Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

2mums! Don't stress too much, I'd wait another couple of days to check the color of the line - there are so many factors that affect tests, concentration of urine being the biggest one! *hugs*

Thank you. - I know stressing won't help! I was on B100 complex for 3 months which helped to make my cycle more regular but it didn't lengthen my LP at all. I've considered taking vitex but I don't want it to mess my cycle up, but on the other hand I just don't feel like it will happen without something. I had an ovarian cyst removed last July, and as much as the doctors say it won't affect my fertility I can't help thinking its put my hormones out of whack, and I'm 90% sure I have ovulated from my right ovary every month since (the cyst was on my left). DH is happy to have a SA! :) I stopped charting on doctors orders, she said I was getting too stressed about it all, and said no charting (oops!!) and bd every other day for the whole cycle, then to come back if I still wasn't pregnant and get liam to have an SA done. We've been trying since November but that's when I weaned Maggie and I had issues with milk for a while. It dried up quickly after I weaned her but then after 2months I started having milk again so she tested my prolactin (assuming it was high and inhibiting pregnancy!!) but it came back low and all my other hormones have been tested and they've all been fine too. She said my progesterone is fine but I'm not convinced. I think that's why I'm frustrated - there seems to be nothing wrong and she said because we already have 2children both conceived first month that a fertility clinic would slam the door in our face so there's no point referring us! We'll see...I'm actually going for another breast ultrasound this week to check its all fine after the issue I had before and then will go and see my GP so will have a chat with her! :-)
Angel, i agree that your illness might have delayed or postponed all together your OV this month, sooo frustrating I know, but the last thing you want is a weak egg not to stick, and it all happens for a reasons, so keep :sex: but dont get too down!!! Seems like with the house and everything your time is just around the corner!!! :happydance::flower: So sorry you had to go to work feeling crappy, hope the kids are on relatively low key and good behaviour for you, and hope it will take your mind of things for a little while. I want so much for this to happen for you and your DH this month!!! :hugs:

Llmp, Lisa, Mum2Q- everything crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup:

Llmp- dont be so hard on yourself, and try not to get down love. Do you currently take anything either natural/over the counter/prescription??? Keep temping and charting, from what these women say its incredibly helpful and may help ease your mind. How long have you been trying, and is hubby open to going for analysis, bc although im sure its nothing, it doesnt hurt to get it all checked out. :hugs::hugs:

Callie- welcome, and to you and J&M- best of luck :dust: to you both, fx this is your month!

2woohoo- omg :rofl: your bartender knew!!!! and cancer- geeze jump to conclusions much, but i guess they didnt realize it was pregnancy!! Im having a hard time the last few months getting out of my glasses/bottles of red with friends, ive since said I'm carrying on dry july until christmas time in the states to get my weight down--who knows if they believe it or not!!

Feeling more nervous and anxious today, OH wanted me to do another POAS, so i did and it was much more faint than I expected/wanted. A little worried.... i guess will do one tomorrow and see if its still there. :shrug:

Can you get a blood tes, so that in a few days you can get another one to check the HCG levels?
I'm sure everything will be fine honey - and if not, it happened once so it can happen again! xo
newbie, 2woohoo, Llmp- i will wait and POAS again tomorrow, I have the form for my bloods but was waiting until tuesday or wednesday to go in, so will base that on lines tomorrow AM. thanks for your support!!!

Llmp- this cycle (what i think resulted in a bfp) i started drinking grapefruit juice, and taking evening primrose oil (from AF to OV) Was still going to gym and taking my multi vit. (stopped drinking alcohol altogether) I was so worried about taking a precription/drastic measures bc i didnt want to mess with my cycle, it was finally reg for 4 months!! Could be hormones but if those have been checked, then i wouldnt think so. I know breastfeeding can throw it out of whack too. I feel awful bc i know having those two beautiful girls and wanting a sibling close in age for them is adding to the stress and pressure. I'd follow drs orders and keep :sex: throughout cycle. And i would do whatever you think is best re your charting, if it will add stress dont do it, if it will ease your mind so you can 'see' what it happening then go for it!! And wouldnt hurt to get DH tested if he's willing! Wish i could help more but have no experience with some things you are having to deal with, re breast feeding and cyst. My dr found a fibroid but told me it wasnt big enough to interfere, i didnt beleive him until this cycle. FX!!!:hugs:
I know this will sound lame, but from advice from another couple, we were singing to my abdomen, singing to the follicle, the egg and the sperm, hahaha, may have helped who knows!! :rofl:
Hellooooooo Ladies :flasher:

