Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

Yeah that is a lot of bloOd! I would be out of it!! Thanks for the advice! Glad you called them then!!! Yeah, I want some bfps soon too! C'mon ladies! Haha
Number 2, it's in the VIP section below the chart. You get VIP for the first little while after signing up. If you've had it for a while you might not have it anymore. It just gives you sort of a percentage of how likely it is you're pregnant in comparison to other BFP charts on the site
What points does FF give you? Another thing that I seem to have no bloody idea what you ladies are on about. :)

LOL! You crack me up number2!!!! :rofl:

Must be making this whole ttc thing pretty technical - its amazing the jargon you pick up even after a few months! God forbid i started speaking like this at home, DH would think i had invented a new language!!!
Number 2, it's in the VIP section below the chart. You get VIP for the first little while after signing up. If you've had it for a while you might not have it anymore. It just gives you sort of a percentage of how likely it is you're pregnant in comparison to other BFP charts on the site

ohhh I didn't know to look for it - and my VIP free bit ended a few days ago. Thanks for clarifying. x
Yeah I would stop taking it angel, don't worry about the dose you have already taken but I wouldnt take anymore. It's so hard and there's lots of conflicting info out there.

Btw 2mums, I wouldn't have a foot massage in pregnancy. You have pressure points in your feet and reflexology is used to bring on labour and induce uterine contractions. So I would avoid any type of foot massage!! It's one of those frustrating get to the point in pregnancy where your feet hurt all the time and you could kill for a massage but it's just not safe! :) looking forward to hearing the results! :)

I dont know if I mentioned before about having breast ultrasounds. After I weaned Maggie in November my milk dried up as normal then after about 2months I started leaking milk again (freaky I know!!) anyway my GP was convinced I was pregnant (I had milk from 8 weeks pregnant with Maggie!!) but all the test came back neg, she sent me for some blood tests to check for prolactin (it should be high in lactating women!) but mine came back low...has the GP baffled! Anyway it dried up on its own but I have been having U/S to see what's going on, my last one came back that the ducts behind the nipples were enlarged and that probably my body was either convinced it was pregnant or it was still getting rid of left over milk. So I had another one last week as my GP wanted to check it was clearing up on its own, anyway this is the report I got (I opened it today but haven't seen my GP yet!):

There is dense glandular tissue throughout both breats and prominent ducts behind the nipples. No lesion, solid masses or cystic masses. No axillary lymphadenopathy (whatever that is!!) there has been no change since last ultrasound!
Im so convinced this issue has something to do with the lack of pregnancy, my GP isn't convinced as she's run all the tests and they are all normal, but I'm sure my body is messed up! Lol. Anyway I'm booked in with her on Monday so will grill her for answers and more testing! Sorry that was a loooong story!!
Llmp- i hope you get some answers, that is sooo frustrating! I hope she can figure out something, then your breasts can go back to producing milk for the bubba, seems they want to!! FX!!!

I read a little but about the foot massage in the last week or so, seems safe enough bc a person needs to know the exact pressure points, stimulate them simultaneously and correctly etc etc, so i think i'm safe, i hope i am. But i did tell OH to go gently, no pressure pointing anywhere, just a light massage as to not stimulate anything that shouldnt be, but I may just hold off, bc they said 1st Tri is the most dangerous for massage too. I do have a masseuse that does pregnancy massage, may have to look into that later down the track! But your right, it kinda sucks, bc its the time where you feel like you need it the most (later in preg) but you cant really have one!! not fair, but end result makes it all ok!!!! :)
I think your body is a very clever thing, if you're doing something that is harmful to your baby, your body will find a way to let you know! I think a lot of times we get too wrapped up in the latest news about what is bad for you and the baby and forget to enjoy the pregnancy! Our mums and their mums and their mums were all fine, they didn't know any of these rules we have today. Just do what feels right for you and your partner and your baby!
Yeah I would stop taking it angel, don't worry about the dose you have already taken but I wouldnt take anymore. It's so hard and there's lots of conflicting info out there.

