Aquiss, I was taking Blackmores conceive well, but had only started the cycle I got my BFP. Before that I was taking folic acid.
Everything going good over here

I was bit crampy last night but I was also mega bloated so I think they were gas cramps hehe. I've started feeling a bit "off" today - almost like I have a bad taste in the back of my throat, so maybe the very early start of MS. I know a lot of people find MS reassuring that everything is going well, but I had it terribly with this last pregnancy and it still ended bad. So this time I'll be over the moon if I only get a mild dose! (Of course all I want is bubs to be healthy, but you know what I mean

oh and on the topic of cleaning.... once we move into our new house we're getting a cleaner even though I'm a stay at home mum

I don't like cleaning (who does!) and we want this new house to stay all new and lovely, so we'll getting someone to help me out once a week/fortnight