MORNING LADIES – Or should I say Afternoon hahaha!! My gosh you ladies talk and talk and talk hehehehe

Ok so here it goes

Sorry about the witch
Number2 – Also sorry about the witch

God she’s a pain in the ass!! Goodluck on the job applications

yep you are a crazy lady
Mum2Q – No he hacked my bebo account (before facey) and read my emails and saw something that was something to do with him or his Ex missus (My ex best friend ) but he didn’t like it! So he disowned me! He never actually told me completely why! But when he got over his broken heart he got over it so I assume it was something to do with the ex bitch of a friend (who disowned me? ) I swear I am a nice person haha people take advantage of me all the time tho haha! But we are all good now and he is the one I miss most cause we were really close before I left !

Tried to convince him to come with me too but he is a home bird haha!
I have also always hung around with the older generation! (except school friends which are all female/ Catholic girl school haha) But my baby is as immature as they get haha but it’s different with him I suppose! And it’s not his fault as he has bad ADHD haha!!
Lisa – Hahaha maybe we should!! My dh would die if I asked him hahaha Glad Audrina is feeling better x
Angel – Sorry about the witch showing her ugly face

Hope you get the new job
Pammy - chart looks good! 5DPO
2mums – I hear you on the job restictions

I am still on them and I am finding it extra hard this time around and I don’t think that DH gets that! (maybe he does but who knows) Everything that I think Oh I may be able to do , You have to be a resident to do it

It makes me really angry and sad at the same time!
Rosie cheeks -


Hope work isn’t too stressful

My brother used to eat his scabs hahaha!! Used to that kinda stuff

2mums - Mmmmmm Burying bodies hey

hehehhe Oh and I cant wait for your scan results

Soooo excited x Love the scooter

LLPM – Glad to see you

Oh and I know what you mean about everyone being pregnant haha and they all seem to do it so esily but it will be our turn soon
As for me ladies - I thought I was on the mend but I woke up this afternoon (12.30ish haha) feeling like poop! been having very weird dreams too haha so maybe that's something to do with it? What is the deal with the dreams I am having lately hhahahaha They are too weird! Anyway I think I will continue on with my anibiotics (Rosie cheeks will be glad to know haha) ALso last night I was peeing an awful lot! Does anybody else pee a lot around O? And Idon't think I will O this month! My temps are all over the place! Very low this morning!
Love you all you chatter boxes xxx