Lucy - God is good and his plan is perfect - I have no doubt that he will bless you with number 3 when the timing is right - he would not have given you such a strong desire for another bub if it wasn't meant to be
Angel - I think that's a lovely way of looking at it - even for those who don't believe in God. We all wouldn't have such strong desires for a child if it wasn't going to be

I'll have to try and remind myself of that if I start getting worried again!!
Number2 - I have thoughts of how many dust bunnies I'm going to find when we move later in the year hehe, not just you!
Pammy - hope those symptoms are all good signs
Kiwi - that's interesting info you put up, thanks for sharing

The only thing I want to add is be careful about self prescribing baby aspirin. I've seen a lot of ladies on this forum that have had miscarriages and then start taking baby aspirin in hopes to prevent another loss but it's only useful if you actually have a blot clotting disorder. Since my GP tested me for some blood clotting issues after my miscarriage I know that I have no known issues - so for me baby aspirin would actually be more potentially harmful than helpful. Anyway, just wanted to add that to warn you all
2mums - I think it's ok to feel down now and then when you pregnant, it doesn't mean you don't appreciate being pregnant any less it just means you're going through a rough patch - totally allowed in my book

I bet you'll fell heaps better after your scan on Friday
Newbie - you're allowed to feel sad too sometimes

It's tough work to deal with things when they don't go to plan. But I bet your bfp is just around the corner and just think of all the lovely ladies in here you get to celebrate it with now!
Melainey - you should have doona days where you don't get out of bed at all! That's what I'd do if I could hehe
Maddy - next scan will be at 12 weeks if everything goes to plan. I'm even more nervous about that one because that's when we lost our last bubby. I think I'm going to buy one of those doppler things so I can start trying to hear the baby's heartbeat at home although I don't think they work until about 10 weeks.
Also, regarding prams - they can be pricey but there are ways to get them cheaper too... like shipping them from overseas and stuff. I saw a pram last time I was pg that I liked that cost about $1800

.... we spent $300 (reduced from $400) on the pram when DS was born and it's still great to use now
AFM - thanks for all your kind words of support ladies!! I told DF I had to update my forum buddies when I got home and he wanted to read what I wrote but wouldn't let him