Hi Lovelies!
Ginny - so happy for you! Praising God right now that your little bub is healthy with a strong heart beat!!!
Melainey - poo to being sick - that does not sound like fun...

to you!
2woohoo LOL to tequilla - if only I was a fan I might give it a go - maybe a nice glass of wine will be in order next time for me!
Newbie - you make me laugh - you are either preggers of AF is about to knock down your door - either that or you are doing drugs - as your mood is all over the place!
2mums - give that belly a rub for me!
Lisa - nice to see you back - I am glad Audrina is ok - that must be scary to have a sick little one with a raging temp!
Lucy - God is good and his plan is perfect - I have no doubt that he will bless you with number 3 when the timing is right - he would not have given you such a strong desire for another bub if it wasn't meant to be
Hi to all others too!
AFM I am very confident that AF is coming back - I have had more spotting today (only when I wipe) and it is the pale brown with tiny clots like I normally get before AF

if she isn't here by bed time then I have no doubt she'll be greating me in the morning. I have a headache too - very typical for me just before AF.
Am wondering if the vit B could be what is delaying her and if the spotting I have had for the past week (on and off plus the light bleed on sat) was break through bleeding??? Either way my LP got to at least 11 days (one more than last month) even if I do count saturday as day 1 - am happy about that regardless.
Heading home from work now to pack boxes... boo! Not sure if I'll get much of a chance to hop on tonight

My asthma has been playing up badly today as well - if it is no better I may have to take tomorrow off work. Hard to teach and cough at the same time - plus the kiddies get a bot freaked out when my eyes start watering and I am struggling to breathe - poor things have witnessed it a couple of times in the past. Now whenever I cough one of them gets my puffer and another gets me my water bottle - they are so sweet.