Rosie - Hi! Nothing exciting for me today, just work. Until I got home, my OPK's are getting darker, it's almost as dark as the control line, I'm thinking Ill probably get a positive in the next 2 days, and I think I will have ovulated by Friday (this is only what I'm hoping...don't have any cycles to compare it to really...) but if I do Ov by friday, it will mean I have a short cycle which i will be very excited about!! well not short for everyone else, just for me! NICE!!
LLPM - I'm sure you will be able to have your third child. I know it seems like you'll never have your BFP, but just like pregnancies, TTC is different every time. I know a lot of people who take a long time to conceive the second or third time, It's totally just luck of the draw. 19 months is a long time from now. Just try to relax. If it's really stressing you, you could always start putting a little bit of money away each week, that way in 19 months, you wil have a bit put away if you need to go down fertility treatment road, if not, you'll be able to take your 3 kids on a holiday! It will happen when the time is right. (I know it's the last thing you want to hear!!but I knwo it will happen for you!)
Newbie, so funny about your nan, what a funny story to put a spring in your step today, family can do that to you, every time! Sorry you're still feeling shitty... I have to say that this time around, I was cranky for about 3-4 days before AF, and today is the first day that I have been able to feel good even when things go wrong! no frustration at nothing, no snappy tom at my poor DH (I even apologised for being such a total bitch latey) so I completely know how you're feeling, I know it feels like you're just having the worst time, but soon you will wake up & it will all be ok again!!

all my love to you while you're feeling shitty!!xx
Number 2 - that's so great that you got your little one by surprise! What a blessing, sometimes you don't know what you're missing until you have it there! I really think that you will be able to sneak in another one before too long!! and I'm defo on the cards for getting silly on tequilas! hehe
Melainey - I don't think anyone likes just drink it... ;lol
Ginny - that is great about your scan! see, worrying about nothing! yay for baby 2!! xx
2mums - hope you're feeling better honey! I still believe that you will be fine! there is no need to worry until you have something to worry about! it's one thing I hate about this site...every time someone gets their BFP, it's all "oohh i hope its a sticky bean' which is lovely of peopl eto want a healthy pregnancy, but I think everyone forgets that there is no reason you can't assume it won't be. You will be fine! stay positive, and keep talking to your OH, she is all the support you need babe!
Angel - good luck with the packing...such a drag, but it's gotta be done! so sweet the littlies get your puffer & water for you! your dinner sounds amazing!!!
Pammy - good luck!
LLPM - haha how funny would it be if you get the wrong convo with Angel - "OMG - ssoooo much cervical mucous today, my cervical position was high, I could barely reach it, even with my middle finger! my period is weird this month... very wet today.... I"M SO HORNY _ I MUST BE OVULATING!!!!! hahahahah good luck keeping your online lives seperate! haha
Hopeyou've all had a great day, thinking of you all, I had to stay off here on purpose so I could get my housework done today. lol I've been stalking forhours catchin gup slowly tho! xxxx