Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

lol....see thats cheered me up already :)

I dont think today is going to be a day of tears, i think i have moved onto the second stage now - GRRRRRRR

Ah well, this is the point where i try my very best to be grateful that i have a pretty short cycle and get the chance to try again really soon. Try sasha. Try.

Not me, I haven't even o'd yet and I'm already worried about september! Doesn't help that every time I get on FB another friend is preggy!!!
Yeah...there seems to be some sort of secret duffers club that no one is sharing the secret entry code with us! Not that I begrudge them of course..but the epidemic that has been running through my office is starting to get a little trying and i am now at the point where if i walk into the kitchen and a couple of the duffereds are in their doing their pregnancy talk that i back my way out (VERY quickly, ive gotten very good at almost running backwards) and disappear!!! Subtle, arent i???

Thanks girls.
I think I'll start applying - and also quietly see if thwre's any chance of something else internal. There's been mega retrenchment though so I don't feel that confident.
No support from management - just suddenly have 17 staff reporting to me (up from none) and responsibility of the state instead of reporting to the person who did that. Also my new boss is a tool. It's just too big a job - and I don't want to work 12 hour days to try to keep up!
Appreciate the support, it has been a really hard few weeks.
Angel sorry to hear you are unwell. Feel better soon!
Ginny how is the spotting? Have you had a checkup since it started? Have been sending positive vibes your way. x
Hi all - here's to a good day for us all!

Yeah i dont blame you...I had a pretty full on job about 12 months ago (have worked in same company now for nearly 8 years). Anyway, towards the end of last year they decided to move my job down to Melbourne, fair enough too, i was spending half my time down there anyway, so effectively my job became redundant, and i have just stayed on to work on a project that will finish in November, and then get my redundancy. The group that i worked for were complete assholes (most of the mgmt anyway) and really unappreciative, and i was completely taken for granted. Worked 60/70 hour weeks, at nights, weekends, you name it. Well the new guy that they hired to replace me in Melbourne lasted three months before he threw in the towell, and now they have three people doing what i used to do!

When the guy left i was offered my old job back - but have decided its time for a change and so sticking with the redundancy (thus the potential trip to Europe as my redundancy payout will be close to a year's salary! :wohoo: these kind of things i see as sort of once in a lifetime things, so grabbing with both hands and running!!!).

So for me, a fresh start im hoping! Provided i can find another job!

Ive just written all that and realised i went on a complete tangent!!!! hahahaha

My point was that its awful working for arseholes. I really used to love what i did, and now i HATE coming to work every day. And that really does impact my life outside of this place too. I seriously cannot wait until the last day i ahve to walk into this place - i reckon a serious load will be lifted. It sounds like it might be the best move for you too!!
Newbie, you nailed it. Unhappy at work makes it hard to be happy at home. People don't realise what they had til they didn't have you. Jokes on them! Enjoy your holiday!

Rosie, thinking of you honey. I feel the same sometimes, I'm always planning me t cycle before ovtoo! But this time I'm going to get preg ant so I can put this journey behind me til ext time hehe
Thats the way girls!

Positive thinking! (i know thats a bit pot, kettle, black for me today, but im sticking with it!)

Yep, you've hit the nail on the head. I loved my job till the change about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I loved my boss - but it was him that moved on to something else. I think I need to take the hit as far as money and get something less stressful. It's difficult though because I've always been the 'breadwinner' and my other half is a bit of a lax worker, we never worried though because I always had good money coming in.
The only thing that worries me is not the paid part of maternity leave as we have a little nest egg we could use - it's the having to keep your job for you part. So if I haven't been at a company for 12 months, I don't think they have to hold your job open for you, do they?
Yep I have some friends I am thinking of blocking on FB because all I read from them is about their pregnancies. I feel like I deserve it just as much as them, why did they get it!
OK, I will get on this positive thinking bandwagon. Well, I'll try to!
*deep breaths*
Hehe it's funny how some days I feel so cranky!!! I hate hormones! Grrrr. I know should be thankful for what I have....blah blah blah...:rofl:

Me too Mum2, here's to May babies!!!!! :)
Yep, you've hit the nail on the head. I loved my job till the change about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I loved my boss - but it was him that moved on to something else. I think I need to take the hit as far as money and get something less stressful. It's difficult though because I've always been the 'breadwinner' and my other half is a bit of a lax worker, we never worried though because I always had good money coming in.
The only thing that worries me is not the paid part of maternity leave as we have a little nest egg we could use - it's the having to keep your job for you part. So if I haven't been at a company for 12 months, I don't think they have to hold your job open for you, do they?
Yep I have some friends I am thinking of blocking on FB because all I read from them is about their pregnancies. I feel like I deserve it just as much as them, why did they get it!
OK, I will get on this positive thinking bandwagon. Well, I'll try to!
*deep breaths*

