Hi Girls
Wow there was some night owl action happening last night! Maybe it might be a while before we see Melainey and 2mums hit the thread this morning!!!
Number2 I've never used the fern so am zero help to you i'm afraid, lol at mid sentence! I hope you have managed to get enoughin to catch that egg and if its indeed on the way today/tonight then get busy missy!!
Ginny i hope your lo is feeling better today!
Congrats Aquiss18, H&H 9 months to you!
Welcome sjayne
I hope everyone managed a good sleep, and happy Friday!So glad the weekend is almost upon us...at the same time cannot believe its already August and am wondering where the year has disappeared to...the Christmas decorations will be in the shops any day now...
LLPM & Mum2Q, any news today? I am still holding out hope for you both!
AFM, full positive (blaring) OPK this morning and temp has popped up a little bit so I am actually thinking good chance I have just o'd...for some reason i only get bad O pains every other month, so havent really felt any this month...really hope we've caught it this time!!
Have a fabulous day ladies, FX for all of us that August is THE month for our BFP's!!
Newbie- get in lots ofso you catch that eggy and have a May baby!!! I'm a may baby and was born on Mothers day (may 8th) and my mum was born may 10th so I'm hoping August is my lucky month too! I still have 3-4 days before
is due but I feel out, very crampy and blah!!! Fx'd for August!!
Thanks Rosie! Yeah my sis had her twin boys in May a few years ago...August must have been a busy month for them too lol!
Its a big birthday month for me..a lot of my fam, and dh & i as well...if that

FX not...