Just thought I would give you all a flash to wake you up :haha:

Keep your chin up Angel,hopefully you did O but just keep :sex: Until it is confirmed I really hope you catch that egg this month :) Hope you feel much better soon and your class don't give you too much grief :hugs:

Oh thank you Newbie :winkwink:I do like to make people laugh :haha:

FX for you lisa and mum 2 Q hopefully you will get those BFP's I know how frustrating it is ! I think I am turning into an old lady with all the wondering :rofl:

:rofl: number2woohoo that is hilarious! I was the same until last year :haha: I was pretty much an alco hehehehe Hope you get that sticky egg!

2mums keep your head up !! Wait until you get your Bloods done and don't stress :) We are all thinking of you x

LLPM must be aweful for you :cry: I have pcos and it is horrible to think that those bloody cysts can interfere with the process! They won't even recommend to remove mine which is weird ! My mother is so worried as I have had this for a long time and when I finally get home I think she is personally goingto escort me to an Irish hospital to get them removed :haha:

As for me today ladies!EXACTLY the same haha No af and BFN sovery confused! have this very wet feeling down there but it is bone dry? Hopefully af is on her wicked way! She can have her wicked way with me so Ican start another cycle :haha: if af is not here by Friday I will go to the doctors ! Although We have to go to docs today (unrelated to TTC) hmmmmm.... DH doesn't know about it because I keep him out of the loop as far as tests because he doesn't really want to know about it he thinks that it will stress me out! SoI think I will have to talk to him later hehe

:dust: to all xx
lmao Melainey!!! Ive not seen the flasher here before...thats hilarious...

It really does seem like the universe is playing a few games here and there on this board lately...missing AF's, missing O's...missing BFP's!

Sending out heaps of :dust: to everyone and hope it all gets aligned soon and you all get some answers and some progress!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi Ladies I'm currently 3DPO, My last AF was 07/14/12 - 07/18/12 I believe I ovulated 07/27/12 because I had bad cramping on my left side and stringy clear discharge, My fiancee and I Bedded that night, sex was painful when he would hit my cervix I actually had to stop and wait till the pain had gone.

-1DPO I woke up the next day 07/28/12 with cramping and my boobs hurt and felt like they were stinging/burning, I didn't have an apatite on

-2DPO and I've had a sore back all morning light cramping/backache and my boobs stung for a little bit but other then that nothing, This is our first month trying, i also woke up today wit a cold sore on the side of my mouth, I normally have tingles but this one just appeared and i only ever get them on my lips or nose, so I was confused, also my hips have been aching this morning, I found it very difficult to find motivation to get up off the couch and do house work, I also felt really off when I went to bed.

-3DPO I woke up feeling relatively good, nothing major i can't stand to long or my back really starts to hurt, my boobs are still tender but not majorly, I had some sharp pains a little while ago that only lasted a few seconds each on my left side and I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.

This is our first month TTC, we only BD the day I ovulated but I'm feeling pretty confident. I don't believe its in my head as I only have cramping/aching.

For the past 2 days my cervix has been high and soft?

Hopefully we have good luck! :thumbup:
Hellooooooo Ladies :flasher:

Just thought I would give you all a flash to wake you up :haha:

Keep your chin up Angel,hopefully you did O but just keep :sex: Until it is confirmed I really hope you catch that egg this month :) Hope you feel much better soon and your class don't give you too much grief :hugs:

Oh thank you Newbie :winkwink:I do like to make people laugh :haha:

FX for you lisa and mum 2 Q hopefully you will get those BFP's I know how frustrating it is ! I think I am turning into an old lady with all the wondering :rofl:

:rofl: number2woohoo that is hilarious! I was the same until last year :haha: I was pretty much an alco hehehehe Hope you get that sticky egg!

