As for finding out the sex I am so torn! I would love to do both! One thing I don't want is lemon or mint green baby clothes beforehand though - I will be insisting on white and grey as pink and blue go beautifully with both

DH would prefer a surprise but is not 100% set on that either - I think we'd have to make a decision just before the 20 week scan where you can find out! I have 4 younger brothers (3 natural one step) and mum didn't want to find out with the last one... she was so set on having another girl though so it was probably a good thing that Josh was chucking a massive leg spread and his sex was unmistakeable even with out them being officially told... mum needed the mental preparation time though that it was going to be yet another boy (she had already inherited my step bro by then too).
SOOOO excited for tomorrows chart stalk - Jayne, Newbie I have my eyes set on yours (and mine) in particular! ...and 2mums so so so excited about your scan!!!
Love to the rest of you too.... this thread is awesome - yay to me for starting it - to be honest I had very low expectation that it would take off but am so totally blown away by all of you - thanks for joining me in this journey I feel so very blessed to have such great ttc buddies! xx