Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Llmp- Lucky- with the unprotected since 4 weeks bit, haha, but it does sound like you are on the right path, just stick with it, your lil girls will have a sibling soon enough!!!! Not been there myself, but working with infants and their parents I am aware of the breast feeding battle, and you did what you thought was right, and she got more than some children get, so you're all still blessed. Your body is able and capable, and although my thoughts on God are bit different, I was raised Christian, but have since altered my views on life as a whole, I do believe there is a higher being, a higher source, karma, etc.. and because of that, and I sense you are a good person, with good morals and values and want this for the right reason it will happen, my beliefs lead me to believe, the same as yours, everything happens for a reason, there is a reason for timing, for good for bad and otherwise. It will happen!!!! :hugs: FX!!!
and ty for your well wishes for me, i'm trying to stay positive! Thankd for that cramping advice too!!! :)

Thank you! I loved breast feeding, if you can (&want to!) it's worth the battle in those early days.
It's been really nice 'getting to know you', obviously as a Christian I have bible based views on homosexuality, but I also have views on sex outside of marriage etc. But please know I don't expect non-Christians to live the way I do or believe what I believe, and I'm certainly not perfect. I've been convicted that what the bible says is true and all I can do is try and be the person God wants me to be! I see you as a friend and don't want our differing views to come between that! :)

I do plan on, and want to breast feed badly so hope all goes good with that!! :) I've enjoyed getting to know you and all the other women on here, I know we all come from various backgrounds with different beliefs. I'm aware the Christians in here including yourself may or may not agree with my lifestyle, and that's ok, we're all different and that's what makes the world turn. I do very very much appreciate the support I get despite those different beliefs. I have a quite religious sister, but she's worked on being ok with my situation, took her a while though, but now she's great and loves my partner. As someone who's been with men and women, both in very serious, loving, caring monogamous relationships, I happened to have found that what I needed in a partner, it just came in a womans packaging, just happened like that, I looked high and low, all over, but just didn't find what I needed in a man, despite my efforts, haha. I live my life as many Christians/religious people do, minus that one big fact, :winkwink:, but I treat others the way I want to be treated, I respect everyone, I try to be the best person I can be, I don't judge others as its not my place, and I do believe how I live my life these days will dictate where I go when I pass on, but I dont necessarily believe in Heaven and Hell....its all very confusing, but I hope I am making sense. So as to not create a massive political/religious debate, as we have enough to worry about, I'll just say I feel the same as you, I am grateful for these friendships, we are similar and yet so very different and I dont expect anything to come in between what we have going on here!!! Much love for everyone, including and especially you Llmp!! :hugs:
Non alcoholic beer - blech.

I'm a bit of a believer in what goes around, comes around. I try to behave in a manner that will make others and therefore myself feel good. That's about as religious as it gets here. It's not a bad approach though as far as how to behave with others - which is what lots of christianity seems to be based on. I mean lots of it is guidelines on how to live a good life - and I try to do that too.
LLPM - might be a weird question, but what do you mean by Christian? I was raised as a Catholic and my DF was raised a Protestant - so to keep the peace with our families we're not going through with any traditions of either religion and will just bring him up as a general Christian.

Hi Ginny, yeah I think a lot of christianity is misunderstood! It seems lot of people don't really understand what it is or what it means!
In a nutshell,
• That the Bible as originally given is the Word of God which reveals God clearly. It is the supreme authority and can be relied upon fully in all matters of faith and conduct today.
• That God is the creator. He is one and yet three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, living and interrelating in perfect unity forever.
• That all people are by nature sinful, rebellious and dead towards God. They are therefore guilty before God and stand condemned to hell.
• That God in his love sent his Son, Jesus Christ. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin Mary. He is human, yet without sin.
• That God's chosen people are redeemed from the penalty and power of sin only by Christ's single, perfect sacrificial death which was sufficient for all people. He willingly acted as our representative and substitute before God. Our redemption is not by works but by God's unmerited grace.
• That Jesus Christ rose from the dead in bodily form and ascended to heaven and is seated with all authority at the right hand of the Father as the one true mediator between God and people.
• That by God's mercy his Holy Spirit brings about spiritual rebirth in his people by granting the individual sinner repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ through God's Word
• That the Holy Spirit indwells and works in believers to empower them to live Godly lives, to give gifts for the ministry of the church, to inspire love for one another and to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
• That according to his promise, Jesus will return personally and visibly for the final judgment of all people. Those who are his will be rescued from his wrath and raised to be with him forever.This is the Christian's great hope and confidence.

