Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Thanks Ladies. i believe she is early so playing the "shouldve said" game now!

may be something like "actually most people consider it rude and impolite to ask that, and its also somewhat uncouth to brag about ones wealth...So i assume you are pulling my leg" then walk away.
i think im equally as annoyed with myself for letting it get under my skin!
Wow-what a tool! Just catching up on this board, I must say you girls make me giggle!!! Lucky I am currently not sharing an office with anyone!!!
omg abby.....those are the types of people i'd like to send out to play in peak hour!!!!!

I find it impossible to believe that they can be so stupid that they dont realise that these topics are sensitive - so the only other option is that she is a total bitch (actually my choice of words is a bit stronger than bitch, but that will do for this forum!). Insensitive cow.

Well done on the self control - quite seriously if someone at my work said something like that to me i may well react in a way that could get me the sack!!!

Morning rosie cheeks! My charts are still there i hope sweetness!

Laineypopsucklebuckle, im sorry you are still not feeling that well, FX it really is a little bean trying to get speggy'd!!!

So today, yet again, i left my opk's at home, GRRRR for being such a :jo: with bad anyways, because im also impatient in my old :jo: age, i just went and bought some more at lunch! Took it, and its not quite positive...but deffo getting darker (although this is a different brand obviously). GRRRRRRR. Am going to have to get DH to start with the rocket speed :sex: from now on i think, as am well tired with all this crazy cycling going on at the moment, and havent got much energy left for :sex: !!!!

Has anyone tried anything different this cycle? We've gone the 'way of the dog' this time. Hoping that it does the trick!!!

mwaa mwaa gorgeousnesses xxx
Thanks everyone! feeling a bit better...Yes! bitchy cow (my language is somewhat stronger to...when i leave work i shall have a good rant in the car)

Newbie: Have you tried using preseed? A friend of mine recently got pregnant, and she told me that she BD 5 days before O (and that is it)....she used preseed to give those swimmers a happy home for 5 days! this has started me on a new philosophy of trying! (yes there are coloured graphs involved). 5 days before my expected O date we BD using preseend, then 4, then 3 days aim was to have as many days worth of sperm ready for egg pouncing on O day.
no idea if it worked! The coloured graph was very pretty though!
Thanks everyone! feeling a bit better...Yes! bitchy cow (my language is somewhat stronger to...when i leave work i shall have a good rant in the car)

Newbie: Have you tried using preseed? A friend of mine recently got pregnant, and she told me that she BD 5 days before O (and that is it)....she used preseed to give those swimmers a happy home for 5 days! this has started me on a new philosophy of trying! (yes there are coloured graphs involved). 5 days before my expected O date we BD using aim was to have as many days worth of sperm ready for egg pouncing on O day.
no idea if it worked! The coloured graph was very pretty though!

lol at your graphs!!!! I've got some conceive plus or concieve well or whatever its called that we use a bit of in the hope of that!!
Abby I just want you to come and work for me, pretty graphs go down beautifully in the exec meetings.
Too funny!
I should publish a book "flow chart your way to conception"
I would buy the book for the pretty flow charts... I am semi ok now ladies... weird thing is my bbs are still full and I have finished mensus... lower belly still hard... should i see a doc?
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Good morning ladies,

Ok big red lines have appeared on my little chart??? But maybe I entered information in incorrectly. It has me at 3DPO. I got my smiley face sat, sun which I always took it as ovulation the next day (monday) so wouldn't I only be 1DPO today (tue)???? The red lines what do they mean again?? My brain is very forgetful.

Hope everyone's day is going great. School is back this week (all nth hemisphere kids start the new school year) so I have a boss free day today WOOHOO. I can relax and enjoy the peace and quiet :)

Looking at your posts I have changed a few things this month. Not sure yet as to whether it has worked or not but I am like Newbie and gone to the dogs, I have also used preseed, DTD 2 days before smiley, smiley face days and the day after to be sure, I have also been drinking lemon juice in water. I read somewhere that it can be alittle acidy up there so the lemon juice is suppose to nutralise the area (??) who knows but we gave it a go anyway.

