Aussies trying to get duffered aged 20+ !!!

All muffins are easy peasy!

Stick in bowl, mix, put in tray!

Let me know what flavors you like, other than avocado and bacon? and I'll send you sone :)

:jo: likes em easy ;)
by the way, I have a question.......not sure if any of you have ever heard/seen anything like this before.... DSS is almost 3. this morning he did 2 funny little pellets... then this afternoon he did a really big one and it had some stringy gooey stuff in it. we didn't think too much of it, but then we just put him in the bath and he had a big spot of discharge on his nappy - the only thing i can compare it to is CM. (which I obviously know it isn't...hahahah) It was sort of a dark beige/yellowy colour & it had a few little red streaks, like membranes. DH's mum though it sounded like it was constipation, and he had just come good again, and the discharge was just his body's way of getting it normal again.... just though i;d see on the off chance that someone may have seen it before, cos we never have.

I haven't seen it myself - but have read that there can be mucous in it if they have a cold, and are swallowing lots of snot, it doesn't digest properly and passes through like that - has he got a blocked nose?
:jo: i like lemon poppyseed, blueberry, OH likes raspberry, we're pretty easy 'cept I don't do anything with bananas or sultanas! = :sick: and umm no zucchini at the moment :rofl:
Oh what fun we have ahead....on that note, night night ladies!!!! Xxx
:jo: i like lemon poppyseed, blueberry, OH likes raspberry, we're pretty easy 'cept I don't do anything with bananas or sultanas! = :sick: and umm no zucchini at the moment :rofl:

Yum, I have a few rippas! Will send tomorrow :) minus zucchini, which I could see you adding to your bacon avocado lol ;) xxx
:jo: i like lemon poppyseed, blueberry, OH likes raspberry, we're pretty easy 'cept I don't do anything with bananas or sultanas! = :sick: and umm no zucchini at the moment :rofl:

Yum, I have a few rippas! Will send tomorrow :) minus zucchini, which I could see you adding to your bacon avocado lol ;) xxx

:rofl: good night you! And in my defence, I actually haven't tried the bacon avo muffins, but i like muffins, i like bacon and i like avo, and my MIL normally is a phenomenal baker/cook so I assume they are good, will keep you posted if I ever get my hands on one or the recipe! And, i think zucc, although glorious, would ruin those :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Looking forward to what you have to send me, and dumb it down, and tell me exactly what I need, bc half these aussie ingredients in the sugar/flour department are new to me! ( i assume they are the same, but all diff names to what im used to)

I have finally caught up on all your news - dozens and dozens of pages later!

But wait till I tell you girls about the wedding...... OMG!!!!

It was so beautiful and I haven't put the pics up on facebook yet but think of every wedding show you have either seen or been to, think of every little novalty thing that you have seen at a wedding and that is what I was at yesterday! WOW It was like something you would see on a tv show. It was amazing. I was very jealous that I didn't spend enough money at my own :) LOL

Church full of flowers and candles that would put any florist out of business. Weather beautiful in the morning and then when we got outside after the service there was an icecream van. Yep part of the wedding. Only problem is that the heavens opened up and not many people got to take advantage of the free icecream as we all were running to our cars. Me included in that :(

The reception was a marquee and everything was done. There was lights and candles lining a path, once you get in there was champagne and canopes reception with a an irish band playing diddle diddly music. There was an old fashion sweets cart that you can go up and take whatever sweets you want. A wishing tree where you go and put your wish to the bride and groom. Wooden names along the front of the top table. 4 pigs on the spit with chicken, steak, salmon, prawns and a mountain of salads with pofitteroles (not sure of spelling) and lemon cheesecake for dessert. FREE BAR. Then there was a photo booth where you can get dressed in silly wigs and hats and get your pics taken. At midnight a fish and chip fan turned up and so did a laser/led light robot man. Basically this was a man on stilts with led lights on him that change colour and he had fireworks coming out of his hand like spiderman. A giant game of jenga and snakes and ladders came out, blow up musical instruments. And i think we all finsihed up at 5.30 this morning. Still recovering.