I copied this from our churches "what we believe" section as it sums it up well, I wouldn't usually write in sentences like that so if anything doesn't make sense let me can be hard to grasp it all and I understand that some of you don't agree with lots of this, but this is what I believe! :)
Melainey- you crack me up, enjoy those HARD eggs!!! may it be a sign of good hearty sticky eggs for the women in here!!! Good luck with the no alcohol whilst pregnant (and breast feeding) :haha:
You're going to the 60s and I was born in the wrong era and would love going to the 40s, 50s, hahaha I love Frank Sinatra!!! Dont get me wrong, 80s music rocks, but I love me some goood oldies!!
Ginny- I think that's a good plan, 'general' Christian will give him the morals and values as most religions at the base teach the same ways of life. I was raised Presbyterian, my mothers side had everything from atheist to Mormonism, and my fathers side was (all types of)-Christianity /eastern orthodox. As long as you both agree, then you will be doing the right thing, nothing is more confusing to a child to see their parents disagree on such important things.
I plan on exploring many beliefs with our children (age appropriately), they can then choose their own paths when they are older (thats how my partner and I were both raised), but the thing I will not back down from is teaching them, religion or not, is to be a respectful, helpful, caring, decent person in the community!!!
Those hard eggs were delish hehe Lets hope it doesmean sticky hard eggs for all :D

Yeah I believe in science and evolution and yeah I do believe in angels and spirits but just not in a religious way I suppose! I'm sure there is something out there but just not sure what ! My question always was how can something just be? Who made god? Etc... And it still gets me !It's like what came first the chicken or the egg... Maybe I should come back as a philosopher/diva :haha: But as 2mums said once my children treat others with respect and don't do wrong I don't care what religion they are! My mum did great with us (neither myself or my brothers were ever in trouble with the law and always did good deads etc) and that was without religion. I believe there is good and bad in everyone of us and that the choice is within to choose which path to take.

Basically from all that rambling I LOVE EVERYBODY :happydance: I don't care if you are black, white, pink or purple - gay,straight, trans gender - religious or non religious.. The world would be a bit bland if there were no grey patches :D I say live life to the full and be happy! And :flasher: somebody once in awhile it's fun hehe
Well DF and I both don't follow our religions properly - we don't go to church or anything. We're not even planning on getting married in a church. But at the same time we like the thought of our kids believing in God, so we figure this is good approach for us. DS can figure out his own specifics if he chooses to be interested in it all.
Welcome Aquiss

My breasts feel tender today but not increasingly tender to touch tho….I think I am back to being hopeful. I keep making trips to the bathroom waiting to see is AF has arrived. Sure a productive day is the office :) . How many day's past should you really test at or should start so show your BFP?

Same here I don't follow our religion. But we did get married in a Church & I did baptist my daughter.
Getting really anxious I so wanna pee on a stick but I know it's way to early! Plus my Internet cheapies haven't arrived yet! Only 11 more days! How do you ladies manage not to go insane! (:
Lisa, this pregnancy I got a BFP at 9DPO, but that's only because I used a FRER - the IC I used on the same day was soooooooo faint.

The last pregnancy I also started getting super faint lines at 9DPO and didn't get a proper BFP until 11DPO.

Everyone is so different though - I know there are people on here that didn't get their BFP until 12 or 14DPO :)
Lisa - my boobs are a little tender too :) Not too much tho thank bloody god! :haha:

Aquiss - I started testing at 11DPO and I am now 23DPO and still going crazy haha!

ladies try this it is hilarious I found it in a different thread

My result was (1) a baby girl, 6lb 8oz and the father was boss hogg :rofl:
(2) ababy boy,14lbs and 7oz(monster child- i would have novagina left :rofl: )an the father was fabio :haha:

Just a little humour to keep us a little sane :D xx

Welcome Aquiss

My breasts feel tender today but not increasingly tender to touch tho….I think I am back to being hopeful. I keep making trips to the bathroom waiting to see is AF has arrived. Sure a productive day is the office :) . How many day's past should you really test at or should start so show your BFP?

