Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

How about that - I'd just typed the address into google, and it looks like I landed on a page from last time it changed hands, Angel!! Different agent and price so that's what I figure must have happened.
Re changing the flow to spotting... I'm not sure. I second guess this all the time in myself, and for me it has always been wishful thinking. For you it sounds quite possible though. I say test, and see. :D
angel, i too read siggie as ciggy and that cant be right, not from miss "fairly active" :rofl:
i'd leave it as light on FF, but i'm sure the others will have a 'better' answer (bc they know ff better than i), just seems that although it was super light, it wasn't spotting as you said, and i dont know if that will throw it off. Or just wait and see what the next few days bring, Still have my FX for a miracle! :)

Ha, I'd read it as ciggy for a second too, my eyebrows raised up so high they fell off my face, lol.

You gals are funny.

Chillax, nana :jo: hasnt hit the corner store for a pack of darts and set up shop in ye olde bistro just yet!!!!

Angel - Im not sure...the month that i had a stop start stop start i still left it as light because was defo more than spotting (plus i preferred to see myself advancing on a new cycle than getting to cd 5 and having to go back to cd 1 again! bahahahahaha)

PS, Ms fairly active skipped her spin class this morning because she, quite frankly, couldnt be arsed!!! (more colorful language told to DH when he asked why i wasnt in my gym kit!!!)

You gals are funny.

Chillax, nana :jo: hasnt hit the corner store for a pack of darts and set up shop in ye olde bistro just yet!!!!

Angel - Im not sure...the month that i had a stop start stop start i still left it as light because was defo more than spotting (plus i preferred to see myself advancing on a new cycle than getting to cd 5 and having to go back to cd 1 again! bahahahahaha)

PS, Ms fairly active skipped her spin class this morning because she, quite frankly, couldnt be arsed!!! (more colorful language told to DH when he asked why i wasnt in my gym kit!!!)

you lazy thing. Anyone'd think you ran 14k yesterday.
(go you good thing, by the way!)
Angle – my detailed on the first page is correct. Thanks for all your hard work in keeping it updated your doing an awesome job. I was so hoping you would have been duffer.Sorry to hear about no bfn. But your still in for a change if the :witch: hasn’t shown her face.

Hi Kiwi nice to meet you.

Woohoo – hope this week is better for you.

LLMP – I hope you had a wonderful birthday on Friday.

2mums – I love your story/journey. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Pammy & Rosie - How are you feeling today?

Newbie - Oh newbie so sorry to hear that hun! I still hope this is ur month for a bfp!

Wow I am still trying to get my head around babyhopealive who’s 15??? What the…..

I am only up to reading page 265....stopp adding to the pages (only joking)
hee hee Lisa I felt like saying the same thing when I was trying to catch up this morning after spending the weekend busy with family :)
Everyone stop typing for a minute!
Oh, hang on, did I just add... oh whoops, sorry ;)
:jo: still chuckles quietly to her self every time she reads the word 'duffers' on this page...hahahahahahaa

2mums, i am completely with you. No holds barred. Tell it how it is. Straight up. Personally i rather it when people are honest rather than pussy footing around!!! I understand there are people out there who are much nicer than me (and lots on this thread too who showed their niceness and patience with our 'visitors') but im just not one of them!!

And I am a BITCH today. Just snapped at poor old DH on the phone. He didnt really do anything wrong, im just a cranky old :mamafy:

WHY oh WHY do our hormones send us so batty around AF? I am bouncing between happy, sad, teary, angry and just plain rude today....I pity those who are around me!!!!
My head hurts from scrolling down the pages & reading. But I am finally up to date.

Sorry if I don’t comment on everything. I would do the word document that Melainey talked about but I already have four work documents open.

Yeah I try and jump on & keep up to date over the weekend even if I am not commenting. But it’s still hard.

My cramping finally stopped on Friday thank goodness. But Audrina came down with a temperature. So my weekend was looking after a toddler that was up and down. It’s so hard when they can’t tell you what is wrong. We almost rushed her off to emergency Saturday night but then I finally got her temperature down. She has spent four nights in our bed. I just hope she want put up a fight to go back into her cot. Hubby has taking the day off work to stay home and look after her & also to have daddy & daughter time.
Audrina came down with a temperature. So my weekend was looking after a toddler that was up and down. It’s so hard when they can’t tell you what is wrong. We almost rushed her off to emergency Saturday night but then I finally got her temperature down. She has spent four nights in our bed. I just hope she want put up a fight to go back into her cot. Hubby has taking the day off work to stay home and look after her & also to have daddy & daughter time.