Btw 2mums, I wouldn't have a foot massage in pregnancy. You have pressure points in your feet and reflexology is used to bring on labour and induce uterine contractions. So I would avoid any type of foot massage!! It's one of those frustrating get to the point in pregnancy where your feet hurt all the time and you could kill for a massage but it's just not safe! :) looking forward to hearing the results! :)

I dont know if I mentioned before about having breast ultrasounds. After I weaned Maggie in November my milk dried up as normal then after about 2months I started leaking milk again (freaky I know!!) anyway my GP was convinced I was pregnant (I had milk from 8 weeks pregnant with Maggie!!) but all the test came back neg, she sent me for some blood tests to check for prolactin (it should be high in lactating women!) but mine came back low...has the GP baffled! Anyway it dried up on its own but I have been having U/S to see what's going on, my last one came back that the ducts behind the nipples were enlarged and that probably my body was either convinced it was pregnant or it was still getting rid of left over milk. So I had another one last week as my GP wanted to check it was clearing up on its own, anyway this is the report I got (I opened it today but haven't seen my GP yet!):

There is dense glandular tissue throughout both breats and prominent ducts behind the nipples. No lesion, solid masses or cystic masses. No axillary lymphadenopathy (whatever that is!!) there has been no change since last ultrasound!
Im so convinced this issue has something to do with the lack of pregnancy, my GP isn't convinced as she's run all the tests and they are all normal, but I'm sure my body is messed up! Lol. Anyway I'm booked in with her on Monday so will grill her for answers and more testing! Sorry that was a loooong story!!

LLPM- that is essentially a normal ultrasound report, lymphadenopathy just means swollen lymph nodes, axillary= armpit, so no lymphadenopathy is a good thing, they swell when you have infections and sometimes cancer. Dense glandular tissue is normal breast tissue, only thing odd is that your ducts are still prominent. Not alarming though. :thumbup:
Bummer about your chart! I'm 8dpo today - had the tiniest tinge of pink in my CM this morning and after checking Newbie's chart decide to pay closer attn to my CP it was HFC!! - really wanting to say that it is confirmation of implantation but desperately trying not to get my hopes up not testing til Sunday though so have to stay calm and rational until then! A aargh am sure I'll go nuts with wondering before then though!

I've sat here for ages trying to work it out but can't compute these abbrieviations - what on earth ddo you mean by "pay closer attn to my CP it was HFC!"???

Thanks :)

hahahaha...the decifered version: pay closer attention to my cervix position it was high firm and closed'


LOL I got that one straight away.... I think I am too used to the lingo...
My Ovulation Chart

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, mrsmoomoo, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Yeah I would stop taking it angel, don't worry about the dose you have already taken but I wouldnt take anymore. It's so hard and there's lots of conflicting info out there.

Btw 2mums, I wouldn't have a foot massage in pregnancy. You have pressure points in your feet and reflexology is used to bring on labour and induce uterine contractions. So I would avoid any type of foot massage!! It's one of those frustrating get to the point in pregnancy where your feet hurt all the time and you could kill for a massage but it's just not safe! :) looking forward to hearing the results! :)

I dont know if I mentioned before about having breast ultrasounds. After I weaned Maggie in November my milk dried up as normal then after about 2months I started leaking milk again (freaky I know!!) anyway my GP was convinced I was pregnant (I had milk from 8 weeks pregnant with Maggie!!) but all the test came back neg, she sent me for some blood tests to check for prolactin (it should be high in lactating women!) but mine came back low...has the GP baffled! Anyway it dried up on its own but I have been having U/S to see what's going on, my last one came back that the ducts behind the nipples were enlarged and that probably my body was either convinced it was pregnant or it was still getting rid of left over milk. So I had another one last week as my GP wanted to check it was clearing up on its own, anyway this is the report I got (I opened it today but haven't seen my GP yet!):

There is dense glandular tissue throughout both breats and prominent ducts behind the nipples. No lesion, solid masses or cystic masses. No axillary lymphadenopathy (whatever that is!!) there has been no change since last ultrasound!
Im so convinced this issue has something to do with the lack of pregnancy, my GP isn't convinced as she's run all the tests and they are all normal, but I'm sure my body is messed up! Lol. Anyway I'm booked in with her on Monday so will grill her for answers and more testing! Sorry that was a loooong story!!

LLPM- that is essentially a normal ultrasound report, lymphadenopathy just means swollen lymph nodes, axillary= armpit, so no lymphadenopathy is a good thing, they swell when you have infections and sometimes cancer. Dense glandular tissue is normal breast tissue, only thing odd is that your ducts are still prominent. Not alarming though. :thumbup:

Way to go Rosie! :thumbup: we certainly have the perfect mix of people on here, got an answer for everything!!!
Yeah I would stop taking it angel, don't worry about the dose you have already taken but I wouldnt take anymore. It's so hard and there's lots of conflicting info out there.

