August 2013 Rainbow Babies!!

They don't normally check progesterone levels here unless you have had 3 miscarriages I think. It's crazy though, every dr is different. I'm pretty sure they have always tested my beta's at the first visit though.
I agree, every doctor is different. The first time i was pregnant i just waited 6 weeks for my us. This time around because I am seeing an RE and because of my past mc, they are checking the hcg levels and progesterone to make sure it is all ok.

I don't understand why some nurses/doc act that way. What is it to them. All they have to do is get a form ready for you and the lab does the rest of the work...after all you are the one getting poked with a needle! Sheesh, it just angers me. It is our right if we want to have bloods drawn, who are they to say no!
So first scan went well. Ultra sound confirmed the sac in the uterus (thank God). I go back next week to see if we can hear a heartbeat and see if there is one or two in the sac. Im just glad step 1 which was to make sure it wasnt a tubal pregnancy checked out ok :) now to wait until next thursday!

Yay Congrats :)
Do they think there are two?! How exciting that'd be :) I go next Thursday then I'll be released to my obgyn
He couldn't tell anything today because it was so soon. I am hoping there is just one but at this point, whatever we are blessed with is will be a tough pregnancy with two and raising two at the same time. Good luck with you on Thursday, let us know how you get on. If my scan next week is ok, I get released to my obgyn also :)
Well, I am worried sick now. I didn't end up getting the results that were promised to me today so I drove up to the office to get a report without a consultation. My HCG last Friday was 130. I don't feel too good about those numbers. If I am almost 5 weeks, I would think I should be a lot further along... this is an HCG chart and your levels ARE normal, as long as they are doubling its OK, some women never get aove 500 what is the plan of action? have you been urine testing at home? Also as above you may only be 4 weeks now, I was CERTAIN of my dates and i have been put back a week xxx

I haven't been urine testing at home, mostly because I am afraid of the result. My pregnancy symptoms seem to have disappeared overnight. No more frequent urination, no more increased's all gone. A lot of women seem to have sore boobs right around now and I do not. I requested my progesterone levels be checked not once, but twice today to make sure it is in the notes that I want this tested. I don't feel very positive about this pregnancy anymore. Been pretty depressed all day and evening.
KelseyK I am so happy to see you here and that you got a BFP! I remember you from that December ttc after a loss board!
Well im not pregnant yet...actually waiting for AF to arrive early next week and then starting to ttc after my miscarriage in October my levels are FINALLY to zero last week!!! ...but this topic is on my mind friend and i have been talking about progesterone and the problems that low progesterone carries as far as miscarriages go... hopefully i will be able to pregnant soon and I DO PLAN to request they check the levels I dont get why they act like its a bother to them...your absolutely right-all they do is fill out a paper for seriously doesnt make sense..i am hoping that they will honor my request cause im gonna be a nervous wreck!!! CONGRATULATIONS to all with their RAINBOW babys!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you and I HOPE I JOIN YOU soon!!!
Ok, so I have a progesterone question. I had my levels checked last Monday dec 3rd and they were 38.9. Yesterday with the rest of my lab work it was around 14. My doc didn't seem worried, but that is a big drop.
I only got mine checked once at 16dpo and it was 50.7 and nothing after. How often are they suppose to check? I think, I could be wrong, but women who have short LP's are those that may have low progesterone problems. Again, I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere on a different thread about this.