Sorry to hear that - I hope she feels better soon. There's nothing more scary than feeling like you can't help your child - that must have been awful. xo
lisa- thank you and im glad you could appreciate our journey! I'm glad your lil girls temp went down, can be soo scary!!! Hope her and your DH have a good day today and that she's feeling better, and wants her own bed!!! Good to see you back today too!!!!
:jo: i've never been one to pussy foot around, don't think it does any good for anyone! I hope for my OHs sake I can also snap outta this mood before she gets home, I was already feeling really pessimistic and down this morning and so i called one of my good friends in california, the one that recently got married, was hoping for some good news from her, they are waiting to see if they just got a house, apparently will find out this friday, but i had a dream last night that they got it and she was painting the driveway yellow :haha: But she was shit-faced with our friends at the river, they were having a great time, but she was being brutally honest and said she's ready for me to come home now, i should move back and she still loves and supports my decision to move out to aussie but that she's over it and wants me back, and i know it was mostly alcohol speaking, but i also know thats when the truth comes out, and it just wasnt what i needed today, so made me feel that much worse. On a high note, i am about to leave for my osteopath appoint, so hopefully my neck and back wont hurt as much later and i'll feel better.
Hope monday is being good to everyone at work!!!! And those not at work, or elsewhere in the world!! xx
Hi Lisa! Good to see you again!!

2 mums, sorry you're having a crap day, we all love having you here, hope that you can pick yourself up again! Maybe try calling your mum?

Number 2, yay we have our next tester! Will give us something to look forward to! And great about the date night, it's very important, especially with number 2 coming along soon!

Nana, hope you're feeling ok, hugs!!! Sorry about the temps!

Angel, sorry for your temps too, I would leave it as cd 1, looking back it might not seem much, but at the time it was heavy enough to be period. Just let they cycle play out and you'll make more sense of it at the end.

Hi everyone else! Xxx
Hi Lisa!! Hope Audrina feels better, beautiful name, BTW.

2mums- no good gossip over here. I am sorry you are having a bad day, one of my best friends moved about 4 hrs away and after 2 glasses of wine the other night I tried to call her and prob would have begged her to come back, after hearing your perspective I'm glad she didn't answer....Hope your neck and back feel better!!!

:jo:- I'm am not convinced your not duffers...I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. I know what you mean about being disappointed. Last month I had no symptoms and all early tests (9,10,11 DPO) were negative but I still sobbed when AF came even though I was completely expecting just sucks.

Angel- very confused about the spotting, did you take another test? What happens on ff when you change it to spotting??? Anything??

Melainey- :flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher:hi!:flasher::flasher::flasher::flasher:

Number2- I am ready for some testing!!!! I say the sooner the better!!!!!

Mum2- hi!!! Anything fun planned today??

Ginny- cant wait to hear about the scan!!!!!
Hi ladies. Sorry have been MIA this morning!

Bummed to see some temp drops! Hopefully it is just bodies playing tricks!

I had my GP appointment this month, she is so lovely and understanding. She said the breast issue seems to be just fine and we should leave it alone now which is good news. But she's still baffled re lack of pregnancy. She can't understand why we aren't pregnant yet, she's sending DH for a semen analysis, then she wants to see us again in 6-8 weeks, and if we aren't pregnant she'll refer me to a fertility clinic... BUT there's one big issue! We don't have private health cover & there is no way we can afford private treatment. DH & I had a good chat & said we might try and head down the natural route (vitamins etc!) instead. We already decided we'll stop trying when Maggie turns 3 so we have 19months. It's frustrating and I'm at the point of wondering if it will ever happen?! im going to do some research on natural alternatives and see where that gets us.

Hope everyone's having a lovely day! :) xx
Hi ladies. Sorry have been MIA this morning!

Bummed to see some temp drops! Hopefully it is just bodies playing tricks!

