AUGUST buddies~ Symptom Spotting, Girl Talk & POAS party!

Yes I am close to O I think. Boo :(

Darn. Well take care of yourself and maybe you'll get better before O day!!

I'm being ridiculous, I know...but I googled "eye twitching pregnancy symptom" because my eye has been twitching the last couple days! It's so annoying! If anything I'm sure it's just from being tired...and I have been feeling abnormally fatigued the last few days. Not to the point that I'm sleeping in longer than normal, but I want to go to bed earlier (I'm a night owl even if I'm tired) and just feeling sluggish and drowsy. Not reading into it too much though - still not sure what's normal for my TWW :dohh:
Alright ladies double you tee eff, 7dpo, thought the light pink watery cm yesterday was a good sign (maybe IB?) and then today have what feels like AF cramps and more bright red blood but still only spotting. Have not had this happen before. Last month I spotted at 6dpo right up through my period but it was brown the whole time. Thought it might be old blood coming out from the cleanse I did. This month I don't get it - no sore boobs, no other symptoms. Grrrr aaarrgh :growlmad:

What cleanse did you do out of interest?

I had watery cm my BFP (mc) month. I was just so sure, but these awful cramps make me think I'm out :(

I'm going to try not to test tomorrow, my due day and my first day back to work post op. Oh the joys and see if it shows. The last 3 months it's come on at about 10-11pm at night.

Please let me see that little line and it be strong healthy and sticky.

Keep us updated on the spotting.

Thanks for the support, it means so much!! Re: the cleanse, it was a whole body cleanse from Wild Rose, it's the top cleanse in Canada for 25 years. I only did it for the first 12 days of my cycle. Also Castor Oil Packs after menstruation and before ovulation get rid of old blood in the uterus.

I spotted so much yesterday I put a tampon in but it came out mostly dry. I knew it was not AF but didn't want to deal with the mess. No other side effects at all except cramps so figuring I am out this month :( AF is due next weekend.
Also it had like little bubbles in it as well...just check again now its back to regular creamy but cervix is reachable and soft

My cervix moves throughout the day, high in the am low in the eve no matter where I am in my cycle. But at ov time it's generally soft.
Alright ladies double you tee eff, 7dpo, thought the light pink watery cm yesterday was a good sign (maybe IB?) and then today have what feels like AF cramps and more bright red blood but still only spotting. Have not had this happen before. Last month I spotted at 6dpo right up through my period but it was brown the whole time. Thought it might be old blood coming out from the cleanse I did. This month I don't get it - no sore boobs, no other symptoms. Grrrr aaarrgh :growlmad:

What cleanse did you do out of interest?

I had watery cm my BFP (mc) month. I was just so sure, but these awful cramps make me think I'm out :(

I'm going to try not to test tomorrow, my due day and my first day back to work post op. Oh the joys and see if it shows. The last 3 months it's come on at about 10-11pm at night.

Please let me see that little line and it be strong healthy and sticky.

Keep us updated on the spotting.

Thanks for the support, it means so much!! Re: the cleanse, it was a whole body cleanse from Wild Rose, it's the top cleanse in Canada for 25 years. I only did it for the first 12 days of my cycle. Also Castor Oil Packs after menstruation and before ovulation get rid of old blood in the uterus.

I spotted so much yesterday I put a tampon in but it came out mostly dry. I knew it was not AF but didn't want to deal with the mess. No other side effects at all except cramps so figuring I am out this month :( AF is due next weekend.

Hi all - Catching up from the weekend!

Smiley - My DH and I have definitely had cycles where we burned out DTD. We'd BD a lot as soon as I had watery/ewcm but then I'd always O later than I expected and by then we'd kind of be worn out :haha: Sorry it's such a confusing month for you

Canada and Caringo - Welcome to the TWW! :dust:

Daisy - Sorry I can't be more help... I only have 8 day LPs, so 14 dpo is well past my range of expertise and I've never actually heard of ovarian drilling. Hopefully you get some answers (and hopefully it's a :bfp:) very soon! :hugs: But if AF hasn't shown yet, don't give up hope!

Congrats Pink :dance:

Hunni - I hope you get some clarity soon too. It's been a rough month for you :hugs: I do think that cyst can mimic a lot of other things, so I'm sure it's even more confusing than normal. But I agree with Mint - even if you don't temp, you can use your chart to track symptom spotting and that may help you identify some useful trends

Cheeky - Aww - Hope it's a

Oh! I've never heard of that. If I'm out this month i might try it.

I was diagnosed after my mc with pcos, gyno put me straight on metformin and in for ovarian drilling, and cervical dilation, hopefully help me ovulate regularly and hold a pregnacy next time, I had it on day 3 of my cycle and then ovulated 5 days earlier than normal.

