Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

BUSIEST DAY EVER....and not in a good way!!!!

(Tho i managed to pop out and get my nails done at lunchtime!!!)

I hope you gals are having a good day, sorry ive been a bit of a stranger!

I'll catch up on what ive missed again shortly!

Thanks again for the birthday wishes :)

Hi ladies! Happy birthday Sasha, hope you're having a very lovely day?!

I've had a crazy busy week, it's been good though! I'm trying to be more intentional about spending time with the girls instead of just having them linger around the house if that makes sense. Anyway i've been trying to avoid coming on the iPad while the girls are awake and saving it for naps & bedtime! so I haven't/aren't dissapearing, just limiting the amount of time I spend on here! :)

Melainey sounds like those blood tests will lead you in the right direction!

It's so frustrating when ovulation isn't regular.
Before last month I'd been o'ing on CD24, with wet/ewcm from around CD20, so I'm expecting something to happen in the next couple of days, I'm now on CD19!! I've been getting twinges in my left ovary which I'm hoping I'd a good sign - maybe things are starting to settle down a bit?! I'm 99% sure I've only ovulated from my right ovary since having surgery on my left ovary last year. I asked my GP to double check they hadn't removed the whole ovary at one point because I hadn't felt anything on that side at all! Lol. I think she thought I was a bit crazy, but I get definite stabbing pains around O and this cycle my left one 'feels' heavy! Really hoping my cycles go back to normal after last months crazy one!
I have a few CRAZY weeks coming up...actually the whole of September consists of lots of traveling and being away EVERY weekend!! I haven't decided if its a good thing or not, but I'm thinking being away during the TWW will be a good thing?! I'm debating whether to stop charting once O has been confirmed? What do you reckon?
Hi all. Hope all is well in yours worlds!

Happy Birthday Newbie... :flower:! Hope you get some fabbo pressies. Do tell what kind of cake you get :)

Mum2Q... Haha high-5's, I like it. We've put a time limit of Aug 2013 on all TTC - I'll be turning 42 then and at some point we will need to move on. Hopefully it won't come to that though! Still have 11 cycles to go (not counting Sept as DH is away).

Trying... the tests the doc took on Monday showed my Vit D was borderline low. I have it tested fairly often as I'm a shiftworker & often sleeping when it's daylight.

Lisa... not long until testing! I think after Pammy over the coming weekend you will be next, yes?

Pammy... have you bought those sticks yet, in anticipation? I'm not testing again this month, but I'll be thinking of you!

Yes Maddy I can test next week. Not sure when I will do it. I dont have any Symptoms. Some time it feels like BBs are tingling but I think that my brain playing tricks on me as it dosent feel like other months :shrug: so confusing.

I will be buying them this arfternoon... lol
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Hey 2mums.. Saw this and thought of you :winkwink:

Zucchini Muffins :happydance: :flasher:

Preheat your oven to 350, then drop into a blender
2 eggs
1 tbsp. applesauce
1 1/2 c. of shredded zucchini (peeled before shredding)
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 tbsp. agave syrup
Once well blended, add:
2/3 c. Quinoa (uncooked, dry)
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 scoop Prograde Vanilla Protein powder
Blend more until smooth. Spray non-stick cooking spray into a muffin pan, pour
the batter into the tins, and, if desired, drop blueberries, peeled and cubed
apples, etc., into batter.
*Tip: You can mix and match batches, by adding nuts or fruit as pictured.
Put into the oven for about 20 minutes, until muffins are pulling slightly from the
side of the pan, and tops are browned.
Makes 8 muffins.

Nanna :jo: get baking and sending :winkwink: hehehe
Hey Lucy :)

So lovely that you are spending your time with your bubs :hugs: :happydance:

I hope that everything works out for your poor little ovaries :) I know how frustrating it is not to be regular I am ready to commit murder :haha: Hopefully these test show me something tho and I don't have to become a fugative! :winkwink: I would chart maybe a little after O just incase that it wasn't O? Look at what happened to Squigley this month with her temps :cry: x

Newbie :jo: I happen to like having my finger up there bahahahaha :rofl: hehe

Hope everyone is having a great day! Thursdays - not as good as friday but alot better than monday!!!

