Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Just a random side note..... I have been doing a bit if stalking lol just wondering what ever happened with aquiss as she left straight after BFP, so I searched her name And a post came up asking about a positive vs evap test. The date was in April, and I just thought it was so weird that she told us that she only started ttc not even 2 weeks before her BFP and got it while using contraception when she's been in here for months.... Very strange. I know it doesn't matter, just wanted to share cos I obviously have too much time on my hands lol and I just thought it was so strange!
Yeah a little odd...she still seems active in another thread though so maybe she just felt more comfortable in that group than this one...

Very strange tho mum2Q!!!

It is SO BFP time on this thread. Its been too long between them and we just need one i reckon to get us on a new roll!!!!

EDIT: Does it sound wrong to say i am rooting for Angel & Jayne in the context of this group??? :haha: :haha: :haha:

Oh and LOL at my dh this morning, he's like 'you are always on your phone or your ipad!!!! Before you go to soon as you get up....dont you like talking to me anymore?' Oopsies!!!! :blush:

Guilty as I showed him my chart and he was like erm....ok, get back on your ipad... hahahahaha

hahaha Nana, that's funny. It makes you feel terrible when they say stuff like that doesn't it. you think 'oh shit...better pay him some attention' it's almost as if we're all having emotional affairs! hahhaahaha poor men & women in our lives having to go through this TTC with us. haha

I had a big cry on the phone to my DH last night as he's away and he was like "babe, it will happen, we're on the right track now. you've got such a good support network. with me & our families, and all thos girls you talk to on that site, we're all here for you' haha he knows we all need eachother too!
Up at 5:30 every day here, or 5 if there's any chores to do before work like washing or cleaning up. Think of it as good practise for when there's a newborn in the house! :)
Now that I have had a proper chance to read what the early birds were up to this morning, Melainey I am so glad to hear you have had a good chat with DH and he is back on board for the rumpy pumpy baby making :sex: !!!! Thats super news :-)

2Mums I hope you are feeling better, nothing worse than being dragged out of sleep in pain xx

Jayne I hope to see some more higher temps from you in your morning and that witch can shove her broomstick up her bum and fly into someone elses kitchen :)

Rosie, as always nice to see you busily :coolio: our charts again nice and early!

Have a great day girls, :jo: is on fire today ;) she's got her cane tap tap atappin away! :jo: :jo: :jo: :jo:
hahaha Nana, that's funny. It makes you feel terrible when they say stuff like that doesn't it. you think 'oh shit...better pay him some attention' it's almost as if we're all having emotional affairs! hahhaahaha poor men & women in our lives having to go through this TTC with us. haha

I had a big cry on the phone to my DH last night as he's away and he was like "babe, it will happen, we're on the right track now. you've got such a good support network. with me & our families, and all thos girls you talk to on that site, we're all here for you' haha he knows we all need eachother too!

lol! I hope you are feeling better Mum2Q! This group is definitely a great support to me (not to mention non stop giggles) and i'd be lost without it!

I was at dinner the other night with a couple of the guys that i cycle with. One of them is basically one of my best mates and he is the only person I have actually told that we are ttc (DH has apparently let it slip to his DH which i am not particularly impressed about, as every week or two he is asking if i am duffers yet...clearly he is not that 'down' with womens cycle length!!) Anyways, at this dinner, my good friend let slip to the other guy we cycle with (not a close friend at all) that me and dh were trying and i was furous at him!

Im trying to figure out if i am over reacting, but every time i think about it i just get angry all over again, as 1, its not his news to tell, and 2, i didnt want people to know that we are trying as what if we are trying for years without any luck!

Thoughts girls? Am i just being a horrible bitch and should i just get over it? He apologised but is all like, well its done now and i cant take it back, and thats that....i guess he is right tho...

lol! I hope you are feeling better Mum2Q! This group is definitely a great support to me (not to mention non stop giggles) and i'd be lost without it!

I was at dinner the other night with a couple of the guys that i cycle with. One of them is basically one of my best mates and he is the only person I have actually told that we are ttc (DH has apparently let it slip to his DH which i am not particularly impressed about, as every week or two he is asking if i am duffers yet...clearly he is not that 'down' with womens cycle length!!) Anyways, at this dinner, my good friend let slip to the other guy we cycle with (not a close friend at all) that me and dh were trying and i was furous at him!