I had my GP appointment this month, she is so lovely and understanding. She said the breast issue seems to be just fine and we should leave it alone now which is good news. But she's still baffled re lack of pregnancy. She can't understand why we aren't pregnant yet, she's sending DH for a semen analysis, then she wants to see us again in 6-8 weeks, and if we aren't pregnant she'll refer me to a fertility clinic... BUT there's one big issue! We don't have private health cover & there is no way we can afford private treatment. DH & I had a good chat & said we might try and head down the natural route (vitamins etc!) instead. We already decided we'll stop trying when Maggie turns 3 so we have 19months. It's frustrating and I'm at the point of wondering if it will ever happen?! im going to do some research on natural alternatives and see where that gets us.

Hope everyone's having a lovely day! :) xx

When you say you'll stop trying when Maggie is 3, do you mean stop actively trying but also not preventing?
I only ask because you're quite young to completely stop, but feel free to tell me to mind my own beeswax if you like.
Hi ladies. Sorry have been MIA this morning!

Bummed to see some temp drops! Hopefully it is just bodies playing tricks!

I had my GP appointment this month, she is so lovely and understanding. She said the breast issue seems to be just fine and we should leave it alone now which is good news. But she's still baffled re lack of pregnancy. She can't understand why we aren't pregnant yet, she's sending DH for a semen analysis, then she wants to see us again in 6-8 weeks, and if we aren't pregnant she'll refer me to a fertility clinic... BUT there's one big issue! We don't have private health cover & there is no way we can afford private treatment. DH & I had a good chat & said we might try and head down the natural route (vitamins etc!) instead. We already decided we'll stop trying when Maggie turns 3 so we have 19months. It's frustrating and I'm at the point of wondering if it will ever happen?! im going to do some research on natural alternatives and see where that gets us.

Hope everyone's having a lovely day! :) xx

When you say you'll stop trying when Maggie is 3, do you mean stop actively trying but also not preventing?
I only ask because you're quite young to completely stop, but feel free to tell me to mind my own beeswax if you like.


you CRACK me up number2!!!

Thanks Rosie, but im struggling to think a temp drop like this right around AF time could mean anything good!

My mood seems to be quickly deteriorating...i have SO much sympathy for my DH for tonight already!!!
Oh aunty popped a message to me on FB to say hello...(all of my family is down in Melbourne) My Grandma is in an aged care facility and has pretty severe dementure/alzheimers/whatever happens to us when we get quite old. But bless her, i love her to bits and miss her almost the most out of my whole family! Anyways, my aunty has just been to see her this weekend, and guess what? Grandma says she has just won a gold medal at the olympics!!! bahahahahaha, my aunty asked her if that was in the 1956 games in melbourne hehehe

Anyways, just put a smile momentarily back on my face! Now back to sulking in the corner. its fine to ask. We've just always wanted our kids close together. I think at that point we'll avoid pregnancy. I know that sounds totally crazy but I've seen what years of trying for a baby does to people. I don't want to be stressed and depressed for years and not enjoying my kids while I'm 'waiting', its already started to consume me and im sure its not healthy long term. I think if it hasn't happened by then we'll just accept its not going to happen and enjoy what we have! :) I know it will be the hardest decision ever!! I have a long running family history of severe endometriosis, my mum, grandma, aunt have all had complete hysterectomies by 37 so I know that's likely where I'm headed too! I hope it doesnt get to that point obviously but I'd rather know there's an end to it all...either way! X its fine to ask. We've just always wanted our kids close together. I think at that point we'll avoid pregnancy. I know that sounds totally crazy but I've seen what years of trying for a baby does to people. I don't want to be stressed and depressed for years and not enjoying my kids while I'm 'waiting', its already started to consume me and im sure its not healthy long term. I think if it hasn't happened by then we'll just accept its not going to happen and enjoy what we have! :) I know it will be the hardest decision ever!! I have a long running family history of severe endometriosis, my mum, grandma, aunt have all had complete hysterectomies by 37 so I know that's likely where I'm headed too! I hope it doesnt get to that point obviously but I'd rather know there's an end to it all...either way! X

I totally get that. I'm total panic stations now myself and it is so stressful! I have the added pressure of old age. It isn't very healthy to keep obsessing, you're right.

