Hey kelly, thanks for the message, i have been going to the toilet every other day or every three days (usually go once or twice a day) but i know that i'm not going properly and that bowel is still really full so no dr or hospitals just yet, lactulose hasn't worked yet but will keep taking and go from there. have been using the probiotic yoghurts for nearly a year now, will go buy extra fibre foods tomorrow aswell. If have been like this for 3 weeks the whole time i've known about being pg it isn't a good omen for the next 7 months! sorry to hear you have the other problem, that's just as awlful!
Mrs P, so pleased to hear you have had only good experiences. I have a long story with them, a&e let me down twice, once with a side effect to tablets, second time wtih my miscarriage, the dr i saw tried to convince me i was never pregnant in the first place! then with the epau, they were so crap with my ectopic, said they didn't think it was one, had to go there so many times and waited for 6 hours one saturday whilst in pain. in the end they admitted me, then sent me home late at night! then readmitted me and did the op the next day and just a big catalogue of negligence and incompetance, even made a complaint. this time round was meant to get a scan asap because of previous ectopic to make sure not life threatening and didn't get one even after badgering every department, had to go private in the end. fingers crossed things will improve from now on!!
Would recommend for anyone to have an early scan privately, ours didn't cost too much money at all and the peace of mind it gives you is worth it.
hope you other ladies having a better time ;-)