Helllllooooooooooooooooooooo ladies....
It took me a bloody hour to catch up
So here it goes (sorry if I forgot anyone

Rosie – I know who wouldn’t want lil leprechauns

so happy he ison track again

newbie is right I’m a bum and don’t get up early glad you got it working

what was wrong with it? Nawwwwww your puppies are sooooo cute
Angel – great about temp still have FX for you


your temps look great too defo duffers the both of ya!! Your dh is too cute

oh and I’d be pretty pissed also , It’s your news after all :wave: your puppies are sooooo cute

cuddles them for me
Mum2Q – hehe he just needed a beating around the ear :wave:


hmmm very strange about aquiss!! Hmmmm haha
Woohoo – morning lovely
Lisa- I could only imagine the pain of waiting but it will be worth it for your little man , your puppies are adorable

, I am also having weird twinges in my ovaries and I am only CD8? Could EPO be causing this?
2mums – I hope your tummy feels better soon

how dare you not like CHEESE! I LOVE CHEESE haha maybe that’s my downfall with weight

I agree with you about Aquiss and to be honest I don’t think she actually cared about anybody in here she was always just wanting answers for herself and ignoring everyone else! Not how it works. And I’m just honest no hormones involved haha I do wish her all the best tho…
Pammy – Myself and DH pretty much started straight away too we fell in love straight away and wanted babies straight away – (without that little hiccup yesterday haha) goodluck and hope this is your month
LLPM - shush up we love ya

I am a typical pcos head hahaha hairy, overweight and don’t ovulate regular hahaha god I hate waxing my moustache

Soooo bloody annoying

Poor DH sometimes feels he married a man I reckon haha but he always says to me when i'm down "you have a disorder Elaine" and I suppose it would be different if I was just hairy in general hahaha
Nothing really new for me I don't want to get out of bed it's toooooo cold haha

Am actually going to go to the gym on my own later

this is a big step as I normally hate this kind of thing but after my little scare last night with DH I decided to get really skinny and sexy and then he can't resist me in bed so will get my baby hahahahaha
much love to you all xxx