Hi ladies,
Well unfortunately I'm back ttc. I miscarried 2 weeks ago. So here we go again. I'm just praying it doesn't take another 10 cycles to get a bfp again. The fertility clinic did find that I have an arcuate uterus- which is a bit heart shaped rather than triangular and the doctor said this may be why it took a little longer since a fertilized egg would have a harder time implanting. It's an easy fix involving a little day surgery. I haven't heard from the clinic though since the mc so who knows when that'll happen.
It is what it is. Nothing I can do except put one foot in front of the other and go on. Not sure if I'll be testing in August. Cm is still pretty creamy so who knows when I'll ovulate. Bd starts tonight! My hubby will be pleased about that- poor guy it's been a while.
So I took this test at 2:30 (took the photo then too). I'm only 8DPO but I think I see two lines.
Link to my test on Countdown to Pregnancy
H has seen it and sees the line too. Is this it??
Will test tomorrow with FMU of course and probably with an FRER.
Look what arrived just in time for my fertile period!
I'm a bit wary about these, but I'll give anything a go!