Ok hello lovely ladies.... Symptoms for the morning... same as yesterday. bbs more sensitive than normal a little bloated, really gassy (lucky no one sits at my desk atm) Underarms not as swollen today. Quck question to all did any of you ladies ever have alot of clear stringy cm around 4 or 5 dpo? it is not that normal for me to be that wet!!
TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
- Hey everyone. PLEASE don't judge me . Anyways... Im 15 (almost 16) years old . Me and my boyfriend were not trying to have a baby, but we also were not taking precautions. We have been usng the infamous pull-out method . My period went off JULY 21ST 2012. Me and my boyfriend had sex on AUGUST 1ST 2012 . we had sex multiple times, but we used the pull out method everytime. We also had sex on AUGUST 6TH 2012 . i checked several website and they said that i ovulated on JULY 31ST 2012 . now the crazy part is ... i was perfectly fine, but then on monday morning (AUGUST 6TH) , i woke up and suddenly had a stuffy nose and a sore throat. it only lasted 2 DAYS though. On august 7th i had a TERRIBLE PAINFUL cramp in my stomach. My period is supposed to come on on August 17th . I am having NO breast pain. which isnt normal for me. Now at this very moment I am having uncomfortable cramps in the bottom of my stomach. I also eat about 6 or 7 times a day, and im eatin about 2 or 3 times a day. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I AM PREGNANT ????? Someone please help me out. I read that sperm can live in a man urethra after ejaculation and that it can be in pre-cum . that is why im worried . PLEASE HELP !!!
Nana, my badge was getting pinned back to my shirt!!! Haha Rosie would have loved that! Ll
Hey there! Welcome ttc - sorry can't remember more of your name ATM lol hope you're duffers!!! Would be awesome! When is 15 dpo for you!?
I forgot you ladies don't know how 2mums got preggy, I asked her, but forgot it was in a different thread! I can't believe you all have the patience to wait this long to ask!! Haha
Nanna, hope you're feeling ok!! I also hope your sickness sticks around, as I want it to be morning sickness!!!!!! Woo hoo!!! Can't wait til you test!
Yeah, air con makes it way worse too! Oh, you poor thing, I hope your ok!!!
Awwww pooryour really sick huh?! I feel bad for teasing you now... is it just nausea? No vomiting or diarrhea I hope!!!!