Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

God you ladies beat me everytime hehe!

LOve the signature Ginny :) Hope that they bean is a sticky one :hugs:

Yeah i know what you mean 2mums it is great that we have the technology these days such as skype :) I was talking to my Opa (grandad) on the phone today he was telling me how his 90th birthday went last week and how he fell out of the pub drunk as a skunk haha! Sad I miss these things but great that he is still able to do it :haha: I know everything will work out as is supposed to ...

Aww that would be amazing if we could all go home with either pregnant bellys or new bubs :happydance: Gona try sooooo hard this coming month poor husband is not getting a break hehehe :haha:
We had been living o/s and moved here 11 months ago, so hubby has work restrictions on his visa too. But it's been really good to see how great he is at managing the house and I have no doubt he's going to be a fantastic SAHD one day.

SAHD that is awesome :)

I think I am going to be a SAHM that's what me and the hubby both want that but only if we get the finances right! Trying to get the DH onto the mines but it is proving harder than antisipated haha! :haha:
Melainey- how hilarious!! Glad he enjoyed his 90th!! That's lovely!

Ginny- new signature is great, and im sure hoping this lil angel is yours for keeps!!! :hugs:

cheers to going 'home' pregnant and/or with bubs!!! :thumbup:

Just realized- if i get this job I'm going to miss most of the Olympics!! I love the Olympics!:cry::cry::cry:
Morning ladies! I have caught up on all the comments I missed, but I think it's easier to just let it go when I'm not a part of the conversation at the time, it gets too confusing. lol

I had a temp dip today (still above coverline) at 7dpo - from what you've been saying, I think it's a good thing, but won't know until it goes back up! I feel 'off' today, I don't feel like breakfast which is very strange for me, and I feellike I'm going to throw up. not nice. I think it's mainly because I haven't been getting a great deal of good sleep though. I'm not feeling very confident this time round though, I think it's just going to be a dud cycle... oh well... I just want AF to get on with it.

*one more bit of advice, don't take your temp twice in one day, you will confuse yourself! I did that today. lol I took the one that was after the most amount of sleep, rather than a couple of hours later. but it makes you doubt it, so just avoid doing that. lol

2mums, let us know if you hear about the job!

Angel, has your temp started rising again? lots of BDing, I hope! haha

have a good day girls, I'm going to try my hardest to keep focused at work, but you might see me pop up through the day, lol
God you ladies beat me everytime hehe!

LOve the signature Ginny :) Hope that they bean is a sticky one :hugs:

Yeah i know what you mean 2mums it is great that we have the technology these days such as skype :) I was talking to my Opa (grandad) on the phone today he was telling me how his 90th birthday went last week and how he fell out of the pub drunk as a skunk haha! Sad I miss these things but great that he is still able to do it :haha: I know everything will work out as is supposed to ...

Aww that would be amazing if we could all go home with either pregnant bellys or new bubs :happydance: Gona try sooooo hard this coming month poor husband is not getting a break hehehe :haha:

your pop sounds awesome! haha
Morning ladies!
As if I wasn't already confused enough as it it, my temps have started rising! I changed my Ovulation date on my chart to last Saturday which makes me 6dpo! Soooo confused, really wishing I'd charted this whole cycle, but what can you do?! I'm going to keep charting this week and not read into it too's super confusing though!
yeah, it is confusing, cos you trust FF to get it right, but it's not very accurate if they don't have all the info. I'm in the same boat. All we can do is sit & wait I think. I'll just be glad to get this practice in with my charting, I think it would be worse if I didn't have this chance to make a few mistakes & see what data changes the chart... yesterday, I changed the CM and it changed my Ov date, I just changed it back to what it was, but now I can see how important checking cm is too.
Yeah you have to go with your instincts! For me my CM is so reliable I can pretty much pinpoint ovulation without charting (so I thought...haha) until this cycle when I had two patches of ewcm, I really think the first lot when I was sick was my body gearing up for it but it didn't happen, then the second lot was my true ovulation (sat). Which is why the temp rise is confusing me, it looks on my chart as though I'm about to ovulate but CM is dry as... So not sure what to make of it?! Strange cycle that will hopefully be over one way or the other!
I had a bit of a break down last night to hubby...ive been in TWW mode for almost 3weeks now and in that time 4 pregnancies have been announced and 3babies have been born! DH just said "don't worry we're one up on all of them" (they're all pregnant with their second babies!) and I just about lost it, made me so frustrated just because we already have two kids (I know we're incredibly blessed!!) but the desire for a third is still very strong and I didn't appreciate being compared to other people! Anyway we sorted it out and I know he was just trying to make me feel better! Sorry for the rant...
I know what you mean, I do the same to my hubby. they just try to say what they think we need, it must be hard for them, cos I don't think they get that desire like women do, glad you talked it out with him. sometimes it's the only way to make things better. Hope you're feeling ok, and vent here any time you need!
i'm out for work now, enjoy your day! treat yourself to a lunch out at the park with the kids or something nice!
Thank mum2! Have a nice day at work! :-)
We're actually all a bit sniffly here today so were having a lazy day at home with movies & sensory play! (we've had lots of days out this week!)
I'm going to try not to spend all day on
Hi ladies! Well Mum 2 Q I did the same thing as you and took my temp twice today - on e at 2:30am as I woke up needing to pee and wasn't sure I'd get enough sleep in after that but then I did just get 3 hrs so I took it again... First one was 35.7 (my lowest ever) and last one was 36.0. Am thinking I'll record the second one as it was closer in time to when I normally temp but sooo confusing - won't be doing that again! Have a great day at work!

