Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Hey 2mums glad you are feeling a little better :hugs: And you have every right to feel the way you do,It is perfectly normal to be worried but do try and stay positive :happydance: We are all here if you need to vent or just talk :hugs: :kiss: x
up and about to make dinner, mostly in a better mood, I apologize to you all as well, I have no right to be in a super depressed or bad mood, not when i've been so blessed recently with a bfp. But cant shake this weirdly bad feeling, but OH let me have a big cry and sleep and she's tried to convince me everything is going to fine and go smoothly, as she thinks nothing will go wrong, and I'd love to go back to that ignorant blissful state where I thought the same- once your pregnant, your pregnant, but i've learned so much on this site about what can go wrong and its got to me in the middle of the night last night i think. But I shall remain positive and hopeful as that's the healthy thing to do, and push all bad thoughts out and be a happy little vegemite!
130 pages of pure TTC goodness, way to go Kiwi!! And congrats on winning your game yesterday!!! I shall be bugging someone for that in the future as I will most likely download it and lose it immediately!!
now for home cooked dinner - good for the soul!!


Glad your mood improved! Mine hasn't :(

Cried all the way home from work just because I could and doesn't seem to have stopped since arriving home! Think I might need an early night x
up and about to make dinner, mostly in a better mood, I apologize to you all as well, I have no right to be in a super depressed or bad mood, not when i've been so blessed recently with a bfp. But cant shake this weirdly bad feeling, but OH let me have a big cry and sleep and she's tried to convince me everything is going to fine and go smoothly, as she thinks nothing will go wrong, and I'd love to go back to that ignorant blissful state where I thought the same- once your pregnant, your pregnant, but i've learned so much on this site about what can go wrong and its got to me in the middle of the night last night i think. But I shall remain positive and hopeful as that's the healthy thing to do, and push all bad thoughts out and be a happy little vegemite!
130 pages of pure TTC goodness, way to go Kiwi!! And congrats on winning your game yesterday!!! I shall be bugging someone for that in the future as I will most likely download it and lose it immediately!!
now for home cooked dinner - good for the soul!!


Gosh 2MUMS don't be silly. From what I have learnt from this site is that everyone is allowed to have a good bitch, cry or be depressed. We will all go through those moods at some stage weather we are pregnant or not and sometimes its nice to get it out of our system rather than take it out on our OHs. There is no judgement here so feel whatever you want to feel. Your hormonal to for different reason so embrace every mood! We are all here to listen!!

Don't read too much into it all. Yeah bad things can happen but for the small percentage of bad things there is a billion trillion gazillion and one great and wonderful things that happen as well. So focus on those. So go and enjoy that home cooked dinner!! I can smell it from here LOL
Yum - just finished my dinner! Had a Mexican lasagne - my own creation - layers of mince and beans with a mexican style sauce - layers are made from mountain bread (like think healthy tortillas) and instead of beschemel (spelling?) sauce I alternate layers of sour cream and guacamole - then a little cheese sprinkled on the top for good measure :)

thanks for the essay kiwi - think I will prob read it in the school holidays when I have more time :) or at least after we move out of here and in with in laws.

2mums I'm sure I'll be the same as you I'm such a worry wort! I agree with your OH though and think your bubba will be fine - after your scan I'm sure you will feel much better about it all :) xx
up and about to make dinner, mostly in a better mood, I apologize to you all as well, I have no right to be in a super depressed or bad mood, not when i've been so blessed recently with a bfp. But cant shake this weirdly bad feeling, but OH let me have a big cry and sleep and she's tried to convince me everything is going to fine and go smoothly, as she thinks nothing will go wrong, and I'd love to go back to that ignorant blissful state where I thought the same- once your pregnant, your pregnant, but i've learned so much on this site about what can go wrong and its got to me in the middle of the night last night i think. But I shall remain positive and hopeful as that's the healthy thing to do, and push all bad thoughts out and be a happy little vegemite!
130 pages of pure TTC goodness, way to go Kiwi!! And congrats on winning your game yesterday!!! I shall be bugging someone for that in the future as I will most likely download it and lose it immediately!!
now for home cooked dinner - good for the soul!!


