Hi all! Missed you again today we had system issues at work so i couldn't log on! So glad I have tomorrow off so I won't have as much to catch up on!
Welcome Lisa - I think I'll call you smithy so we don't get our Lusa's confused - hope that's ok?!
2mums i'm so sorry to hear about your aunt - will def be praying for her and your family in this tough time!
Abby the girl at your work sounds like a real tosser! How rude of her! Sorry you had to go thru that! I know what you mean with the 'if only I'd said...' game - I always end up playing it with myself after any conflict - I hate confrontation like that - not fun and always awkward!
Melainey and Pammy I hope you both feel better soon!
Am hoping our jayney is settling in nicely - miss you in come back and play soon!
Hi to all others Lisa, cossime, squiggly,ginny, Lucy, kiwi,

, Maddy, Amanda, rosie and anyone i have missed! sorry for not commenting on everything!
I feel like we have some bfp's brewing in here for sure this month - all the charts look great! I know I haven't updated the front page for ages - such a slacker - will get on it tomorrow while I'm off and have more time!
You gals seriously crack me up with all the bok bokking and sheep noises etc - DH looks at me like I'm cuckoo everytime I read thru as I always pmsl at your posts - love the light heartedness you all bring to life!!!
My interview went really well today - am feeling positive about it - even if I don't get the position I know I did my best and feel I answered everything really well

I should know by the end of the week so will let you all know as soon as I know!