Hey ladies can I join? EDD is Sept 3rd. I'm 37 from the States. I haven't been on here in ages as I stopped trying with my last partner due to some health issues he had. We broke up in October after a long tumultuous on and off 5 1/2 years. The next week an acquaintance of mine started talking to me and we hit it off and fell in love, and he moved in Dec 1. We had talked about trying for a child next year but apparently the universe had other plans! This past Saturday I had a whim to test because I had some spotting and sore bbs, I'm not on bc just using FAM and pull-out.. welp there were 2 lines on every test so I guess it's happening now! I didn't do a very good job of temping this month so I'm not sure what dpo I am but my best guess is bfp on 11 dpo and currently at 16 dpo. I could be a couple of days off though. I went for betas Tuesday at 14 dpo (hcg was 33) and went back for 2nd betas today and impatiently awaiting results! My tests have been getting darker but only very slowly so I'm a little nervous. With my daughter who is now 8, my tests got dark super fast so it is definitely different this time around.