I'll take what I've got too - my other half and I were so fortunate to meet a bit later in life, we're very well matched, and we're even more amazingly fortunate to get our LO by surprise.

I think perhaps I need to get the bottle of "fertility tequila" out. OH has suggested previously that we could sell nips of it, I don't know why I haven't thought of trying it myself. (We conceived Harrison when I was on the pill and had been for over 20 years - but I was also on a course of antibiotics for pnemonia - I guess they made me start feeling better, eh! We got sozzled on tequila and red bull and out popped Harrison.)

I am sure you can all appreciate that I know how very lucky I was to get that surprise, and that I can appreciate how difficult it can be to conceive as we've been trying for a sibling for bloody ages! Can't believe we fluked it the first time! This time's been the totala opposite!

So, who wants to come over for tequilas tonight? ;) its fine to ask. We've just always wanted our kids close together. I think at that point we'll avoid pregnancy. I know that sounds totally crazy but I've seen what years of trying for a baby does to people. I don't want to be stressed and depressed for years and not enjoying my kids while I'm 'waiting', its already started to consume me and im sure its not healthy long term. I think if it hasn't happened by then we'll just accept its not going to happen and enjoy what we have! :) I know it will be the hardest decision ever!! I have a long running family history of severe endometriosis, my mum, grandma, aunt have all had complete hysterectomies by 37 so I know that's likely where I'm headed too! I hope it doesnt get to that point obviously but I'd rather know there's an end to it all...either way! X

I totally get that. I'm total panic stations now myself and it is so stressful! I have the added pressure of old age. It isn't very healthy to keep obsessing, you're right.

I'll take what I've got too - my other half and I were so fortunate to meet a bit later in life, we're very well matched, and we're even more amazingly fortunate to get our LO by surprise.

I think perhaps I need to get the bottle of "fertility tequila" out. OH has suggested previously that we could sell nips of it, I don't know why I haven't thought of trying it myself. (We conceived Harrison when I was on the pill and had been for over 20 years - but I was also on a course of antibiotics for pnemonia - I guess they made me start feeling better, eh! We got sozzled on tequila and red bull and out popped Harrison.)

I am sure you can all appreciate that I know how very lucky I was to get that surprise, and that I can appreciate how difficult it can be to conceive as we've been trying for a sibling for bloody ages! Can't believe we fluked it the first time! This time's been the totala opposite!

So, who wants to come over for tequilas tonight? ;)

Save some for your old :jo: in about a week and a halfs time!!!!!
Morning Ladies :happydance: I have been stalking all morning but only caught up now :haha:

Rosie – Hello lovely :hi:

Newbie – I’m sorry :cry: really hope that witch fecks off :hugs: :rofl: about your grandma :haha: hahahaha That is too cute :winkwink: Now we know where :jo: gets it from :winkwink:

Kiwi – Congrats on the game , now for the final :happydance:

Angel – sorry about your temps :cry: :hugs: As for the light bleed.. I think you should wait and see if :af: comes and if she does maybe change the other to spotting?

2woohoo - :hi: That’s great about bub :happydance: Enjoy your date nights :happydance: Oh and start :test: :happydance: Oh and I am on my way for tequilla :winkwink: (not a big fan of tequilla,may have to swap for whickey :winkwink: hehe )

Lisa – welcome back :happydance: Sorry to hear about bub :hugs: Hope she is better soon :hugs:

Ginny – Good luck today lady :happydance: Not that you need it :hugs:

2mums – I’m the same , if it needs to be said it will be said :rofl: Hope your back feels better :hugs:

LLPM – Good to hear about the breast issue :happydance: How much does it cost for the fertility clinic? I’m not even sure if our health insurance covers it? What would it be under?

As for me not feeling as bad today but still feel like poo :cry: The temp spike was also due to the sickness as temp is almost back down to where is was :cry: Also woke up all achy this morning.. I hurt my arm about 3 months ago at the gym and it has been hurting ever since and today I woke up and could barely move I almost cried with the pain inmy arm :haha: Also the insides of my legs are all sore evn tho I did not have any rough sex last night haha didn't have any last night actually haha! Hmmmm weird I think so ! Did I mention I HATE being sick haha! Am making DH do almost everything tho ( he's getting better at taking orders but most times the ADHD takes over :rofl: hahaha)


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