Part 3 - the good bits!!

Sterile cups for him, and toys, lube, syringes, etc for us. This time we saw him 5 times in 4 days. He comes over, we have a bit of a chat, we're good friends at this point. Then he goes into the bedroom and masturbates into the sterile cup and leaves it by the bedside. We have a goodbye chat and a nice hug and he's on his way til we see him the next day. (i gotta tell you, and this may be too out there for some, but the last morning, as he gave me his hug goodbye, there was a feeling of energy between us, nothing sexual, just weird, wasn't til later when i was talking to OH about it we were content to think it was a passing of human energy and just knew it had to work this time- low and behold) So, we then go in the bedroom and do what we need to do. Wait, first i pee, nothing worse than having to pee and ruining everything and messing with the gravity we need to help the sperm swim upwards! And we all know we have to pee after orgasm, but i need to try to avoid this!!! We then create a slippery ride, including getting me wet naturally, and using the sperm friendly lube, we used a toy this time (to not have any hand bacteria or such) to make sure everything was open and could fit and was as natural as a hetero scenario would be. No orgasm yet! By this time the sperm has re-liquefied. (its runny at first, then coagulates as to not run out of the woman then about 10-15 min it re liquefies to continue its journey onward and upward.) So its easy to get into the syringe, a 10lm plastic needless syringe. Suck it up, push it down so no air and its just ready at the tip, we then put on a plastic flexible catheter which will increase the length and drop the sperm at the base of the cervix. We thread the catheter and syringe in to where it needs to be and then OH slowly pushes the syringe to release the sperm on its journey (her involvement there was very important!!, so she feels like she made the baby too) Then, this time we left it(syringe) in for a few min to avoid leakage, which we experience in the past, and its disheartening to see that all important baby batter being 'wasted'!! (side not- one of our donations was knocked on the floor by me, had a spas moment and hit the specimen cup, which flew to the floor and leaked everywhere, i saved enough, but i was crying and so upset, how could i be sooo stupid!!! It is too precious to be that careless!!) So take everything (syringe/catheter) out, then comes the fun part. Orgasm!!! Clitoral stimulated only as to not compromise what's going on inside. The orgasm which is the all important bit, bc it creates and dipping and sucking motion by the cervix which lowers and sucks in the sperm to help its journey. Had a few really good ones this time around!!

Then i lay, hips up, and wait, most of our donations were at night so i just read a book and stayed in bed and went to sleep to give the little

the best chance and easiest ride with the help of gravity. We sang to the egg, telling it drop and be healthy, and we sang to the sperm telling it to swim fast and find the egg. And thats all folks, thats how we did it!
Happy birthday Lucy