Im trying to figure out if i am over reacting, but every time i think about it i just get angry all over again, as 1, its not his news to tell, and 2, i didnt want people to know that we are trying as what if we are trying for years without any luck!

Thoughts girls? Am i just being a horrible bitch and should i just get over it? He apologised but is all like, well its done now and i cant take it back, and thats that....i guess he is right tho...

You're not over reacting - I'd be super pissed off. I guess there isn't much you can do now, what a pain!
lol! I hope you are feeling better Mum2Q! This group is definitely a great support to me (not to mention non stop giggles) and i'd be lost without it!

I was at dinner the other night with a couple of the guys that i cycle with. One of them is basically one of my best mates and he is the only person I have actually told that we are ttc (DH has apparently let it slip to his DH which i am not particularly impressed about, as every week or two he is asking if i am duffers yet...clearly he is not that 'down' with womens cycle length!!) Anyways, at this dinner, my good friend let slip to the other guy we cycle with (not a close friend at all) that me and dh were trying and i was furous at him!

Im trying to figure out if i am over reacting, but every time i think about it i just get angry all over again, as 1, its not his news to tell, and 2, i didnt want people to know that we are trying as what if we are trying for years without any luck!

Thoughts girls? Am i just being a horrible bitch and should i just get over it? He apologised but is all like, well its done now and i cant take it back, and thats that....i guess he is right tho...

You're not over reacting - I'd be super pissed off. I guess there isn't much you can do now, what a pain!

Good to know its not just me! Yeah, certainly cant be undone. Men are such pests sometimes.
Men are useless! Saw last night (got curious myself) that Aquiss found out she had a chemical...apparently her doctor ordered bloodwork and here hcg was 0. :(
Wow ok - thats no good at all. Maybe she will be back after all.

So, for all you :coolio: out there, I've just created a seperate profile so I can also chart my vaginal temps - they are super different to oral (to be expected) but I thought might be fun to keep track of them since I've been writing them down this month!
Our alarm clock went off at 4.30am as DH has to go to S.A. for work today. I went right back to sleep keeping my fingers cross he didn’t wake our daughter up.

Oh Melainey I am so glad to hear you had a chat with DH and you guys are back on track again.

Angel I still have my FX for you. Dont give up hope xx

Newbie, how annoying!! I too would be very pissed off if one of my good friends told. Let’s hope he saw your reaction & won’t do it again!

Sorry if I have missed everyone else.

cd 9 today, but that last two days I kinda had a pain which I have never felt before. I also has a chat with DH last night as I am under decide should be we go for it & not worry about the gender or should I just stick it out for my little man. I hate all the time in-between waiting. You just have to much time to think!!!
This is very true Lisa!

There is SOOO much time 'waiting' in this TTC business.....of course, once we have graduated from this first part we are going to have another 9 months of waiting again!!!

LOL mum2Q - my DH always thinks I love you lot more than him too... he is happy I have found you all though as he has no interest in my chart or my CM :)

:jo: we call it rumpy pumpy too!!! :rofl:

Should be teaching spelling so off til recess! catch up soon! xx
Oh a lovely sleep in yesterday after night shift. I try to stay off the computer as much as possible on my days off to give my eyes a break, but I have to pay some bills online today and I just drifted over to the board (haha)...
CD11 today, starting to think about breaking out the OPKs in the next few hours. But off to the gym and the chiropractor today.
Fingers x'd for those testing soon for BFPs. Hopefully one day that will be us!
g'morning ladies~!!

