Heading to bed now - sleep well all living in Aus and have a lovely day Rosie
Speak to you all tomorrow - hopefully there will be some good news or interesting developments from our little group!
Evening ladies! Just has to read the last 4pages!
Melainey so glad AF has turned up for you!!if I were you I'd go to your doctor and ask for some different blood tests and a SA for hubby!! If they are even a half decent doctor they will let you have them done! I'd have Your FSH (follicle stimulation hormone) LH (luetenizing hormone!) this needs to be done between CD1&7, then have your progesterone tested at 7dpo, and also your prolactin which can be done at any point! That will give you an idea of what your body is doing.
Still no sign of AF, I keep getting cramps but they don't hang around for very long!
hehehe I actually parked between 2 cars ehehehehe![]()
Yeah I normally have my ipod (which only has MJ on it,I'm sure you can tell i'ma die hard fan) but I forgot it today and was not impressed haha!!
I'd bloody snao you all up and have one for each day hehehehe!!![]()
Ok soI don't know how to count today as CD1 or... Its really really light (wasn'teven half a tampon? ) or as spotting??? Any ideas ladies?
LLPM - i know what you mean but you will have to be happy for yourself when you get your BFP and just stay here and support everyone else![]()
Llmp I hope you get your answer soon!! Either way, but really hoping for afor you, you deserve it!!! As does everyone, but I would love to see you on your way to complete that beautiful family!!!
F-super-X for angel and mum2q too!!! And our 'newbie 'miss Rosie, who will have a lot to catch up on when she wakes up, should be 630am her time right now!!
Good thinking Mum2Q - I will see how I go - have never editted a post before!
hehe ...what is pinterest?
God it must be so late where you are![]()
umm both!! of course!!!
Rosie- as soon as I asked I realized it had to be hospital work, 3 days is a good pay off for 12 hours, and 9-9 isn't terrible, but i'm not the one doing it. ER work must be fascinating, i watch those tele shows about it, crazy stuff, but always different, you have to know a little bit of everything. I have a few friends that do 12s but as it would be, all 3 are L&D nurses!
ok, seriously back to bed for me....hopefully!
edit: who am i kidding, i've jumped on Pinterest...oh its as addicting as you lot!!!
Hi Guys!
Hope its ok to post on here? I actually live in the uk but am moving to adelaide in 3 weeks ; )
I'm currently 6 dpo on my 5th month of ttc and currently off work with complete exhaustion. My other symptoms have been cramps from 4dpo, sore nips with new veins and creamy cm.
Wondering if its all in my head tho!
Ditto LLPM - although at least those who have gotten BFPs already are sticky around to support those of us still waiting - I plan on doing the same![]()