I was due today, cramos, backache and nausea continued. Cramps not doubling me over today just niggly. As for cm. none! I feel like AF is starting go to toilet and nothing then feel super dry. Oh another bfn today
Hi all,
Hope you don't mind me hopping in to this forum (It's been a while since I was last here (2yrs))

Just to add my (hopeful) symptoms to the mix.
25 day cycle. O around day 12.

Mild occasional nausea
Heachaches (which I never get)
Acid indigestion (which I never get)
But the biggest one of all -
I haven't been eating everything in the house in the week building to my period

But now I am bleeding at CD 23 - Only on a liner but too heavy for implantation I think..... But I keep hoping............ (And ignoring the BFNs)

Good luck everyone x
Welcome and good luck, charlieworld! Hope your bleeding is IB, not AF!

Wow, this fatigue is just debilitating today. I've had a few naps to see if that would help with the eye twitch, but it hasn't...and I'm sure the naps are just making me more tired. :wacko: Bleh.
I feel you caringo. I'm 7dpo and I've fallen asleep so many times today. I've not had broken sleep at night but I wake and still feel tired.

I've also had cramps all day today. Feels like AF ��
I feel you caringo. I'm 7dpo and I've fallen asleep so many times today. I've not had broken sleep at night but I wake and still feel tired.

I've also had cramps all day today. Feels like AF ��

aw! yes exactly!

hmm...cramps at 7dpo could be a good sign! implantation? FX for you!!
Congrats Pink Turtle!

Cheeky-sorry hopefully you will feel better soon.

Hunni-I have no idea. I would say if it makes you feel better you can test. Your getting close to 10 dpo now right?

Caringo-I have no idea about eye twitches lol. I'm sitting here racking my brain trying to remember if I had that with my pregnancy.

AFM: Finally Cross Hairs!!!!! :happydance: I ovulated 4 days later than last month. I don't feel confident pregnancy wise since we bd'd earlier in the week around the time I had a lot of ewcm, but I was worried that I wasn't going to O since I came across that second round of ewcm after I thought I ovulated (which I did). So I'm good just knowing that I O'd lol. Don't get me wrong still crossing my fingers for a BFP, but since I'm totally not expecting anything I won't be as disappointed!
Yes I am close to O I think. Boo :(

Darn. Well take care of yourself and maybe you'll get better before O day!!

I'm being ridiculous, I know...but I googled "eye twitching pregnancy symptom" because my eye has been twitching the last couple days! It's so annoying! If anything I'm sure it's just from being tired...and I have been feeling abnormally fatigued the last few days. Not to the point that I'm sleeping in longer than normal, but I want to go to bed earlier (I'm a night owl even if I'm tired) and just feeling sluggish and drowsy. Not reading into it too much though - still not sure what's normal for my TWW :dohh:

caringo, usually muscle twitching is a sign of low magnesium levels. Magnesium is critical to muscle function and an excess of calcium without mag will cause all kinds of issues including muscle twitches and spasms. Also a deficiency in magnesium is what causes morning sickness and prevents the classic leg cramping and "twitchy sleep" during pregnancy so good reason to beef up on this critical mineral! :dust:
I haven't been by in about a month. I had a rough time the last couple cycles, well, as of Friday, I was 7 days late, had what I believe to be IB (tiny brown spot so small I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't watching for AF) so I bought an hpt and was planning on taking it with fmu Saturday morning, but....I couldn't wait! I ended up poas late Friday night and got an instant, no doubt about it, can't even pretend you don't see it BFP!!!

Congratulations! So happy for you!:happydance: What were your symptoms?

Extremely irritable! Everything frustrated me. And I know it sounds kinda cliché but I have never cared for pickles even as a child, then one day I started adding them to everything I could. Increased cm. Extremely tired. Bloated! And I just can't seem to get comfortable. I felt as if AF was coming, had one teeny tiny spot of brown then AF symptoms slowly went away. Light cramps occasional nausea to certain smells, oh and now I can smell everything!!. But the most noticeable are exhaustion and irritability!
Yes I am close to O I think. Boo :(

Darn. Well take care of yourself and maybe you'll get better before O day!!