2mums keep your head up !! Wait until you get your Bloods done and don't stress :) We are all thinking of you x

LLPM must be aweful for you :cry: I have pcos and it is horrible to think that those bloody cysts can interfere with the process! They won't even recommend to remove mine which is weird ! My mother is so worried as I have had this for a long time and when I finally get home I think she is personally goingto escort me to an Irish hospital to get them removed :haha:

As for me today ladies!EXACTLY the same haha No af and BFN sovery confused! have this very wet feeling down there but it is bone dry? Hopefully af is on her wicked way! She can have her wicked way with me so Ican start another cycle :haha: if af is not here by Friday I will go to the doctors ! Although We have to go to docs today (unrelated to TTC) hmmmmm.... DH doesn't know about it because I keep him out of the loop as far as tests because he doesn't really want to know about it he thinks that it will stress me out! SoI think I will have to talk to him later hehe

:dust: to all xx

Hang in there Melainey,

A girlfriend of mine tried so many pregnant tests with both first & second pregnancy they all came back BFN she used so many brands. In the end she has to do blood test to pick both her pregnancy up.
Angel - It's hard to tell, I think there's a chance you might not have O'd yet, but having your CM dry up is usually a good indicator that it's just happened :shrug: I bet in a few days your temps will become clear though! I'd keep bding just in case though!

LLPM - I agree with the others, it's not over until AF shows up, and I hope it doesn't show up for you!! Not sure what else to offer. I guess if DH is happy to have a SA, you may as well get it done and then you can rule that out.

Mum2 - I really hope that was implantation spotting you just had and you get a nice big BFP on Wednesday :)

Lisa - hope AF stays away and you get to test again soon :)

Number2 - lol. I actually did ask the bartender if they had any nonalcoholic beer and she looked at my like I had 2 heads hehe.

Trying2 - Try not to worry about the darkness of the tests! I did a FRER at 10DPO and then another one at 12DPO expecting it to be heaps darker and it wasn't at all!! So I did another one a couple of hours later and it was heaps darker which you wouldn't think would happen after only a couple of hours! Anyway, my point is if you're not having any spotting and it's still positive on the test - your still pregnant :)

Hello to everyone else I've missed! Good luck to all of you in the 2WW :)

AFM - Had a very busy weekend visiting friends and we are in the process of building a house, so we had a visit to the site.

The day before I got my BFP I went to my GP upset about my miscarriage and wanted to see if she could do any testing. Anyway, after updating the clinic about my BFP I finally had the testing done today relating to the miscarriage and she also got me to have another hcg test done. I won't find out any of the results until my appointment next Wednesday - but I'm really hoping that everything will come back normal and the miscarriage really was just a case of bad luck.
Melainey- I still have my fx for you!!! I think if no AF there's still a chance, maybe ask for a blood test while your at the docs today?!?

Welcome Aquiss

Newbie- I agree, is this the universes idea of a sick joke!! We need answers!!! :brat:

Feel like I'm just ](*,)](*,)](*,)

Ginny- ty gives me hope, which i desperately need right now!! Lost some symptoms ie sore boobs, and have some light cramping, but not convinced its AF based. Exciting about your house!!! I hope all your test results come back good news, we'll keep your mind off it til wed, but i expect full results revealed here, hahah FX!!! :hugs:

I've been keeping busy today with- :laundry: :hangwashing: :dishes: :comp: :brush: :iron: :shower: :mail:
Thank you Lisa :) I am hoping that this is the case! With my m/c Ididnt find out until I was 8 weeks butI wasn't testing before either so I wouldn't have aclue if this was the case then :haha:

Wecome Aquiss :happydance: looking good! Hopefully you get your BFP this month :) Where are you from???

:dust: x
Thank you Lisa :) I am hoping that this is the case! With my m/c Ididnt find out until I was 8 weeks butI wasn't testing before either so I wouldn't have aclue if this was the case then :haha:

Wecome Aquiss :happydance: looking good! Hopefully you get your BFP this month :) Where are you from???