Very true - maternity leave is generally 12 months employment. Its something im going to have to give up (if i ever manage to get duffers), but we have weighed up the pros and cons and decided its worth it. From experience, working in HR and dealing with women getting duffers in the workforce, if you start a new job, and prove your value, a lot of employers will still hold the position for you, just getting a mat leave cover, and then let you come back - but this requires finding a GOOD employer first! And we all know that can be difficult.

Im tossing up whether to look for a contract role (thats my positive side, thinking that i might actually manage to get duffers at some stage in the next couple of months) where as my negative side tells me to go find a new permanent role because the reality is that it could take years!!!

AARRRRGGGHHH! Sometimes life just isnt meant to be easy is it??
I think once we start getting some more :bfp:s we will all get more positive!!! We are over due!!! :)
Yeah, we seem to be on a bit of a dry spell eh?

ok, desperate times, desperate measures...


That ought to cover us!
Good Morning girls,

Kiwi – Sorry to hear you are out this month.

Angel – sorry your still not feeling any better. Nice to hear DH was cooking you something to eat even if it was a packet mix ;P

Newbie – wishing DH a happy birthday. That’s awesome you have so many restaurant only two minute walk away. We don’t really have any. You would think living in Chadstone the fashion capital we would have some awesome restaurant but we don’t.

Maddy – Hii -We keep missing each other.

2mums - dinner at your place sounds delicious I agree with LLPM.

2mums – did you work out why zucchini was upsetting your tummy?

Ginny – glad to hear the spotting seems to have slowed down. FX it’s all cleared up today.

2woohoo – I understand how you feel. I returned from maternity leave in February & so much has changed at my work place. PPLP have left and things just seem to be up in the air & everyone is just doing their own things. I was going to start looking for a new job but then if I want to get pregnant I don’t want to start a new job & inform them I am pregnant. Some places have a probation period 3 or 6 months. So I am holding out that I will only have to work here another 9 or so months then move on once I have my second child. Also than I will not miss out on the paid maternity leave. I also agree with the girls you can’t let the job stress you out.

Jayne – sweet dreams xx

Quigley – that’s great new you sold your wedding dress. Now let’s hope your friend is right!!

AFM – Thanks girls regards Audrina, Yes I am one proud mummy. I have had so many pplp tell me that I should get Audrina into modelling. But really I feel sorry for baby, toddler and children that don’t get to enjoy their childhood. I am just lucky this opportunity came up because our friend family business TSL and wanted some model for his website & stores. He thought she did a great job & has sent her photos onto Bonds & thinks she will be a great model for Bonds I am not fussed if she gets in or not. Will no sign on the OPK this morning so it’s just a waiting game.

Thank god its wednesday !!!
Thanks girls.
I think I'll start applying - and also quietly see if thwre's any chance of something else internal. There's been mega retrenchment though so I don't feel that confident.
No support from management - just suddenly have 17 staff reporting to me (up from none) and responsibility of the state instead of reporting to the person who did that. Also my new boss is a tool. It's just too big a job - and I don't want to work 12 hour days to try to keep up!
Appreciate the support, it has been a really hard few weeks.
Angel sorry to hear you are unwell. Feel better soon!
Ginny how is the spotting? Have you had a checkup since it started? Have been sending positive vibes your way. x
Hi all - here's to a good day for us all!

Yeah i dont blame you...I had a pretty full on job about 12 months ago (have worked in same company now for nearly 8 years). Anyway, towards the end of last year they decided to move my job down to Melbourne, fair enough too, i was spending half my time down there anyway, so effectively my job became redundant, and i have just stayed on to work on a project that will finish in November, and then get my redundancy. The group that i worked for were complete assholes (most of the mgmt anyway) and really unappreciative, and i was completely taken for granted. Worked 60/70 hour weeks, at nights, weekends, you name it. Well the new guy that they hired to replace me in Melbourne lasted three months before he threw in the towell, and now they have three people doing what i used to do!

When the guy left i was offered my old job back - but have decided its time for a change and so sticking with the redundancy (thus the potential trip to Europe as my redundancy payout will be close to a year's salary! :wohoo: these kind of things i see as sort of once in a lifetime things, so grabbing with both hands and running!!!).

