Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

mum2q- we havent crossed that bridge, i dont think she's thought of that, thankfully! But we'll discuss it when the time gets closer, as i know there will be times when the child prefers the other, or one of us wont be able to calm her/him, joys of parenting!! :haha: Your so thoughtful, and i love and appreciate it!!! :hugs:
:rofl: glitter cocaine, def sounds like something that LA invented!!!
I've seen a bunch of gayby stuff, sometimes its hilarious!
I dont mind being the :SEX: icon, :rofl: and lets be honest, you guys dont mind either :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I already thought of you as the :SEX: symbol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On another note I have a throbbing pain in my VAGINA!!?????!!! haha what could this be?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I should have chewed it a little better hey :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So I would like your thoughts ladies (and please 2mums don't get angry/sad I love ya :) )
I am getting re-married in Ireland because I didn't have any of my family there with my first wedding (which was sad :cry: ) Is it ok t go a little over the top even though it is my Second wedding? All your thoughts appreciated :) x
I can be happy for you and sad for myself at the same time, no worries!!! :haha: I think in most situations the answer would be no, but it seems like you had your 'lesser' wedding already (couldnt think of a better word, sorry), so you are due for a big family wedding extravaganza!! I say go over the top, make the most of it, let it be a glorious celebration not only for you and DH but for your family that wasn't there for the first one!! Do it!!!!! And ty for your consideration, i love ya too. I'm very very happy and excited that you will celebrate your wedding/marriage with your family finally!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

edit: just rememeber if and when you get a chance to vote for 'my' [gay] marriage, please allow it!!!:hugs:
Awwwwww thank you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Yeah I was thinking that ... like my mam said not to worry about the whole wedding again but just to have a massive party but I really would like to do it all again for them :) They seen a little on skype but the signal was so bad that it dropped out just after we said "I do " :rofl: I am looking up wedding dresses as we speak haha :haha: It is going to be so long away probably next year sometime but it is nice to get started looking at it :) I may even get a wedding planner book this time around hehehe ! I was also thinking of getting a dress that is too small so I will HAVE to lose weight for it hahaha!!

yeah get a planning book, and bridal mags, and the whole kit and kaboodle!!! Your mum will love it all once its happening and she'll be glad you didnt listen to her :haha: How exciting!!! I can see why you'd want to start early, and good idea about the dress, just small enough to motivate but not small enough to make it impossible then it becomes depressing :rofl: We'll all help plan!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

time for my nana nap, have a trivia night later for fundraising for our friends local soccor league, should be fun, last year was a riot!!! :sleep: see ya soon, bc ill have to check in before i go
yaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) Lots of helpers <3

Have a Lovely nap 2mums :hugs: :kiss: Have a great night at the charity event with your glass of non alcoholic wine :winkwink: heheh xx
Kiwi - I wish I won it! Was meant to get a ticket but forgot lol*

Newbie - your temps look fabulous! Yeah I got VIP but can't remember how much I paid. Let's hope you get that Bfp soon!*

Angel - I'm sorry about the witch! I was so confident that it was your month!

Maddy - I hope it's not too late! Gl getting that sticky bean*

Ll - I know the feeling about your body messing you about! I agree with melainey About taking the two temps! I'm quite tempted to do it myself!

Rosie - that sound like such hard work! I really admire you for doing that sort of work because I'm so squeamish. Good job! Hope you get that break soon from bun in the ovenosis lol

Melainey - I agree with 2mums, we waited to migrate until we had got married so that I could have a big family day. I think you should go with it and celebrate it big style! I was so glad I did and you won't regret it : )

Morning to everybody else today! Don't know why I'm up do early! Dh has already shouted at me for banging a door at 5:45! I had a bit of pain down there and when I checked my tampon it was almost completely dry from the whole night? Maybe it will pick up again as its only been 3 days and could have used a panty liner tbh! Sorry if tmi! It's also all dark brown with no clots which is very Wierd for me but maybe my body is just getting in to a proper routine!

