Thanks girls.
I think I'll start applying - and also quietly see if thwre's any chance of something else internal. There's been mega retrenchment though so I don't feel that confident.
No support from management - just suddenly have 17 staff reporting to me (up from none) and responsibility of the state instead of reporting to the person who did that. Also my new boss is a tool. It's just too big a job - and I don't want to work 12 hour days to try to keep up!
Appreciate the support, it has been a really hard few weeks.
Angel sorry to hear you are unwell. Feel better soon!
Ginny how is the spotting? Have you had a checkup since it started? Have been sending positive vibes your way. x
Hi all - here's to a good day for us all!
Yeah i dont blame you...I had a pretty full on job about 12 months ago (have worked in same company now for nearly 8 years). Anyway, towards the end of last year they decided to move my job down to Melbourne, fair enough too, i was spending half my time down there anyway, so effectively my job became redundant, and i have just stayed on to work on a project that will finish in November, and then get my redundancy. The group that i worked for were complete assholes (most of the mgmt anyway) and really unappreciative, and i was completely taken for granted. Worked 60/70 hour weeks, at nights, weekends, you name it. Well the new guy that they hired to replace me in Melbourne lasted three months before he threw in the towell, and now they have three people doing what i used to do!
When the guy left i was offered my old job back - but have decided its time for a change and so sticking with the redundancy (thus the potential trip to Europe as my redundancy payout will be close to a year's salary!

these kind of things i see as sort of once in a lifetime things, so grabbing with both hands and running!!!).
So for me, a fresh start im hoping! Provided i can find another job!
Ive just written all that and realised i went on a complete tangent!!!! hahahaha
My point was that its awful working for arseholes. I really used to love what i did, and now i HATE coming to work every day. And that really does impact my life outside of this place too. I seriously cannot wait until the last day i ahve to walk into this place - i reckon a serious load will be lifted. It sounds like it might be the best move for you too!!