Same here I don't follow our religion. But we did get married in a Church & I did baptist my daughter.

Implantation will take 7 to 10 days after fertilisation. Then it will usually take 2 to 3 days for HCG levels to start to rise high enough to be detected by a home test. The HCG only starts to rise after implantation. So the very earliest, ever, would really be about 8 days post ovulation - but that's not going to work for many people - and that calculation above explains why some ppl don't get a positive till 13 or 14 DPO. Plus, different tests react with different amounts of HCG - that's why some are positive earlier than others (like FRER - First Response Early Result - they detect a low amount of HCG). This can be good and bad - the bad is you do sometimes detect pregnancies that don't "work" - if you weren't testing so early you'd just think your period was a day or two late instead of realising it was an early M/C.
Lisa, this pregnancy I got a BFP at 9DPO, but that's only because I used a FRER - the IC I used on the same day was soooooooo faint.

The last pregnancy I also started getting super faint lines at 9DPO and didn't get a proper BFP until 11DPO.

Everyone is so different though - I know there are people on here that didn't get their BFP until 12 or 14DPO :)

What's annoying me is I now with my 1st pregnancy it showed up before I had my AF. But I was so excited :happydance: that I didn’t pay attention to how many days early it did show up on the test. I am due today or tomorrow so going to try and hold off until wednesday or thursday but its sooo hard!!!
I should have my Internet cheapies by the 8th the person hasn't even posted them yet but as soon as I receive them I'm going to test as I should be about 12DPO! Just hoping this is my month, I have pretty strong O pains so I figure that's a good sign!
Lisa - my boobs are a little tender too :) Not too much tho thank bloody god! :haha:

Aquiss - I started testing at 11DPO and I am now 23DPO and still going crazy haha!

ladies try this it is hilarious I found it in a different thread

My result was (1) a baby girl, 6lb 8oz and the father was boss hogg :rofl:
(2) ababy boy,14lbs and 7oz(monster child- i would have novagina left :rofl: )an the father was fabio :haha:

Just a little humour to keep us a little sane :D xx


Melainey OMG why havent you gone & done a blood test ???
Also, remember that even if you chart it's not 100% accurate on when you O'd. It might be out by a day or two.
Have been waiting for a BFPbut they are all still bfn :cry: And Idon't want to see a blood neg and still not have AF if ya get me?

But I think I will go this week some stage as I am getting imaptient :rofl:
What happened to your post 2mums? It disappeared?

I would like to know too? (but as 2mums said not to offend anybody tho :happydance: )
Welcome Aquiss

My breasts feel tender today but not increasingly tender to touch tho….I think I am back to being hopeful. I keep making trips to the bathroom waiting to see is AF has arrived. Sure a productive day is the office :) . How many day's past should you really test at or should start so show your BFP?

Same here I don't follow our religion. But we did get married in a Church & I did baptist my daughter.

Implantation will take 7 to 10 days after fertilisation. Then it will usually take 2 to 3 days for HCG levels to start to rise high enough to be detected by a home test. The HCG only starts to rise after implantation. So the very earliest, ever, would really be about 8 days post ovulation - but that's not going to work for many people - and that calculation above explains why some ppl don't get a positive till 13 or 14 DPO. Plus, different tests react with different amounts of HCG - that's why some are positive earlier than others (like FRER - First Response Early Result - they detect a low amount of HCG). This can be good and bad - the bad is you do sometimes detect pregnancies that don't "work" - if you weren't testing so early you'd just think your period was a day or two late instead of realising it was an early M/C.

That is my worry, got a very early BFP, and just hoping/praying/begging for it to stick, my lines have been very faint today, but no spotting or AF, so not sure what to think. I tested (I think) I was 10dpo.

Lisa FX for you!!!!

I feel ya Melainey but the rest of us want your blood test results :rofl: FX!! xx

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