Afternoon ladies!
Angel I was so hopefully for your BFP today! Your temps still look great though!
Really hoping there will be some BFP's tomorrow....what a great birthday present!

two of my friends had their babies on my birthday 2years ago! So special

that will make my day to see some of you (or at least one of you!) get your dream!
Part of me feels a bit awkward being here and already having kids, I feel a bit like I already have what you all want, & I know I'm very blessed! So please tell me shut up if I keep going on about them too much...or if anything I say frustrates you! I'm a "tell me what you think of me" kind of person!

it can be frustrating when people get pregnant before you especially when they haven't even been trying. As I said before I'm sure I was one of those people who just had it all handed to me on a plate in some peoples eyes and I'm thankful for this time I've had endure the TTC, it's made me thankful that I have met all you lovelies and I think without this experience I probably would have gone through life not really caring about those people that struggle trying to get pregnant! So as hard as it I know it's for a good reason and I'm much more sympathetic!

love all of you & love sharing this journey! I genuinely care for you all & hope you get to meet your own little babies in the next year!