abby- i know i'm a little late with all this, but that woman is #$(&*%$$ *$@#&* %&#@*()'n little bitch!!! Too personal, and she's ridiculous!!! I do the same thing, think of a million and one other things i could have, should have, wished i said! She'll get hers, karma is bitch, her lil angel might come out not as cute as all ours

melainey - i still have high hopes for you this month, keeping everything crossed over here for ya!!!
lisa- hoping the witch doesnt actually show up and you have a gorgeous lil boy bean!
angel- hope you are feeling ok today.
lucy- sounds like a crappy morning, but hoping your afternoon and evening are much better!!!
rosie- yes, fermenting apples, i made OH constantly check the refrigerator, at the time there were no apples in this house!! But i begged to differ, it was terrible, that and i kept smelling nasty old moldy cheese!!

luckily those didnt last!! Hope your week has started well!!

picturing doggie like chicken clucking nanna with waving canes... yup i have a great imagination!!! keep

catch that eggy!!!!!!!!!
anyone i missed, my sincere loving apologies!!!
got some bad news from the states, my aunt who has been struggling with cancer and had one bout of chemo, but it failed, they planned on a 10-12 hour surgery today to take out what they could, but apparently they opened and closed her a few hours later after only removing her ovaries and part of the tumour, the rest of it has spread to pretty much everywhere, twisted in and around her uterus and intestines and other organs. So not looking good, options are to try to find another chemo that may work better, after they have analysed the tumour, or an experimental drug, but i have a feeling my aunt is too tired for much more. Sucks worse bc she's the baby of the 4 kids, and my poor nan had to bury her husband a few years ago, and id hate to see her have to go through the same with her child! Now its just a waiting game, but took the wind out of my families sails for now!

Not even sure my good news would be enough to help her