I ov'd on same day this month as last month - LP was only 10 days last month (9 if I count the day I was only spotting). You probably though I had a longer LP as you are aand they often mix people up
I am sooo hoping I don't have to worry this month and that I'll just get a BFP!
I'm with you... wakey wakey Jayne!!!
2mums... only 23 mins and 44 secs left - start heading up that hill - maybe they will let you in early! Wishful thinking - I can't wait!
PMSL....you're probably right! I can remember your LP was short last month - but I had thought that was unusual for you? Or was it your first month charting last month?
Farout - I really am wearing my

Does that mean you're testing from Thursday? Do you have a stack of internet cheapie tests? I have about 100 (dont ask..) so on the off chance you dont have any let me know and I can happily post you some!!!!