Went to bed angry last night, so the night before last we were messing around but I didn't feel like I could o because I often can't when af is in town. But I helped him! Last night after dinner we are watching tv and I get my toy out and start showin him I feel like it, he goes to sleep!!! 45 mins later he wakes up, goes to the l
Kiwi - I wish I won it! Was meant to get a ticket but forgot lol*

Newbie - your temps look fabulous! Yeah I got VIP but can't remember how much I paid. Let's hope you get that Bfp soon!*

Angel - I'm sorry about the witch! I was so confident that it was your month!

Maddy - I hope it's not too late! Gl getting that sticky bean*

Ll - I know the feeling about your body messing you about! I agree with melainey About taking the two temps! I'm quite tempted to do it myself!

Rosie - that sound like such hard work! I really admire you for doing that sort of work because I'm so squeamish. Good job! Hope you get that break soon from bun in the ovenosis lol

Melainey - I agree with 2mums, we waited to migrate until we had got married so that I could have a big family day. I think you should go with it and celebrate it big style! I was so glad I did and you won't regret it : )

Morning to everybody else today! Don't know why I'm up do early! Dh has already shouted at me for banging a door at 5:45! I had a bit of pain down there and when I checked my tampon it was almost completely dry from the whole night? Maybe it will pick up again as its only been 3 days and could have used a panty liner tbh! Sorry if tmi! It's also all dark brown with no clots which is very Wierd for me but maybe my body is just getting in to a proper routine!

Went to bed angry last night, so the night before last we were messing around but I didn't feel like I could o because I often can't when af is in town. But I helped him! Last night after dinner we are watching tv and I get my toy out and start showin him I feel like it, he goes to sleep!!! 45 mins later he wakes up, goes to the loo and then starts tryin to get me going! And I said don't feel like it! I mean, I'm not a light switch! Thoughts ladies???
Hello Jayne :) :happydance:

Yeah I think I will do it bigger than last time :happydance: I don't want to spend a fortune but more than last time which was really small :) I willstart getting bits here and there (when I get a job hehehe) Yea 2mums I was thinking like a size 12 ! cause i am a 14 now and if i do get pregnant Iwill obviously get bigger so can't be too unrealistic! I wouldn't mind being a toned 12 anyway :happydance:

Jayne - My DH is the exact same! The other night when we got the Porn ( which was crappy , Im sticking to the internet haha) I wanted to fast forward until something we both liked but he found something he liked so I got shitty as it was suppose to be for both of us! So he just started pleasuring himself and I got so annoyed! (selifsh or what? haha) And I agree you are not a light switch ! At the end of the day if you are horny he should comply and vise versa! Especially when you are trying for a baby!! :) :hugs:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I should have chewed it a little better hey :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So I would like your thoughts ladies (and please 2mums don't get angry/sad I love ya :) )
I am getting re-married in Ireland because I didn't have any of my family there with my first wedding (which was sad :cry: ) Is it ok t go a little over the top even though it is my Second wedding? All your thoughts appreciated :) x

I had two weddings (so to speak). I had a very small service by the beach in Aust with immediate family and mainly my friends (only 34 people) and then we went for a meal. 4wks later we had a big fat Irish wedding. 220+ people all the trimmings, the cake, the band, the dj, the drink, the more drink, the seige of Ennis the whole lot! We were looking at doing a small service (like renewing the vows) but because it was on new years day and a sunday the priests over here wont do it (it is supposively some religious holiday) so we just went back to the hotel had a FREE hot drinks reception (plenty of hot whiskeys) and then went for the reception as you would normally minus hte church bit. It was good as I got to wear my dress twice but I used the Aust wedding as a trial run. Any problems I had with my dress or hair or makeup on the day I could fix for the Irish wedding. Now how many brides can do that??? :)

I'd say go as over the top as you can.
Hi all!

Newbie, not sure about the preg symptoms exactly, you're right that you always have progesterone at this stage of cycle, but I think your body goes into overdrive & it produces more, hence preg symptoms being so similar to AF, also would explain charts going triphasic. Don't quote me as im only going off what I've been told.

2 mums, you're really cool with being so relaxed about asking questions. I think the main reason I think it is cos usually men are less emotional & don't over think things like us women. I will be supporting gay marriage all the way!!