Btw 2mums, I wouldn't have a foot massage in pregnancy. You have pressure points in your feet and reflexology is used to bring on labour and induce uterine contractions. So I would avoid any type of foot massage!! It's one of those frustrating get to the point in pregnancy where your feet hurt all the time and you could kill for a massage but it's just not safe! :) looking forward to hearing the results! :)

I dont know if I mentioned before about having breast ultrasounds. After I weaned Maggie in November my milk dried up as normal then after about 2months I started leaking milk again (freaky I know!!) anyway my GP was convinced I was pregnant (I had milk from 8 weeks pregnant with Maggie!!) but all the test came back neg, she sent me for some blood tests to check for prolactin (it should be high in lactating women!) but mine came back low...has the GP baffled! Anyway it dried up on its own but I have been having U/S to see what's going on, my last one came back that the ducts behind the nipples were enlarged and that probably my body was either convinced it was pregnant or it was still getting rid of left over milk. So I had another one last week as my GP wanted to check it was clearing up on its own, anyway this is the report I got (I opened it today but haven't seen my GP yet!):

There is dense glandular tissue throughout both breats and prominent ducts behind the nipples. No lesion, solid masses or cystic masses. No axillary lymphadenopathy (whatever that is!!) there has been no change since last ultrasound!
Im so convinced this issue has something to do with the lack of pregnancy, my GP isn't convinced as she's run all the tests and they are all normal, but I'm sure my body is messed up! Lol. Anyway I'm booked in with her on Monday so will grill her for answers and more testing! Sorry that was a loooong story!!

LLPM- that is essentially a normal ultrasound report, lymphadenopathy just means swollen lymph nodes, axillary= armpit, so no lymphadenopathy is a good thing, they swell when you have infections and sometimes cancer. Dense glandular tissue is normal breast tissue, only thing odd is that your ducts are still prominent. Not alarming though. :thumbup:

Thanks Rosie! :) what do you do for work? I'm not sure what they plan to do with it. My GP said "we'll send you for a repeat ultrasound to make sure it resolves itself" well seeing as it hasn't I'm not sure what the plan is! Sucks I have to wait til Monday! Hope she doesn't choose the "we'll wait & see" approach! I'm not the most patient person in the world.
Yeah I would stop taking it angel, don't worry about the dose you have already taken but I wouldnt take anymore. It's so hard and there's lots of conflicting info out there.

Btw 2mums, I wouldn't have a foot massage in pregnancy. You have pressure points in your feet and reflexology is used to bring on labour and induce uterine contractions. So I would avoid any type of foot massage!! It's one of those frustrating get to the point in pregnancy where your feet hurt all the time and you could kill for a massage but it's just not safe! :) looking forward to hearing the results! :)

I dont know if I mentioned before about having breast ultrasounds. After I weaned Maggie in November my milk dried up as normal then after about 2months I started leaking milk again (freaky I know!!) anyway my GP was convinced I was pregnant (I had milk from 8 weeks pregnant with Maggie!!) but all the test came back neg, she sent me for some blood tests to check for prolactin (it should be high in lactating women!) but mine came back low...has the GP baffled! Anyway it dried up on its own but I have been having U/S to see what's going on, my last one came back that the ducts behind the nipples were enlarged and that probably my body was either convinced it was pregnant or it was still getting rid of left over milk. So I had another one last week as my GP wanted to check it was clearing up on its own, anyway this is the report I got (I opened it today but haven't seen my GP yet!):

There is dense glandular tissue throughout both breats and prominent ducts behind the nipples. No lesion, solid masses or cystic masses. No axillary lymphadenopathy (whatever that is!!) there has been no change since last ultrasound!
Im so convinced this issue has something to do with the lack of pregnancy, my GP isn't convinced as she's run all the tests and they are all normal, but I'm sure my body is messed up! Lol. Anyway I'm booked in with her on Monday so will grill her for answers and more testing! Sorry that was a loooong story!!

Really? I had foot massages every single day of my pregnancy with Harrison and he didn't mind. Bless my other half - he is pretty good.

Hope the docs sort things out for you LLPM - I am sure that you are worrying needlessly - but it's very human, it's what we all do xo
You're welcome :) I'm a physician assistant, which is basically the same as a nurse practitioner. Do you guys have them in Australia? They may repeat your blood work, if you are really worried they could refer you to a specialist.
Hi I'm finally on lunch... well have been for a little while but had to sort out kid dramas first!

