i wondered what your FB friends would say about the nana jo comments,

hope you had a great day!!
maddy- would you guys think about adoption at all?
melainey- yay for bloods!! Wish i could help with the CP, i never could tell anything, but then again never super tried looking for it, google maybe?? Thanks for that recipe, I shall save it and try it one of these days. My MIL actually gave me the bacon/avocado recipe today too, so interested if i can pull that one off as well!!
Lisa :FX!!!!! maybe having no symptoms, if you normally have symptoms is a good thing, does that make sense?
pammy- when we travel, granted its for 4-6weeks, we use a house/pet sitter that we find on aussiehousesitters.com or something like that, we have never had an issue, lovely people, our babies/dogs love them, and we have a man coming to do our housesit for this dec-jan, we've met him and he got on real well with our pets, it might be too late for this trip, but something to think about. You dont pay them, they get the free accomodation and all bc you still pay your bills, and just leave money for pet food, etc.
lucy- good to see you, and i'm sure your girls appreciate your time management of this addicting thread

We do miss you, but those darling girls are more important than us..most of the time
angel- hope you are feeling better today!
kiwi- good luck with that cervix testing, i'm sure

can give you some tips, she is always fondling her cervix,
we had our appoint today and got some good news, the bleed/tear looks like it is already going away, the cyst hasnt gotten bigger nor smaller, and it has dropped behind the uterus so if it doesnt shrink we'll remove it at 16w, and we've gotten the OK to travel at this point and he doesnt forsee any reason that should change, added bonus, more scans and pictures of our beans, it makes the anxiety less. We go back in 3 weeks to monitor all of it.