Lets try not to worry ourselves out, it's not good for our little buns :)
My progesterone level started at 9 my FS like 15 or higher but preferably 20 or higher. I was put on progesterone vaginal gel after the level of 9 and about 5 days later it was at 21.2. Once on progesterone they keep you there until 10 weeks.
I was on progesterone suppositories with my son, I was seeing a specialist at the time because of 2 losses, but my doc now hasn't prescribed anything yet and said they just want to see it above 10. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, because I know progesterone levels can fluctuate, but by so much? Do you ladies think I should get some OTC progesterone cream?
I was on progesterone suppositories with my son, I was seeing a specialist at the time because of 2 losses, but my doc now hasn't prescribed anything yet and said they just want to see it above 10. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, because I know progesterone levels can fluctuate, but by so much? Do you ladies think I should get some OTC progesterone cream?
I'm always really scared of people buying OTC medicines during pregnancy I would make an appointment to be seen again and really push your fears, they do HAVE to listen to you and explain why they wont prescribe soemthing if they wont, it may be that they dont do it unless they have several markers or something?
Woke up with sore boobs! It was cold so I just thought my boobs were responding to the temporary dip in temps but I have seen gotten in layers and they are still tender and sore. I was worried yesterday when some symptoms disappeared, but then I got a new one!! I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. My husband is off today so we get to spend the day together!

I was on progesterone suppositories with my son, I was seeing a specialist at the time because of 2 losses, but my doc now hasn't prescribed anything yet and said they just want to see it above 10. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, because I know progesterone levels can fluctuate, but by so much? Do you ladies think I should get some OTC progesterone cream?
I'm always really scared of people buying OTC medicines during pregnancy I would make an appointment to be seen again and really push your fears, they do HAVE to listen to you and explain why they wont prescribe soemthing if they wont, it may be that they dont do it unless they have several markers or something?

Ya, I was kind of leery about them too. The docs office is supposed to call back sometime to set up my scan, so I will ask about it then. I guess I would just feel better with some kind of supplement since I was on the suppositories with my only successful pregnancy.
Tell them that! I demanded progesterone this time around and I had a successful pregnancy without but since DD every time they took progesterone levels they were always borderline or low.
Woke up with sore boobs! It was cold so I just thought my boobs were responding to the temporary dip in temps but I have seen gotten in layers and they are still tender and sore. I was worried yesterday when some symptoms disappeared, but then I got a new one!! I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. My husband is off today so we get to spend the day together!

woooop for symptoms :thumbup::happydance:

I was on progesterone suppositories with my son, I was seeing a specialist at the time because of 2 losses, but my doc now hasn't prescribed anything yet and said they just want to see it above 10. I'm trying not to worry too much about it, because I know progesterone levels can fluctuate, but by so much? Do you ladies think I should get some OTC progesterone cream?
I'm always really scared of people buying OTC medicines during pregnancy I would make an appointment to be seen again and really push your fears, they do HAVE to listen to you and explain why they wont prescribe soemthing if they wont, it may be that they dont do it unless they have several markers or something?

Ya, I was kind of leery about them too. The docs office is supposed to call back sometime to set up my scan, so I will ask about it then. I guess I would just feel better with some kind of supplement since I was on the suppositories with my only successful pregnancy.
I totally understand this I know and i have also now discovered that had i have taken the baby aspririn OTC like people told me to then i would probably be OK and would never have been through what i have So on that thought i would do your research and probably do it? I honestly dont know what to say :( maye ask the Doc what would happen if you did that? :hugs:
Hi laddies..I see some familiar faces here = )I haven't gone back and read all the posts yet but HIYA to everyone!
Looks like I am juuuust squeezing in at the last min for an Aug due two possible O dates put me either the last day of Aug or 1st of Sept..argg...I REALLY wanted a summer baby again. All of my kids are summer babies and I loved being able to keep them mostly naked all summer (so cute!)Also hubby's work gets really busy in Sept so I will prob be doing a lot of the early sleep deprivation stuff on my own.
The one that I MC was supposed to be end of May or beginning of June. Had 2 long cycles after mc and didn't get preg 1st one but here I am and I really should not complain. I just hope for a sticky bean this time. I am verrrry early still (AF not due until this weekend) so still very scared it will be another chemical but decided to be positive and join here on the pal board anyway.I may even be so bold as to get a ticker! lol

****EDIT*** I was wrong with my due date..Aug 25..Posted this later. My bad hehe
This group is growing fast!!

Ok tonight I'm going to finally update the first page with everyone's EDDs!!! So post post post away!

I've been so sickly and tired I haven't found time so hoping for tonight'

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