August 2011 mummies! Our babies are here!

sorry to hear you are having a rough time emzee but glad you sound more positive after today :)

cleo is a little chunky monkey, only 6 lbs 8 born but over 16 pounds now! and still only 64cms hahahaha! she's in 6 to 9 months in most things!
we are in Lima and it is roasting roasting hot! she's actually been really ill with a chest infection cough cold the lot she keeps choking on her phlegm and going purple which is terrifying but thank god yesterday the medicine must have kicked in and she seems a lot happier!

staying at MIL is lovely although there have been some classic MIL moments already, she calls her "mi bebe", my baby which is weird? she's MY baby! she also takes her out my arms constantly without asking and goes mad whatever I put her in she is either too cold or too hot apparently I cant win
I'm glad you stood up to your hv!

I agree, don't be so rigid with the routine chick it just stresses you both out even more :hugs:

Well I didn't get to sleep until gone 5am!! I am shattered. Early night tonight if Thomas lets me as we're back in hospital in the morning. Hopefully this will be his last appointment with his therapist.
Sequeena hope all is good at the hospital tomorrow. Will keep my fingers crossed its your last visit. :thumbup:

Jodie, argh, MILS can be funny things! My mums mum (I know I should call her my gran or something but i never have I dont know why and starting now would just be weird) is a little like that re the clothing etc. I have a joke with my mam about it now calling her the leading baby expert, last time I saw her she told me LO's socks were too tight and that i'd end up needing her legs amputated if I didnt get 'slacker' socks for her. I just ignore her now, she did it with Olivia too only then I used to get quite upset over her constant criticism but now if I didnt laugh about it id cry again. I just have to let it go over the top of my head.

Glad cleo's meds have kicked in, sounds awful. Poor girly.

ok girlies so tonight has been so relaxed its unbelievable

took ur advice and let jaycob lead the way instead of fighting and making him do sumthing thing he didnt want to do and hes wat happened

was playing with him just before 8pm and he fell asleep playing so i put him in his cot(as its his normal bedtime) he woke up bout half 9-10pm, so cuddled him and we sat and played and chilled in the living room with the small lite on, he sat babbling happy as larry for ages,

bout 10 mins ago really needed a wee (lol sorry tmi) and as jaycob is an escape artist who rolls so i popped him in his cot for 2 seconds, could hear him babling away to himself, came out and he was passed out snoring, hopefully for longer than an hour.

but tonights been so chilled and relaxed, no crying jaycob, no arguing parents, so thanks for the advice :thumbup:
Emzee glad tonight has worked out better. Hope it continues that way

ohhh jsut a quik visit to say im felling the best ive felt in a while after jaycob fell asleep in his cot last nite, we had no wake ups for feeds and he woke up 10 mins ago at 9am! yes 9Am, im in shock, and ive had like 8 hours of solid sleep i cant believe it!

hope u all have a gud day, hope hospital goes ok squeena

em xxx
wow emzee thats amazing! happy sleeping for you!!
Cleo has become a terrible sleeper again here! I think its becasuse im trying to stay up and spend some with OH whereas I usuallly go sit in dark bedroom with her from around 7 when OH goes to work, also cos she has been coughing waking her self up but last night i didnt get more than 40 mins a time, nightmare

sequeena hope today goes well

haha stef, legs amputated thats a bit much! I try and let it go over my head too but when I get really annoyed I snap it all out to OH which isnt great
ps even tried baby rice last night which she munched the whole lot down but slept worse than ever
she's unique I guess!
MIL also said we should go get her checked out as her behaviour isnt normal she cries too much and wants too much attention :(
Omg Jodie give your mil a slap. Silly woman! All babies cry and want attention just some more than others.

I have probs with the inlaws too sometimes and take it out on DH too. Can totally relate. Know I shouldn't but can't help it xx
Well ladies, Thomas is splint free after almost 3 months :)

Fecking inlaws!
Jodie I really wouldn't give baby rice so close to bed time as it can lie on their stomachs n give them belly ache. So try her with it for a breakfast or lunch.

