Melainey- it happens so often, and some of the time the parents, friends and family do come around, it may take awhile, but its sad, bc you are the same person you were yesterday before you told them, its just amazing how much their view can change in 3 seconds. The hardest thing for me, still, is my sister, we were super close, and we lost that for about a year, it was a combination of the shock i think and she was upset i was moving across the world, we're much better now, and close and she accepts OH and is actually beginning to love her too, but the thing that just kills me and breaks my heart, is when I came out, she said I was no longer capable of raising her 2 boys, if something happened to her and her husband I was going to get custody, but now I am not, bc she claims, they need a male role model! It is just devastating, bc i know plenty of children who have male role models and they are worse off, and plenty of children who are perfect without a male model, I mean what if her husband passed, heaven forbid, and she was alone, would she not be capable!?! I mean, its her kids, her choice, but it hurts nonetheless.

I hope she changes her mind when she see's us with our own children, but i hope more than anything we dont ever run into those circumstances! I love my sister no matter what she says, and i would die if something happened to her. But, its hard to foresee what peoples, esp your families reactions would be to coming out, can be so hurtful. I've been quite lucky overall.