Another STUPID question to ask.... I have noticed the "trend" this morning is cervix testing. How do you check your cervix? And what is it that you are looking for? Now I know the basics of where you have to stick your fingers :) but what do I feel for? And what does this actually tell me. :blush: maybe I should just stick to temperature testing

MELAINEY: glad you got some tests done. And I am sure all the results will come back fine. At least you will know where you stand. But yeah TTC is a bitch. Oh and its now called the International Rose of Tralee. This year out of 40 whatever roses there was only 15 from Ireland. Next year you should enter it. There was a Darwin, Queensland, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne Rose this year. QLD won it last year!!! I think you would be great.... getting up there in your big fluffy dress saying you want "world peace"! :O LOL

NEWBIE: how is your birthday going? Did you get some nice pressies???

ROSIE: hope you get those bloods taken as well. There is nothing more frustrating. And sometimes the day 21 tests really frustrate me. I had mine taken on 8/8/12 and my GP told me my progesterone was really high so I had a great ovulation.... Doesn't really help AFTER the event now does it??? Pity they can't tell you that you will ovulate on day 3. Would be a whole lot easier.

PAMMY: good luck. Testing can be so exciting (for those brief 3mins anyway). We are all waiting to hear of your BFP!!!

TO EVERYONE ELSE: (our list is getting longer to write everyone's name) hope your day is going well. It is nearly the weekend - thank god. Only 7 more working days for me and then I am on holidays WOOHOO :happydance: can not wait. Have a great day/afternoon/night or whatever is left of your Thursday
:jo: i wondered what your FB friends would say about the nana jo comments, :haha: hope you had a great day!!
maddy- would you guys think about adoption at all?
melainey- yay for bloods!! Wish i could help with the CP, i never could tell anything, but then again never super tried looking for it, google maybe?? Thanks for that recipe, I shall save it and try it one of these days. My MIL actually gave me the bacon/avocado recipe today too, so interested if i can pull that one off as well!!
Lisa :FX!!!!! maybe having no symptoms, if you normally have symptoms is a good thing, does that make sense?
pammy- when we travel, granted its for 4-6weeks, we use a house/pet sitter that we find on or something like that, we have never had an issue, lovely people, our babies/dogs love them, and we have a man coming to do our housesit for this dec-jan, we've met him and he got on real well with our pets, it might be too late for this trip, but something to think about. You dont pay them, they get the free accomodation and all bc you still pay your bills, and just leave money for pet food, etc.
lucy- good to see you, and i'm sure your girls appreciate your time management of this addicting thread :haha: We do miss you, but those darling girls are more important than us..most of the time :rofl:
angel- hope you are feeling better today!
kiwi- good luck with that cervix testing, i'm sure :jo: can give you some tips, she is always fondling her cervix, :rofl:

we had our appoint today and got some good news, the bleed/tear looks like it is already going away, the cyst hasnt gotten bigger nor smaller, and it has dropped behind the uterus so if it doesnt shrink we'll remove it at 16w, and we've gotten the OK to travel at this point and he doesnt forsee any reason that should change, added bonus, more scans and pictures of our beans, it makes the anxiety less. We go back in 3 weeks to monitor all of it.
Hi woohoo, How's your week going? Is work getting any better?

You know there have been a few good bits. Still many bad bits though. I could possibly be mentored into the job with the right team and support. I just don't have either! I did have a chat with the equivalent people in other states who were horrified and are going to try to help as much as they can, that is nice but a bit limited due to distance.
Shall keep on trying - and shall keep looking for other jobs in the meantime.

Thanks for checking up on me - appreciate the love. I've not had such a bad time ever, and I have had a tenuous grip on sanity of late! xo
:jo: i wondered what your FB friends would say about the nana jo comments, :haha: hope you had a great day!!
maddy- would you guys think about adoption at all?
melainey- yay for bloods!! Wish i could help with the CP, i never could tell anything, but then again never super tried looking for it, google maybe?? Thanks for that recipe, I shall save it and try it one of these days. My MIL actually gave me the bacon/avocado recipe today too, so interested if i can pull that one off as well!!
Lisa :FX!!!!! maybe having no symptoms, if you normally have symptoms is a good thing, does that make sense?
pammy- when we travel, granted its for 4-6weeks, we use a house/pet sitter that we find on or something like that, we have never had an issue, lovely people, our babies/dogs love them, and we have a man coming to do our housesit for this dec-jan, we've met him and he got on real well with our pets, it might be too late for this trip, but something to think about. You dont pay them, they get the free accomodation and all bc you still pay your bills, and just leave money for pet food, etc.
lucy- good to see you, and i'm sure your girls appreciate your time management of this addicting thread :haha: We do miss you, but those darling girls are more important than us..most of the time :rofl:
angel- hope you are feeling better today!
kiwi- good luck with that cervix testing, i'm sure :jo: can give you some tips, she is always fondling her cervix, :rofl:

we had our appoint today and got some good news, the bleed/tear looks like it is already going away, the cyst hasnt gotten bigger nor smaller, and it has dropped behind the uterus so if it doesnt shrink we'll remove it at 16w, and we've gotten the OK to travel at this point and he doesnt forsee any reason that should change, added bonus, more scans and pictures of our beans, it makes the anxiety less. We go back in 3 weeks to monitor all of it.

