babe I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you'll be ok.

I think you have made the choice though for him to move out, for as long as he is there you wont be able to sort your self out and it will play games with your head.

sending you lots of :hugs:

Hey girls,

was gonna come on here for a sulk lol, as i'm due fri, and my friend had her baby saturday (on time after induction) my cousin is in hospital waiting to have her twins taken out (on my due date) and my other friend had her baby saturday too (4wks early) I know prem babies aren't the best case scenario. But it's still a frustrating feeling knowing everyones having their babies round you, especially when the midwife says you're not even fully engaged yet!! That just sucks :cry:

Then I come on here and find i'm not the only one and selfishly feel much better!!

Good luck to all those who have "started!" and those still waiting x x x

Not long hon xx

hi mumma :hugs: hunny last thing you need at this time but we are all here to talk to

sorry ladies i've been lurking but not really caught up on much mush brain lol :hugs:to all the ladies gripping on to babas

guppy wishing you loads of labour dust :dust:so you get your natural water birth hunny

Joel is doing great and sleeps well got bf down now and we've made an agreement i'll keep feeding as long as he dosen't bite lol

:hugs: everyone and hello to all

Nice to hear everything is well with you. Have things settled down now with those rotten neighbours of yours?

AFM - Things are going well here although not quite into a routine yet which is getting to me a little as E was settled and sorted by now. I am now on my 3rd milk with Henry as he seems to be having such trouble with wind and keeping milk down. I have had him on infacol, Colief, we use doctor browns bottles and give him water. So gripe water is next, think the wind is so far into his tummy as he really has trouble bringing it up, but we are getting there. We are feeding every 3-4 hours mainly 3 during the day and then anything from 3-6 during the night, but fortunately at the moment it works out I only have to get up in the night once.

Things have never felt so good between Simon and I. I remember when E was born I hated him and thought oh my god to think I have had this mans baby. He is great and supportive anyway but he really has been a star, to the point he is totally whacked him self, where he has been letting me sleep. I do tell him to have a turn but who am I to argue!!

I dont know what happened when I gave birth to Henry but my god has it kicked my sex drive off, I dont remember it being like this since Simon and I got together which is almost 8 years ago, I feel like a dog on heat, just the once issue of a sleep deprived husband.

Other than that life as normal, we are going away on Thursday for 5 days in the caravan to Norfolk. My aunt has her caravan next door and my other aunt is coming up, they have offered to watch the babies for a bit so hopefully a chance to escape with my handsome man!! The break will do him go.

Joined Slimming World last Monday, going for first weigh in on Wednesday, so fingers crossed the hard work has paid off, I have found it quite easy and haven't gone hungry at all. I Only have just over a stone to lose, need to move my fat arse and do some exercise more than anything.

Just in the process of trying to sort out Henry's christening, just looking to do something quite low key although it still works out as just over 50 people with barely any friends there. Then I need to sort E's birthday. Well its not till 5th November but we always have a huge fireworks party, the only night I missed fireworks in 27 years and that was because I was giving birth to my princess.

Anyways enough waffling from me and love to you all. Sorry I haven't kept up to date much with you all xxxx

Oh one more thing when we get to 75 babies shall I put the request in for our thread to be moved.
well they are quiet at the mo but we're not doing any work at the mo so when the lawn mower comes out again i'm sure the wall banging will start lol
brownlie hon I feel the same :hugs: it sucks doesnt it?! Im hoping the full moon tomorrow night will have some impact haha!! xx
Heya girls,

hope you are all doing well.

quick queston about formula, Kaiya seems to be struggling to go for a poo on sma, she has only been on it for less than a week, when she does poo its small little lumps, so I am guessing that means she is constipated? How long do I give it till I change her to a different milk? I mean does it need to be in her system for a couple of weeks or so? and is small poos a good sign she is going or not? sorry for all the questions..........
Hope every one is doing great!

Guppy- happy due date..hope u get ur LO soon!

I have been to the doc and back with more sad news... baby has grown more big and she told me to come on saturday to discuss about induction but she is not happy to do one as chances are too low for vaginal delevery she is suggesting c section which i never wanted... i am very sad & angry with my self. she said if i am lucky enough i have to go in to natural labor with in this 5days!!

good night ladies!! sorry for the rant!
Hope every one is doing great!

Guppy- happy due date..hope u get ur LO soon!

I have been to the doc and back with more sad news... baby has grown more big and she told me to come on saturday to discuss about induction but she is not happy to do one as chances are too low for vaginal delevery she is suggesting c section which i never wanted... i am very sad & angry with my self. she said if i am lucky enough i have to go in to natural labor with in this 5days!!

good night ladies!! sorry for the rant!

oh no hon thats not good :( dont blame yourself though :hugs: heres FXed that something happens before saturday xxxx
brownlie hon I feel the same :hugs: it sucks doesnt it?! Im hoping the full moon tomorrow night will have some impact haha!! xx

Yeah I saw the thread about full moons, I said that to DH before I saw the thread too when we were guessing dates I said on the next full moon which turns out to be 3 days before due date!!

I'm feeling a little better now though as one of my bestest friends got married today in Turkey, for obvious reasons I couldn't be there so am waiting impatiently for a photo on the phone from a guest!! It's a good distraction though.

Lollipop I don't know about changing formulas really, have you posted on the mums part of the forum maybe one of them know. I would've thought you can change. Or can bubs have a bath yet? maybe a nice warm bath will relax things and get things moving a bit xx
lollipop we have the same problem but finally after 2 weeks on SMA the poop is coiming out as it should.one very soft long lump lol give it another week add an extra half ounce of water to the feed and see how you go x

Wow Mrs P all sounds bloody fab x

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