Angel - i still think you have a BFP just around the corner!!
:jo: - id be pissed off too, like Lisa said hope he saw our reaction and checked himself
mum2q and :jo: tell your DH i love him :haha: crazy talkative women :haha:
i know theres more, i've forgotten, still not feeling well, and soo tired but I have to go out for a few hours and i'm really dreading it!! Before i go im just going to be a real honest bitch for a minute, I am very very sorry to hear about aquiss' chemical, thats unfortunate, and sad and would never wish that upon anybody! But i did get annoyed when she popped her chirpy little 19 yr old ass in here and was like i'm pregnant and we weren't even really trying {for that long, or whatever her story may be} I thought to myself, rack off, your 19 and we've all been trying for much longer and it annoyed me! Sorry for that brutal honesty, must be my mood today! But i do wish her best of luck in life but i wouldn't be terribly upset if she didn't come back to our thread, and really hope she doesn't end up reading that, but ill still stand by my words, even if i have to blame it on hormones :haha:
anyways, love you all, sorry to those i forgot, hopefully i'll be back soon!!!
Oh 2mums! Love your honesty even if it is just hormones!!! Bahahahaha

Hope you ladies are having a great day!!!

Hey :flasher:, where are you??? I have a question...did you do anything different to get your chart working on month 2 it did it just pop up one day? I'm thinking I should go in and make up data for last month so it starts working, what do u think??
Oh 2mums! Love your honesty even if it is just hormones!!! Bahahahaha

Hope you ladies are having a great day!!!

Hey :flasher:, where are you??? I have a question...did you do anything different to get your chart working on month 2 it did it just pop up one day? I'm thinking I should go in and make up data for last month so it starts working, what do u think??

Hey Rosie

:flasher: doesnt get up this early....(its only 8.41 in WA...)

Do you want to email me the BB code for your chart and I will compare it to mine and see if i can see a problem? [email protected] if so :-)
g'morning ladies~!!

Angel - i still think you have a BFP just around the corner!!
:jo: - id be pissed off too, like Lisa said hope he saw our reaction and checked himself
mum2q and :jo: tell your DH i love him :haha: crazy talkative women :haha:
i know theres more, i've forgotten, still not feeling well, and soo tired but I have to go out for a few hours and i'm really dreading it!! Before i go im just going to be a real honest bitch for a minute, I am very very sorry to hear about aquiss' chemical, thats unfortunate, and sad and would never wish that upon anybody! But i did get annoyed when she popped her chirpy little 19 yr old ass in here and was like i'm pregnant and we weren't even really trying {for that long, or whatever her story may be} I thought to myself, rack off, your 19 and we've all been trying for much longer and it annoyed me! Sorry for that brutal honesty, must be my mood today! But i do wish her best of luck in life but i wouldn't be terribly upset if she didn't come back to our thread, and really hope she doesn't end up reading that, but ill still stand by my words, even if i have to blame it on hormones :haha:
anyways, love you all, sorry to those i forgot, hopefully i'll be back soon!!!

Oh my you are a funny lady..... I totally understand where you are coming from, in my book, comments like 'i never knew it would be so easy' when its clearly NOT easy for others are not overly welcome...imho...

I do also have my bitch hat on today tho (even tho you see her with her cane :jo:)

Hey 2mums I kind of agree. My partner and I have been NTNP for nearly 11 months. We decided to not use protection about 1 month into being together. I said hey I am 30 and time is getting on for me to fall pregnant, he said lets go with the flow. I know he is a little freaked if I say hey Babe I'm pregnant but I believe he will be an awesome father.

I have decided not to chart till my AF turns up. I have the worst swelling and soreness from my underarms which I don't normally have at 4dpo. nipples are getting tender and bbs starting to feel fuller... Fxed!! I am a little bloated, tender lower abdomen and lower back is sore today but that is normal for around 4dpo. Anyone else got different than normal symptoms?;1;10766;467/st/20120718/o/19/l/34/dt/12/k/a91a/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Oh 2mums! Love your honesty even if it is just hormones!!! Bahahahaha

Hope you ladies are having a great day!!!

Hey :flasher:, where are you??? I have a question...did you do anything different to get your chart working on month 2 it did it just pop up one day? I'm thinking I should go in and make up data for last month so it starts working, what do u think??

Hey Rosie

:flasher: doesnt get up this early....(its only 8.41 in WA...)

Do you want to email me the BB code for your chart and I will compare it to mine and see if i can see a problem? [email protected] if so :-)

Here it is, thanks so much!!!!
My Ovulation Chart

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