Lucy it is so hard not to lose sight isn't it! Especially when hubby just wants to say something to stop the crying but gets it wrong - Paul does it often - he tries to be logic and rational but when you are an emotional and hormonal mess that isn't what you want to hear :) it is hard on them too they hate seeing us sad and feel a bit helpless when they can't fix everything! Just remember God's timing is perfect - will keep praying for you - a 3 week wait must really be frustrating - do much better just to know either way - even if knowing means being disappointed by AF. I hope all your sniffles go away quickly and that you enjoy your lazy day at home :)

Well my temp did rise today but only by 0.1 degree not the jump I had with ov last month - though last month I did have a cop then small rise then a dip then a big jump so am hoping the pattern is similar this month which means I'll ov tomorrow. I ha e been unwell though so that could throw everything out!

How is everyone else today?

Still praying for bfp's all round and for positive thoughts as we all wait it out :) xx
Lol! Sorry a few dodgy spellings in that last post - am on my phone! "do" should have been "so" and "cop" should have been "dip"... Other typos should be self explanatory :)
Thanks Cathie, yeah I know he was only trying to help - bless him! Poor guy, I feel for him sometimes, he needs lots of practice dealing with hormonal women...after all he does have two daughters! Lol.
Your chart still looks fine, my first ever chart(when I got pregnant with Maggie) had a huge temp jump, then the ones since have been fairly small jumps or a gradual rise and a bit all over the place. I'm starting to see a bit of a pattern now, but every month varies slightly! At least if you're charting you'll know if you ovulate late. The dip probably will be a pre-o dip, if your temp rises even slightly tomorrow you can assume that you've ovulated but it won't register on FF till you've had 3 temps above the cover line, so by the time it's confirmed you're 3-4dpo! Its best to keep bd'ing just in case.
Hi ladies :)

Yeah mum2 Q he is awesome especially for an old guy :D

Took ANOTHER test haha and another bfn! Hurry up witch get on with it and hit me with your broom haha!

How is everybody?

And yeah girlies husbands haven't got a clue when it comes to consoling so don't take it to heart (wishI could take my own advise hehe) Theyaren't as clever as us women :winkwink: hehe x
Morning Melainey, bummer, what did your temp do this morning?
Morning Melainey, bummer, what did your temp do this morning?

itwas 36.45 today soa little dip but the same as two days ago! Strange! I should know if the temp goes lower tomorrow :)
Yeah, if you want your chart on here you need to open your chart then go to 'sharing' and select 'get code' highlight the BBcode copy & paste it into your signature thing!
Hopefully you'll know tomorrow, it's painful waiting!!
After looking at all of my other charts it's normal for my temp to rise about 5-6dpo which kind of confirms where I am in my cycle! Which makes me due for AF to arrive Monday or Tuesday - my temps have been starting to drop around 9dpo followed by a big drop and AF 10dpo!
I also figured out why I've been feeling nauseas, Ive been taking my folic acid before bed on an empty stomach!!! Started taking it with breakfast the last two days and have felt such an idiot!! Lol
Weirdly enough I am not able to share my chartfor some reason only this comes up?

My Ovulation Chart

Strange :haha:

At least you know where you are now :) Somuch nicer knowing hey :) Good luck and hope you get that bfp :happydance:

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