Glad your mood improved! Mine hasn't :(

Cried all the way home from work just because I could and doesn't seem to have stopped since arriving home! Think I might need an early night x

Same to you NEWBIE, let it all out of your system. A good cry does the world of good. And so does a good night sleep. It has happened to me many times when I am driving home but I make it worse by putting on a slow song cd and of course end up singing to the song making me cry worse which then gets me thinking that i am on X Factor and this is my final performance to win the competition so I begin to think of my first single song and the tempo soon changes :) LOL

Tomorrow is a new day so I hope you feel better then as well. Monday is a bitch of a day anyways.
Glad your mood improved! Mine hasn't :(

Cried all the way home from work just because I could and doesn't seem to have stopped since arriving home! Think I might need an early night x

Sasha I'm sorry to hear you're so down - have an easy night! Treat yourself to a nice bath and some chocolate :) sending lots of hugs your way :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I really hope you all feel better really soon it'snot the same without the chirpycrew :cry:

I can't wait till my Buby is home :cry: I really want someone to look after me :cry:Why does mammy have to be so far away :rofl: Also I am hungry and refusing to get out of this warm bed hehehehe
Sorry are all so sweet, read your messages and promptly burst into tears again!

I'll try to pull me head out of my arse!!!

OMG girls, I left yesterday lunchtime on p.288 and came back this arvo to p.316!!!! Seriously we HAVE to get lives, don't we?

GINNY...Fantastic news on the scan. When do you go for the next one? You KNOW we are going to live our lives vicariously through you for the foreseeable future, don't you? yr post yesterday. Don't hate me but...I had no idea I was UTD (my one and only BFP ever). Obviously we weren't TTC at the time, but I mus have mixed up IB and AF (my AF is normally v.light). Then during that month I had the flu shot at work & thought I was feeling sickly from that...was actually onset of MS. I had no other symptoms. Wasn't until I'd been sick every day for more than a week that I thought to go to the Doc. She asked if I was UTD and I laughed hysterically....5 mins later it was HER doing the laughing! I was 7+5 and got as far as 11+3.

ANGEL - Get DH a logon! Would love to hear an Aussie hub's view on our posts :)

TRYING2B - Go B12 - I have an ongoing condition that is treated with 3-monthly B12 shots. I feel like the Energiser bunny after those medications :)

AMYMAGILL - Are you new here or am I just a looney and haven't seen you before: Fx for testing this week!

Okay well I'm now 2DPO and obsessing again...walked through the BabysRUs section of ToysRUs today just to have a squizz at prams. OMG they are EXPENSIVE! I never realised how exxie babies are because the two children I cared for came to me at kindy/prep age.
thanks :hugs: melainey, angel, and kiwi!! your al the best!!
:jo: :hugs: tomorrow has to be better, much love!!!!
maddy- b12, is a miracle, the energy and overall good feeling is amazing isnt it!!
melainey- i really hope DH waits on you hand and foot and that you feel a lil better tomorrow!!!
up and about to make dinner, mostly in a better mood, I apologize to you all as well, I have no right to be in a super depressed or bad mood, not when i've been so blessed recently with a bfp. But cant shake this weirdly bad feeling, but OH let me have a big cry and sleep and she's tried to convince me everything is going to fine and go smoothly, as she thinks nothing will go wrong, and I'd love to go back to that ignorant blissful state where I thought the same- once your pregnant, your pregnant, but i've learned so much on this site about what can go wrong and its got to me in the middle of the night last night i think. But I shall remain positive and hopeful as that's the healthy thing to do, and push all bad thoughts out and be a happy little vegemite!
130 pages of pure TTC goodness, way to go Kiwi!! And congrats on winning your game yesterday!!! I shall be bugging someone for that in the future as I will most likely download it and lose it immediately!!
now for home cooked dinner - good for the soul!!


Oh gosh, you poor thing. Do you know what? I'm embarrassed to admit it but I really DIDN'T like a lot of the emotions that came with being UTD. I actually got really really depressed, cried heaps and felt very negative about almost everything. I'm sure it was hormones plus the sheer shock but still it was almost debilitating some days. I'm sure it's normal - hopefully things will look cheerier from here. big hugs! Maddy :hugs:
Lol Maddy - I told DH about your suggestion and he said he doesn't have enough time to log on because he actually works during the day! Don't worry ladies I slapped him a good one :rofl:

Am not feeling well tonight - still coughing and now sneezing too - my headache is now spreading to my sinuses - boo! I don't like being sick! Good news is that DH has let me off the hook with the boxes - he is packing on his own - I feel a tad guilty but really am not up to it tonight!
up and about to make dinner, mostly in a better mood, I apologize to you all as well, I have no right to be in a super depressed or bad mood, not when i've been so blessed recently with a bfp. But cant shake this weirdly bad feeling, but OH let me have a big cry and sleep and she's tried to convince me everything is going to fine and go smoothly, as she thinks nothing will go wrong, and I'd love to go back to that ignorant blissful state where I thought the same- once your pregnant, your pregnant, but i've learned so much on this site about what can go wrong and its got to me in the middle of the night last night i think. But I shall remain positive and hopeful as that's the healthy thing to do, and push all bad thoughts out and be a happy little vegemite!
130 pages of pure TTC goodness, way to go Kiwi!! And congrats on winning your game yesterday!!! I shall be bugging someone for that in the future as I will most likely download it and lose it immediately!!
now for home cooked dinner - good for the soul!!