Thanks for all the advice on EPO! I Will definiteyl stop taking it! It doesn't say that it is unsafe for pregnant women on the bottle so am not going to stress baout the 1000mg tablet I took this morning :) How about the B Group vitamins - safe to still take? SHould have asked you all before I bought them! :haha: hopefully you are right and I won't need to worry for another 9 months - that would be awesome!

Off to heat up my lunch - be back in 5 :)
Hi I'm finally on lunch... well have been for a little while but had to sort out kid dramas first!

Thanks for all the advice on EPO! I Will definiteyl stop taking it! It doesn't say that it is unsafe for pregnant women on the bottle so am not going to stress baout the 1000mg tablet I took this morning :) How about the B Group vitamins - safe to still take? SHould have asked you all before I bought them! :haha: hopefully you are right and I won't need to worry for another 9 months - that would be awesome!

Off to heat up my lunch - be back in 5 :)

B vitamins are water soluble, which means you will pee out the extra that you take that your body doesn't need, so they are safe to take throughout pregnancy (and may even give you some extra energy!!) :happydance:
Awesome thanks Rosie! :) don't really have them here (correct me if I'm wrong Aussie peeps!), but my mum is a nurse practitioner in the UK. People see her first and she can write scripts for certain things but refers them onto the GP if they need. It's a much better system I reckon. There have been so many times when a nurse could have seen me but that system isn't in place here so you always see the doctor.
The GP told me they wouldn't refer me til after 12months TTC. She said they'd slam the door in my face seeing as I have had 2normal easy pregnancies and no history of miscarriage or complications with conception. She said its very sad but they often are very uncaring for those who already have children, which I understand but doesn't make it any better. So that out me off being referred. I have a few more options before then anyway. I thin she'd rather put me in clomid or something like that first, we'll see. This is my 9th cycle.
Lucy I think it is not fair that they won't refer you prior to 12 months - if you are paying them for their services it shouldn't matter who you are - it is their job! My opinion only :)
Awesome thanks Rosie! :) don't really have them here (correct me if I'm wrong Aussie peeps!), but my mum is a nurse practitioner in the UK. People see her first and she can write scripts for certain things but refers them onto the GP if they need. It's a much better system I reckon. There have been so many times when a nurse could have seen me but that system isn't in place here so you always see the doctor.
The GP told me they wouldn't refer me til after 12months TTC. She said they'd slam the door in my face seeing as I have had 2normal easy pregnancies and no history of miscarriage or complications with conception. She said its very sad but they often are very uncaring for those who already have children, which I understand but doesn't make it any better. So that out me off being referred. I have a few more options before then anyway. I thin she'd rather put me in clomid or something like that first, we'll see. This is my 9th cycle.

You are exactly right in regards to what I do, I didn't know if you had them in your system or not. Clomid will definitely help you concieve (and ups the chance of twins to 30%! :happydance::happydance:) sorry I am just really hoping someone on here gets twins!! Haha

I think that if your GP is willing to start down that road then more power to him/her, as long as they are taking your concerns seriously I wouldn't be worried.
HELLLLOOOOOOO LADIES :happydance: :happydance:

Just sitting here watching my FAVOURITE SHOW IN THE WORLD Whose line is it anyway and catching up on all your chatter :) Lets see if I got most :)

Maddy – That is amazing :) I fell in love with the name the second I heard it and just knew I had to have a baby girl to name her that heheheh

Angel – Your chart looks amazing :) I really hope that you get your BFP this month! Don't worry about the EPO it was only a small amount :)

Rosie – My chart wouldn't work for the first month either it was really weird? I had to save a copy and post as a pic all the time? And now ladies my FF won't let me update? Anybody know why?

LLPM – Maybe it was Implantation bleed and not AF? I really hope so :) Mine was reallt light this month too for some reason! Also hope you get answers about your :holly: Must be horrible not knowing :cry:

Mum2Q 0Hahahahahahaha nakedness!! That is too funny! If I didn't live with my BIL at the moment I would walk around naked more often hehehe :rofl:

2mums – CANT WAIT FOR RESULTS!!! Hurry up and get them hehehehe!! :happydance:

Ladies how much is EPO roughly? Andalso Rosie I am so going to ask for clomid I REALLY want twins hehehehehehehe

Sorry if I missed anybody I love you all :flasher:

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