Yes, they all think I have mean friends!!! Bahahahahahaha

Good to see you've adopted the plural there 2mums, more pics of your BEANS!!!!

Good news tho, great to hear :)

Number2 I really hope that you get the support you need Hun xx I'm having dilemmas of my own about whether I should actually take redundancy or stay....doing my head in...

Kiwi - For your CP I would say to google it cause the way I would describe it may lead you to finger your bum or something haha :winkwink: And WHAT THE HELL!!! haha International rose of tralee hahahah! It used to be that you had to have the least a grandparent that is Irish haha! THat would make me the German/Irish Rose hahah And now slash Australia haha! No way would I ever do that haha I bloody hate it haha! :rofl: Could ya imagine! JAYSUS me in a fluffy dress :rofl:

2woohoo - I hope everything works out the way you want it to.. x

2mums - You wil have to let us know if they are yummy or not :rofl: I hate sweet and savoury things mixed together (I like all my food seperate generally haha :rofl: ) but would be interested as to see how they would taste :) Glad that the little BEANS are doing good :) Can't wait to see another pic of the little cuties :happydance: Great about the all clear to travel :) Your mum and OH will be happy :happydance:

Nanna :jo: What pressies did you get??? hehehehe PRESENTS I LOVE PRESENTS :happydance:

hey sasha take the redundancy..... more time to relax making babies....
2mums my dad finally came through... i have a person staying yay!
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Bike stuff laineypop!!! Sexy new helmet lol, tres glamorous...

I'm freaking out pammy and thinking I should be thinking longer yet
About mat leave and having a job to return too!!!

Eek. Grrrr.

Ah well. Birthday dinner now :) off to Vietnam tonight, yummo xx
ok I caved... I bought a 3 pack of frer.... so fmu it is.... can i hold out tonight?
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
crapbag i soooo did not mean to make that plural!! OH even asked the DR again to make sure it wasnt :rofl:

love a sexy new helmet, you lucky lucky girl!!! Enjoy your dinner!!!
pammy- fx! good luck
angel- you feeling better?
melainey- i agree with you on sweet and savory, but these muffins sound savory and no sweetness, so should be all good. My food is always separate, cannot touch on the plate, and certain foods never to be eaten together, OH actually bought me some divided adult plates, i love them sometimes!!! no sauce or gravy on anything either, its very weird, but makes sense to me, and of course all the shrinks are convinced its a lasting control issue based in childhood- whatev, works for me!!!
talked to a pharmacist she made me buy the tests... she said it looks promising. she also wants to know if i get a BFP....
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Are you going to test in the morning pammy? When is AF due? Hopefully you have a big temp spike tomorrow & a BFP!

I just got a message from my best UK friend announcing her new baby's birth! She had a little boy 9lb 14oz (4.46kgs!!).. Don't envy her that!! Again it's bittersweet Im soooo happy for them, they have 2 girls the same ages as our girlies and are so thrilled they got their boy!! But at the same didn't really think she'd have her whole pregnancy and baby all before I even get pregnant! :( hate feeling like this... Just want to be happy for people!

I'm off to bed now... Hubby is going away to a bucks weekend and I have to drop him at the airport at 5:30am!!! Yawn!! Xx
Go Pammy! FX for you....

Melainey Sunday should be okay anyway. My new Doc said the hormone tests normally take 4 days to come back (although the basic bloodwork only takes 24 hours). At least that's how it works here. So I have the boring results but have to wait until Friday for the hormone results.

Mum2 the two teens here were adopted by me years ago when they came into my care. But for a number of reasons we can't go that route again - we have actually already tried... So it's BFP or bust!
Go pammy!!!!! Gl gl gl gl!!!

So tired ladies, must snooze (and maybe done birthday rp!!!!!)

Catchyas in the am ;) nana :jo: hittin the hay!!!

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