We are off to the fertility clinic on monday :( Not really looking forward to it. I know it will give us the answers to why nothing we do is working but i am still apprehensive about the whole thing. The consultant did mention something about me having an internal scan and ultrasound (even though I only had this done in June) but it will be too early to tell if my preseed and lemon juice worked.

Anyhow, hope you all have a wonderful day what is left of it.
HI HO HI HO its off to work I go!
the crosshairs? they say you ovulated on saturday 25/8
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
the crosshairs? they say you ovulated on saturday 25/8
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie

Ok so that is wrong isn't it? Wouldn't I have O'd yesterday (monday)
abby- i know i'm a little late with all this, but that woman is #$(&*%$$ *$@#&* %&#@*()'n little bitch!!! Too personal, and she's ridiculous!!! I do the same thing, think of a million and one other things i could have, should have, wished i said! She'll get hers, karma is bitch, her lil angel might come out not as cute as all ours :rofl::rofl:

melainey - i still have high hopes for you this month, keeping everything crossed over here for ya!!!

lisa- hoping the witch doesnt actually show up and you have a gorgeous lil boy bean!

angel- hope you are feeling ok today.

lucy- sounds like a crappy morning, but hoping your afternoon and evening are much better!!!

rosie- yes, fermenting apples, i made OH constantly check the refrigerator, at the time there were no apples in this house!! But i begged to differ, it was terrible, that and i kept smelling nasty old moldy cheese!! :( luckily those didnt last!! Hope your week has started well!!

:jo: picturing doggie like chicken clucking nanna with waving canes... yup i have a great imagination!!! keep :sex::sex::sex: catch that eggy!!!!!!!!!

anyone i missed, my sincere loving apologies!!!
got some bad news from the states, my aunt who has been struggling with cancer and had one bout of chemo, but it failed, they planned on a 10-12 hour surgery today to take out what they could, but apparently they opened and closed her a few hours later after only removing her ovaries and part of the tumour, the rest of it has spread to pretty much everywhere, twisted in and around her uterus and intestines and other organs. So not looking good, options are to try to find another chemo that may work better, after they have analysed the tumour, or an experimental drug, but i have a feeling my aunt is too tired for much more. Sucks worse bc she's the baby of the 4 kids, and my poor nan had to bury her husband a few years ago, and id hate to see her have to go through the same with her child! Now its just a waiting game, but took the wind out of my families sails for now! :( Not even sure my good news would be enough to help her :(
it judges on mostly the temperature change but if you put in a pos+ opk on the da you think you ov'ed see if it changes... what is your LP you know how many days after Ov do you start your flow.... if you get AF and you know your LP then see if FF was right.
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Kiwi it looks like you are 3dpo or 2 dpo....
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Oh 2MUMS. I am so sorry to hear of your news about your poor Aunt. Cancer is a horrible, horrible disease that seems to strike the nicest of people. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. You never know about your good news being able to help. I lost my cousin on 2nd Jan this year to Non-hodgkins lymphoma (he was only 50) but he hung on for months. His oldest child's girlfriend was having a baby so he wanted to see the child. Drs only gave him a couple of days/weeks at the most but he lasted for 4mths. Sheer determination to see his grandchild and it worked.
it judges on mostly the temperature change but if you put in a pos+ opk on the da you think you ov'ed see if it changes... what is your LP you know how many days after Ov do you start your flow.... if you get AF and you know your LP then see if FF was right.
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie

So maybe if I go back into my chart and delete the positive opks and see what happens then. My LP is generally 13 days.
Abby – I agree with the girls she is a really cow

Pammy – nice to hear you are feeling a little better this afternoon.

2mums – So sorry to hear you news about your aunt. My thoughts are with you and your family and this really hard time.
Hey kiwi, it can be confusing! But, we can ov as little as 12 hours after a pos opk, so I'd say there is a good chance you are 3dpo and should be safe to leave the pos opks in ;). That's the beauty of crosshairs, once you get em , you're always three days into you tww because ff needs three days of higher temps to confirm your o!

2mums I am so sorry hun xxxx I can't imagine how hard it would be to hear this and be so far away, big hugs and kisses for you xxx

Pammy I hope you're on the mend!


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