:dust: x

I'm from Adelaide, I'm hoping so too, i feel really positive, I forgot to mention last night, after having sour cream i had heartburn or intergestion!!! I'm really positive! (:
newbie, 2woohoo, Llmp- i will wait and POAS again tomorrow, I have the form for my bloods but was waiting until tuesday or wednesday to go in, so will base that on lines tomorrow AM. thanks for your support!!!

Llmp- this cycle (what i think resulted in a bfp) i started drinking grapefruit juice, and taking evening primrose oil (from AF to OV) Was still going to gym and taking my multi vit. (stopped drinking alcohol altogether) I was so worried about taking a precription/drastic measures bc i didnt want to mess with my cycle, it was finally reg for 4 months!! Could be hormones but if those have been checked, then i wouldnt think so. I know breastfeeding can throw it out of whack too. I feel awful bc i know having those two beautiful girls and wanting a sibling close in age for them is adding to the stress and pressure. I'd follow drs orders and keep :sex: throughout cycle. And i would do whatever you think is best re your charting, if it will add stress dont do it, if it will ease your mind so you can 'see' what it happening then go for it!! And wouldnt hurt to get DH tested if he's willing! Wish i could help more but have no experience with some things you are having to deal with, re breast feeding and cyst. My dr found a fibroid but told me it wasnt big enough to interfere, i didnt beleive him until this cycle. FX!!!:hugs:
I know this will sound lame, but from advice from another couple, we were singing to my abdomen, singing to the follicle, the egg and the sperm, hahaha, may have helped who knows!! :rofl:

Thanks 2mums! I weaned poppy at 10months because I hadn't got my periods back and wanted them to be close, (I wanted to feed til 12months but knew I couldnt have it both ways!) luckily I had one period 5weeks after weaning and fell pregnant that next cycle with Maggie. So I figured it would be the same this time (how naive!) I weaned her at 9.5months and now I feel so bad that I weaned her that early because I wanted a baby that hasn't happened yet! I knew I was lucky that breast feeding was reliable contraception for us (we've had unprotected sex since Maggie was 4weeks old!!) but I hated not being able to do both. I guess well wait and see, it's good to patient and as a Christian I trust God is in control of it all. I'm in the same place, regular cycles, definitely ovulating and want conception to be as natural as possible! And I KNOW my body can conceive and carry a baby so I'm blessed in that sense!

Really hope all's good with your little bean!

Melainey - I agree with Lisa, my mum didn't get a BFP on a home test with me til she was 9weeks although She has positive blood tests! I'd go to your doctor and ask for a blood test. How many days late is AF? Fx'd for you.
Ginny - There is such thing as a non-alcohoic beer :happydance: I know becks has one and I am sure there are more :D

2mums - Thank you :) I think my doctor is sick of seeing me at this stage :rofl: have been seeing him with either me or DH a lot lately and not TTC related hahaha!! I may go to the lady doctor that is there she may be more understanding :rofl:

2mums your a good lil house wife :rofl: I could not do all that hehe I want to be a superstar so I can hire a butler and maid to do all that while I look after the kids hehehe A real Diva! GOd why can't I sing, if I had a voice I would have been a motown Diva :winkwink: hehehe
Also, 2mums - don't get too hung up on cramping! I had really bad cramping with Maggie, I was paranoid but it was all just stretching and changing in there to make a cosy little home for bub! :)

And...AF still hasn't shown up! If she is going to show it would be nice for her to hold off til tomorrow so that my LP reaches 10days, I just made it to 10days last cycle!
Melainey - with DS I bought non-alcoholic wine from the supermarket a couple of times when I didn't want to feel left out at friend's BBQs and such. It actually tasted really good!
Llmp- Lucky- with the unprotected since 4 weeks bit, haha, but it does sound like you are on the right path, just stick with it, your lil girls will have a sibling soon enough!!!! Not been there myself, but working with infants and their parents I am aware of the breast feeding battle, and you did what you thought was right, and she got more than some children get, so you're all still blessed. Your body is able and capable, and although my thoughts on God are bit different, I was raised Christian, but have since altered my views on life as a whole, I do believe there is a higher being, a higher source, karma, etc.. and because of that, and I sense you are a good person, with good morals and values and want this for the right reason it will happen, my beliefs lead me to believe, the same as yours, everything happens for a reason, there is a reason for timing, for good for bad and otherwise. It will happen!!!! :hugs: FX!!!
and ty for your well wishes for me, i'm trying to stay positive! Thankd for that cramping advice too!!! :)
Ginny - There is such thing as a non-alcohoic beer :happydance: I know becks has one and I am sure there are more :D