I'm being ridiculous, I know...but I googled "eye twitching pregnancy symptom" because my eye has been twitching the last couple days! It's so annoying! If anything I'm sure it's just from being tired...and I have been feeling abnormally fatigued the last few days. Not to the point that I'm sleeping in longer than normal, but I want to go to bed earlier (I'm a night owl even if I'm tired) and just feeling sluggish and drowsy. Not reading into it too much though - still not sure what's normal for my TWW :dohh:

caringo, usually muscle twitching is a sign of low magnesium levels. Magnesium is critical to muscle function and an excess of calcium without mag will cause all kinds of issues including muscle twitches and spasms. Also a deficiency in magnesium is what causes morning sickness and prevents the classic leg cramping and "twitchy sleep" during pregnancy so good reason to beef up on this critical mineral! :dust:

That's funny, because I've been taking a magnesium supplement for a couple months :haha: although I've missing several days lately...but I did just take some today. I know I need to get back into it regularly before it's too late and the MS hits!
Congrats Pink Turtle!

Cheeky-sorry hopefully you will feel better soon.

Hunni-I have no idea. I would say if it makes you feel better you can test. Your getting close to 10 dpo now right?

Caringo-I have no idea about eye twitches lol. I'm sitting here racking my brain trying to remember if I had that with my pregnancy.

AFM: Finally Cross Hairs!!!!! :happydance: I ovulated 4 days later than last month. I don't feel confident pregnancy wise since we bd'd earlier in the week around the time I had a lot of ewcm, but I was worried that I wasn't going to O since I came across that second round of ewcm after I thought I ovulated (which I did). So I'm good just knowing that I O'd lol. Don't get me wrong still crossing my fingers for a BFP, but since I'm totally not expecting anything I won't be as disappointed!

Hope you will get your BFP! I'd say you have a decent chance! Does the X on your chart in the BD category mean you did or didn't do it?
Yay Pink! That is so awesome!

I was up most of last night with the worst headache I think Ive ever had in my life! I could not sleep even though I took Tylenol. Woke up today and I still have is seriously soo painful it's making me nauseous. Considering leaving work early but then I feel like Im being lazy...

Oh and I took everyone's advice and got another pack of OPKs yesterday! The Answer brand.

Oh and question! If I did in fact O early does that mean AF will be due early too? Just wondering when I could start to POAS. I will keep using OPKs just in case but Im pretty convinced I O'd CD 9/10. It wouldnt be so unusual as my cycle has been as short as 24 days before (in fact, 5 months ago I had a 24 day cycle)...
AF should be early if you ovulated early. How long is you LP
normally? Add that in to ovulation day and hey presto! AF due date.
Bluefish~ Thanks! I have no clue how long my luteal phase is. This is my first month using OPKs. This is all so confusing! Probably what gave me this migraine in the first place.
Yes I am close to O I think. Boo :(

Darn. Well take care of yourself and maybe you'll get better before O day!!

I'm being ridiculous, I know...but I googled "eye twitching pregnancy symptom" because my eye has been twitching the last couple days! It's so annoying! If anything I'm sure it's just from being tired...and I have been feeling abnormally fatigued the last few days. Not to the point that I'm sleeping in longer than normal, but I want to go to bed earlier (I'm a night owl even if I'm tired) and just feeling sluggish and drowsy. Not reading into it too much though - still not sure what's normal for my TWW :dohh:

:rofl: eye twitching pregnancy symptom.. Funny!! But I know what you mean about symptom spotting! Had major crying jag last night because dh and I were having a 'discussion' and he said "are you on your period or something?? Your being overly emotional!" - :cry: :wacko: :haha: he wasn't thinking of the whole ttc/tww when he said it. Been tired and irritable but also cramping just like last cycle. :shrug:

when are you testing caringo?? Want to be testing buddies? :blush:
I haven't been by in about a month. I had a rough time the last couple cycles, well, as of Friday, I was 7 days late, had what I believe to be IB (tiny brown spot so small I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't watching for AF) so I bought an hpt and was planning on taking it with fmu Saturday morning, but....I couldn't wait! I ended up poas late Friday night and got an instant, no doubt about it, can't even pretend you don't see it BFP!!!

Congratulations! So happy for you!:happydance: What were your symptoms?

Extremely irritable! Everything frustrated me. And I know it sounds kinda cliché but I have never cared for pickles even as a child, then one day I started adding them to everything I could. Increased cm. Extremely tired. Bloated! And I just can't seem to get comfortable. I felt as if AF was coming, had one teeny tiny spot of brown then AF symptoms slowly went away. Light cramps occasional nausea to certain smells, oh and now I can smell everything!!. But the most noticeable are exhaustion and irritability!

Pinkturtle sorry I missed your bfp!!! Congrats :yipee: :happydance:
Aww Macy. Its fine. You'll soon be an OPK pro! LOL.

I found they helped me understand a lot more about my body. Although I do temp aswell. I get so excited when I get a +ve OPK AND a temp rise LOL.

As for your LP, they are generally between 10 and 16 days so it'll be interesting to see what yours is. Mine is generally 14 days.

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