Oh gosh, you poor thing. Do you know what? I'm embarrassed to admit it but I really DIDN'T like a lot of the emotions that came with being UTD. I actually got really really depressed, cried heaps and felt very negative about almost everything. I'm sure it was hormones plus the sheer shock but still it was almost debilitating some days. I'm sure it's normal - hopefully things will look cheerier from here. big hugs! Maddy :hugs:

thanks maddy!! I've been ok, actually good, up until now. I've had the tears, the irritability, happiness, all the normal ones, just had an off day today, hopefully!!! Everyone here makes everything better! :hugs:
Been reading that thing kiwi...oh my goodness I don't know where to start! I feel like I now know all this stuff but don't have any definite answers!! Lol. I'm going to go through and read it all again, then come up with a list of to-do's!! :)
oh angel bless your DH, good he gave you the night off!!! Hope you feel better too!! :hugs:
Lucy - God is good and his plan is perfect - I have no doubt that he will bless you with number 3 when the timing is right - he would not have given you such a strong desire for another bub if it wasn't meant to be :)

Angel - I think that's a lovely way of looking at it - even for those who don't believe in God. We all wouldn't have such strong desires for a child if it wasn't going to be :) I'll have to try and remind myself of that if I start getting worried again!!

Number2 - I have thoughts of how many dust bunnies I'm going to find when we move later in the year hehe, not just you!

Pammy - hope those symptoms are all good signs :)

Kiwi - that's interesting info you put up, thanks for sharing :) The only thing I want to add is be careful about self prescribing baby aspirin. I've seen a lot of ladies on this forum that have had miscarriages and then start taking baby aspirin in hopes to prevent another loss but it's only useful if you actually have a blot clotting disorder. Since my GP tested me for some blood clotting issues after my miscarriage I know that I have no known issues - so for me baby aspirin would actually be more potentially harmful than helpful. Anyway, just wanted to add that to warn you all

2mums - I think it's ok to feel down now and then when you pregnant, it doesn't mean you don't appreciate being pregnant any less it just means you're going through a rough patch - totally allowed in my book :) I bet you'll fell heaps better after your scan on Friday :)

Newbie - you're allowed to feel sad too sometimes :) It's tough work to deal with things when they don't go to plan. But I bet your bfp is just around the corner and just think of all the lovely ladies in here you get to celebrate it with now!

Melainey - you should have doona days where you don't get out of bed at all! That's what I'd do if I could hehe

Maddy - next scan will be at 12 weeks if everything goes to plan. I'm even more nervous about that one because that's when we lost our last bubby. I think I'm going to buy one of those doppler things so I can start trying to hear the baby's heartbeat at home although I don't think they work until about 10 weeks.

Also, regarding prams - they can be pricey but there are ways to get them cheaper too... like shipping them from overseas and stuff. I saw a pram last time I was pg that I liked that cost about $1800 :dohh:.... we spent $300 (reduced from $400) on the pram when DS was born and it's still great to use now

AFM - thanks for all your kind words of support ladies!! I told DF I had to update my forum buddies when I got home and he wanted to read what I wrote but wouldn't let him :haha:
Ah ladies....I think you've helped me round the corner (no, not the bend!!!)

I seem to have perked up a little! ( personalty wise anyway :))

I'd almost award myself a logie for the performance I've put on today! It's one thing to go nana when tht bitch arrives, but before! Lunacy...hahahha

So now let me catch up on what I missed in an unabsorbed with myself fashion xxx
Ginny, one of the best parts of my day today was your update after the scan, couldnt wait to tell OH the good news!!!! I'm hoping i have the same friday, although i'm thinking i'll only be 6.2 so unsure about what we'll find out/see. We were looking at prams too, super expensive! Its amazing how much cheaper so much of the 'big' baby stuff is in the states too, might look at bringing some back in January, cheaper to pay the extra $50 for a checked box than to buy over here!!!
:jo: :)

edit: OH put on Betty Whites:Off Their Rockers, funny tv show, made me laugh!!!
2mums - buy as much as you can carry! Australia is always the most expensive place for baby stuff!
2mums - buy as much as you can carry! Australia is always the most expensive place for baby stuff!

Will do! Planning on taking at least one extra suitcase, and hoping if all is still well and healthy, having a baby shower over there with my friends and family, so hoping for stuff from them too :haha::haha: Thanks goodness for ebay too! I've told OH we're not allowed anything until December though!

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