Melainey, I say go for it! As big as you want it!! Plus, the party is the expensive part, so it's not like there us any benefit to not getting married again. I have an idea for dress- I wore one that laced up at the back, it was a size 14, but I'm a size 10-12. It still fit me perfectly! You could get that style so you can lose weight, but if you don't get to your goal, you can still fit and look gorgeous in your dress!
Good morning ladies :happydance: :flasher:

As for me this morning ... Temps are still down so haven't O'd early :) But still got my :sex: time in last night and a really nice stiffy in this morning too hehehehe I love morning glories even if I am tired it's not for long hehehe I think we will leave the SA till next month or maybe even after I O cause I really do not want to miss it this month :happydance: And also I am feeling extra horny the past week so no :sex: for 3 days will kill me :haha: I have been having the most random dreams about glitter cocaine and suicide pacts and murder it has been a little weird the past 2nights hahahah!! :rofl:


MELAINEY: stop eating cheese before you go to bed :) LOL that usually causes weird dreams. But doesn't death mean something good?? I am no expert on dream analysis but I always thought that if you dream of death it doesn't mean someone is going to die but the end of something. Maybe this is the end of your "single" life as such and that you could be a family of 3 or 4 soon enough!! Fingers crossed. As for the glitter cocaine??? You are on your own with that one LOL

ANGEL: sorry to hear that the bitch arrived. I always hate CD1 and usually end up in a heap on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out chanting "its not fair" but afterwards I always feel so much better :) But I think the girls are right.... this is the first day of your pregnancy. MAY is a great time of year to have a baby. For me its the start of summer (not that you can tell over here) but for you it is going into winter so you wont be all hot, sweaty and pregnancy big!
That sounds wonderful Kiwi :) Irish weddings are amazing hey :winkwink: Is your husband from Limerick? I miss home so much :cry:

Yeah oh I am so excited now :) The thing is I was not planning on telling my family that I was arriving home .. Maybe I will set a date for the wedding and then arrive earlier than anticipated :) I am getting another wedding dress too hehe :happydance: I want to get a more "weddingy" dress if ya get me :) I LOVED my wedding dress (red is my favourite colour) but want to do it "proper" this time I suppose :)

We didn;t get married by a priest we got married by a civil celebrant :) Do they have them in Ireland? I assume the do hey! The registry office?

Mum2Q - Thank you :) THat is a fab idea on the dress :happydance: Oh I need to go get me a planner :) And I have all my little helpers here :happydance:

Thanks mum2q, I have nfi really, and still pretty sure I'll be seeing the witch on weds! We shall see!

Melainey I said go for it, all the bells and whistles babe! Every girl deserves it if it's possible, so plan a motza!!!

Jayne, smack him in the head and tell him to get with the program! All part of hs husbandly duties, and same applies to your dh melainey! Ladies first right???

Enjoy your :jo: nap 2mums!! I just woke up from one myself...baked apple and cinnamon muffins earlier and the house smells delish!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Looking forward to another temp tomrrow(kinda expecting it to start to drop ff from tomrrow...10dpo...)

Mwaa Mwaa much love x
Yeah I am pretty sure they have celebrants here. I headr of an Irish couple getting married in a pub down in Killarney and then had the reception in the beer garden so they must have used one. Big write up in the paper LOL.

I did all the aussie planning from here over the internet and late night phone calls (due to time difference). I had my best friend organise a few bits and pieces for me that I couldn't do or see in person. To save some costs I made all of my invitations (both Aust and Ireland). Found a brilliant little website that you can buy flat packs and they have the wording templates as well so all you do is fill in the blanks, cut them out and glue and stick. And they all come with envelopes so you dont even have to buy them! I got my dress in Ireland but it was like enough that I could fold in a box and stick it in my little backpack to carry on the plane! Then I just bought a little fluffy shoulder thing to wear in the middle of winter of Ireland.

Hubby is Irish and from Limerick and to make matters so much worse he is a farmer!!! LOL Which is why I am in Ireland for the forseeable future :cry: I do like it over here but (like you) I miss home terribly. I wish it was closer so I can pop on over for the weekend. I miss having my friends nearby as well. But we get over it.
My father is from NZ and when I was small he use to tease me and call me his Kiwi paua girl which is where I get my user name from. It gets a little confusing as everyone assumes I am a kiwi :) can't be having that now LOL

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