It's a myth that a full baby will sleep better. Corey was up every hour last night until 4am I had enough n held him n he slept them till 7.30 so I think he's teeth are playing up again. But the faster they come the shorter time he will teeth n it will be all good from a yr onwards lol I hope!
I agree, HV told me to wean because Thomas wakes up and I did it for 3 days... then stopped because I realised how silly it was. I can barely get him to take 4oz in one go at the minute, no way does he need weaning!
Some well most hv talk out their ass!
I give Corey baby rice in the morning as he really enjoys it, and it's more milk then rice anyway.

I've got my first trip away from Corey planned, it's my 24th bday in march so I'm having a spa day :D
My mums having the boys for the day so I'm hoping Corey takes bottles but if not he will drink from a sippy cup n I might leave a dummy (he's not had one yet) or comfort sucking if he needs....I can't wait lol

Errrr I've got my sil n her bf comin idea where I'm guns put them
yay for Thomas :happydance:

oh really moomin I guess that should be obvious but I didnt realise as ever since cleo was something ridiculous like 10 weeks ive had everyone saying give her baby rice then she will sleep blah blah blah blah!! definitely the worst night so im gonna try in the mornings! she had some banana today and absolutely loved it, within 5 minutes she was opening her mouth for the spoon

I was gonna do BLW funny all the things I say im gonna do then change haha!

stef same here its hard not to give it all to OH!
yay for Thomas :happydance:

oh really moomin I guess that should be obvious but I didnt realise as ever since cleo was something ridiculous like 10 weeks ive had everyone saying give her baby rice then she will sleep blah blah blah blah!! definitely the worst night so im gonna try in the mornings! she had some banana today and absolutely loved it, within 5 minutes she was opening her mouth for the spoon

I was gonna do BLW funny all the things I say im gonna do then change haha!

stef same here its hard not to give it all to OH!

10 weeks! Blimey lol I no I start rice early but never before 17 weeks.
Yeah full babies never mean they will sleep better, we just have to wait it out :nope: lol
From next week I'm going to start giving Corey veg for his lunch but sticking to baby rice in the morning and no meals after 5 so nothings just lying in his stomach.

I did a mix of traditional and blw with Zane as I wanted to make sure he eat lol n then I wanted him to have fun
Yeah they say you should feed baby just before you put them down etc, suppose its like if we eat late on a night, always makes you feel uncomfortable in bed.

Im going to look at introducing Isla to veg etc at dinner time in the next few weeks. I really enjoyed the whole weaning thing with Olivia

moomin how many teeth has corey got now? cleos teething stopped thank god, just had a couple of weeks sample!
do you mix the rice with breastmilk? ive been doing it with water. she's had apple and banana sticks too and sucked the life out of them!
spa day sounds lovely! and so does 24, I feel old haha!!

ive not left cleo yet, only for a walk here in the evenings as she absolutely loves the maid (for want of a better word) she'd play with her all day if I let her! we wanted to go out while we were here but she wont take a bottle and i still feed her constantly!
He's got 2 teeth through and about 3 teething trying to push through lol Zane was a fast teether so I was expecting the same with Corey. They get it from their dad who had al his teeth at 9 months lol

Yeah I mix his rice with breastmilk and ile also be doing his main meals mixed with bm too. I express enough milk to make his meals for the next day. Although I do keep forgetting to express it lol

I left Corey for 4 hours is the longest so far to get my hair done, so I'm nervous about the whole day but at least in the day my mum can just spoon feed him milk if he won't take the bottle or sippy cup.

I've been told in October I'm going to new York lol so I'm hoping by then he can sleep without needing me
Splint free :dance:
Quinton is now 13 lbs on the dot! He had his 4 month jabs and did awesome. he was exhaisted for the rest of the day though.

Thomas is such a cutie!

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