2mums - Thank you :) I think my doctor is sick of seeing me at this stage :rofl: have been seeing him with either me or DH a lot lately and not TTC related hahaha!! I may go to the lady doctor that is there she may be more understanding :rofl:

2mums your a good lil house wife :rofl: I could not do all that hehe I want to be a superstar so I can hire a butler and maid to do all that while I look after the kids hehehe A real Diva! GOd why can't I sing, if I had a voice I would have been a motown Diva :winkwink: hehehe

Yeah I think we annoyed our DR too but he ended up loving us and wasn't annoyed at all. But go somewhere bc I think I want your blood test results more than you!! :rofl:
I am a good housewife and I tell her that everyday, :haha: no but she does appreciate it, and I dont mind it, I am a homebody and love making a nice home for us and our pets and hopefully our bub. I do have to admit that we have a house cleaner that comes in every two weeks bc i detest doing the floors and dusting, and I am not thrilled about the bathrooms, I do some cleaning, kinda love vacumming :wacko: hahaha but mostly the picking up, organizing and the day to day chores.
I'll bet you'd be a fantabulous Diva!!! Kepp on dreaming girl!! :serenade:

Bring on the non-alcoholic beer for us all, hahaha :drunk:
Llmp- Lucky- with the unprotected since 4 weeks bit, haha, but it does sound like you are on the right path, just stick with it, your lil girls will have a sibling soon enough!!!! Not been there myself, but working with infants and their parents I am aware of the breast feeding battle, and you did what you thought was right, and she got more than some children get, so you're all still blessed. Your body is able and capable, and although my thoughts on God are bit different, I was raised Christian, but have since altered my views on life as a whole, I do believe there is a higher being, a higher source, karma, etc.. and because of that, and I sense you are a good person, with good morals and values and want this for the right reason it will happen, my beliefs lead me to believe, the same as yours, everything happens for a reason, there is a reason for timing, for good for bad and otherwise. It will happen!!!! :hugs: FX!!!
and ty for your well wishes for me, i'm trying to stay positive! Thankd for that cramping advice too!!! :)

Thank you! I loved breast feeding, if you can (&want to!) it's worth the battle in those early days.
It's been really nice 'getting to know you', obviously as a Christian I have bible based views on homosexuality, but I also have views on sex outside of marriage etc. But please know I don't expect non-Christians to live the way I do or believe what I believe, and I'm certainly not perfect. I've been convicted that what the bible says is true and all I can do is try and be the person God wants me to be! I see you as a friend and don't want our differing views to come between that! :)
Firstly- i am addicted to this thread so much that I almost burnt the house down :rofl: Lets just say that I am having extremely HARD boiled eggs :rofl:

Ginny - I have an amazing friend who is vegitarian, doesn't drink and doesn't smoke (I said to her when we are 90 we aregoing on a heroin binge as we don't do drugs :rofl: and she drinks that non alcoholic stuff and it is amazing! If I didn't love the feeling of being drunk so much I would switch hehehehe!

2mums I have the same beliefs as you and I was technically raised kinda christian (baptised, communion and confirmation, althought I think the Irish just do it these days for the alcoholic session that occurs afterwards) My mum wasnot religiousbut I was as a kid but am not anymore, I believe in Karma etc... And LLPM I agree I think by what I have learned over speaking to you over this website, you seem loving and kind and you will get your BFP very soon :happydance:

I'm gona keep dreaming hehehe I think what I will do IF reincarnation does occur in the future I will build a time machine and travel back to the 60's as an african-american (with a great soul voice) and will be a massive diva hehehe And will meet with Michael Jackson who is my Idol :) hehe Feeling a bit kooky today :rofl:

LLPM - might be a weird question, but what do you mean by Christian? I was raised as a Catholic and my DF was raised a Protestant - so to keep the peace with our families we're not going through with any traditions of either religion and will just bring him up as a general Christian.

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