So for me, a fresh start im hoping! Provided i can find another job!

Ive just written all that and realised i went on a complete tangent!!!! hahahaha

My point was that its awful working for arseholes. I really used to love what i did, and now i HATE coming to work every day. And that really does impact my life outside of this place too. I seriously cannot wait until the last day i ahve to walk into this place - i reckon a serious load will be lifted. It sounds like it might be the best move for you too!!

I reckon thats the month you concieve November... stress gone (bun making time)
My Ovulation Chart;1;10766;467/st/20120718/o/19/l/34/dt/12/k/a91a/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
:hi: Lisa you forgot me!!
My Ovulation Chart;1;10766;467/st/20120718/o/19/l/34/dt/12/k/a91a/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
lol, yeah maybe you are right pammy!!!

Poor DH was getting a bit sad last night...he is worried that its him that is the 'problem' even though its still been less than 6 months. We're not sure if we should travel down the SA route, just to know what we're dealing with, or just leave it for a few more months... It could be really helpful, but also really hard to deal with if there is a major issue..(he is worried that years and years of rugby might have damaged his swimmers...)



Hi girls!

Just back from dinner....Japanese in the end and was delish!!!

Hope everyone is having a top night, passed on your birthday wishes to him :)

We were supposed to be having a 'family holiday' with his fam this year in January, but I may have convinced him we should do a quick uk/Paris/Italy trip instead! Tres excited. Tho fam thing may have to take preference....we shall see!!

What's news ladies?

If you need any info on UK/Paris/Italy just let me know. Will be happy to help!

Thanks Hun :)

Ive been to paris a few times for work so have seen a few bits and pieces over there, DH has done most of Europe (I think Contiki style when he was young) but has always wanted to hire a car and drive through Italy...Given we are probably both having January off it seems like a logical idea even though it will be winter and FREEZING!! Ive been to paris twice in January tho and I managed with lots of layers lol
lol, yeah maybe you are right pammy!!!

Poor DH was getting a bit sad last night...he is worried that its him that is the 'problem' even though its still been less than 6 months. We're not sure if we should travel down the SA route, just to know what we're dealing with, or just leave it for a few more months... It could be really helpful, but also really hard to deal with if there is a major issue..(he is worried that years and years of rugby might have damaged his swimmers...)




oh newbie, I totally understand. When we were trying for Audrina it took us 5 months. DH was feeling the same way. DH started taking Menevit and we fall pregnant on the 5 month. Maybe he could try something like that. But 2nd time around DH has been using Menevit and we are only 6 cycle so this time he has stopped taking it. He was taking it longer this time around.
Hi Lovelies - I'm up although still feeling shocking - have made another appt to see the doctor again this arvo. I still haven't got my period but did two hpt's this morning and both bfn (one IC and one FRER). Am thinking that maybe I didn't ov last month because of sickness and that the spotting I've had for the last week was a light period (thoughts? Rosie - what is your medical opinion?). Going to ask the doc about it anyway as the mild antibiotics he has put me on seem to be doing zip!

2woohoo I agree with the others about your job - it doesn't hurt to put your feelers out there - you can always turn the job down!

Hi to everyone else... :hi: xx
lol, yeah maybe you are right pammy!!!

Poor DH was getting a bit sad last night...he is worried that its him that is the 'problem' even though its still been less than 6 months. We're not sure if we should travel down the SA route, just to know what we're dealing with, or just leave it for a few more months... It could be really helpful, but also really hard to deal with if there is a major issue..(he is worried that years and years of rugby might have damaged his swimmers...)




oh newbie, I totally understand. When we were trying for Audrina it took us 5 months. DH was feeling the same way. DH started taking Menevit and we fall pregnant on the 5 month. Maybe he could try something like that. But 2nd time around DH has been using Menevit and we are only 6 cycle so this time he has stopped taking it. He was taking it longer this time around.

Its so frustrating! He's been on some cenception vitamins, not menevit, but a different sort for about 4 months now as well...he never complains lol! Just does whatever i tell him!!! Poor bugger...

I think we'll probably wait another month or two and if still no luck we might look at getting some tests done...I dont want to leave it too long just in case there is a problem because we'd like to have more than one, and neither of us wants to be in walking frames for their 18ths!!! Tho he is more worried about that than me, given he is 6 years older...
I just wanted to say Hi ladies Melbourne mum 29 TTC. I'm going a little crazy this month
I am 7dpo and I'm dying to test already : )

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