There were little crystals on the tables, silver bling love hearts, 5 tier wedding cake, disposable cameras on every table, a betting slip to place your bets on how long the speeches would go for, candles everywhere it was just amazing. When I get around to it I will have to put the pics up on facebook so you can check it all out.

SO.... now that I have raved on forever with a short novel, I do hope everyone is going well and having a nice weekend.

PRINCESS: welcome to this group. I was new on here as well. Its a great group of girls and you can give as much information as you want. I am beginning to think the TMI that you share the better LOL :)

NEWBIE: you will be happy to know I am still checking my temp though I am not sure how this mornings results would be. Plenty of dancing and drinking last night so that could have effect it. HAHA

I know I have left everyone else out but I did read all that you had to say and I was making notes but of course I missed an awful lot so i wont play catch up. Gosh imagine when someone goes on holidays and we are missing for a couple of weeks. The catch up is going to be a bitch!!!

Have a happy sunday (saturday night for me). I think it might be an early one for me :)

PS - I also heard doggie is suppose to be great for TTC. Not sure, been trying all different positions and cycling in the air and holding my hips up for 30 mins and still nothing. But it is fun trying
rosie- :rofl: there is nobody else hiding, trust me, they looked at all angles!! GL on your scans, i'm sure everything is good, i had those done a few months back, they came back normal! FX!!!
:jo: enjoy your ride!!!!
bec- i've been making OH 'weigh' my :holly: too, i cannot get over how big they are!! They've actually become less big and saggy bc they've filled out sooo much!! OUCH too!!
angel- good luck at DRs, and yay for more house hunting!! And a party is always a good thing to get your mind off everything and just relax and enjoy yourself tonight!!
maddy- glad you got caught up, and birthday sounds fun to me, and added bonus of teenager time :) I'm just as scientific with my garden, always needing stuff for the things, :rofl:
melainey- yay for the possible job!!! :dance:
mum2q- i love your openness and your questions!!! :rofl: good on ya!

We're slightly on edge bc we have to go see our specialist (sooner than planned) bc of the size cyst on my rt ovary and a sub chorionic bleed- know anything my lil nurse friend Rosie?!? I'm not overly concerned with the cyst, they will monitor it, and if it gets bigger surgery is an option in 2nd or 3rd trimester, or they will take care of it after bub is born. The bleed can be a bit of a worry and needs to be monitored as well. So next scan at 11 weeks unless specialist wants one before then, and he might. And will still have to talk to him about getting the ok to travel, so fx! we'll make that appoint on monday, and hope to get in next week!

Hi 2mums- I don't know that much but I do know it's a small blood clot, VERY common, and about 97% of the time it resolves on its own with no complications, so I think that bean will be just fine!!! :flower::cloud9:

My scan today showed I have polycystic ovaries, but not syndrome. I'm pretty upset because they can mess up your cycle and even interfer with ovulation :cry: I think this may be why I ovulate so late. The good news it's treatable with metformin (diabetic pill to help with insulin resistance) and/or clomid to help increase the quality of eggs and induce ovulation. But the bad news is I felt like I have been wasting my time the past 5 months because I Knew right away I was ovulating late but didn't say anything, just hoped it would correct itself. Luckily I am off on Monday so will be calling my ob/Gyn bright and early cause I want this fixed ASAP. I just feel depressed, ESP since I should have listened to my instincts that something was wrong :cry: I'm off to go eat massive amounts of chocolate...booooo
Morning ladies just finished doing crowd control at Perth convention centre... so buggered. it is nearly 2am here. hope to read more from you ladies later. what does triphasic mean?
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Morning people.
What a fantastic wedding!!! Sounds awesome. When my partner and I met we were out till all hours every night. These days we are often in bed by 8:30, our little one has worn us out, lol. So I don't think I'd have lasted that late! Look forward to the photos.
Pammy it means you get a second sustained temp rise after ovulation. Fingers crossed it's a good sign hun! It can be a sign of implantation but so can bloody everything, lol!
We're going to the park later today, will be playing on the slippery dip/swings then having a few snags on rolls (free BBQs at the park). This arvo we're going to a 1stbirthday party.
Have a great day all x
Morning all! Had a heck of a time getting on here this morning, my computer kept redirecting me to heaps of other sites, so I had to download a new program to pick up the bug it's clearly got. Despite working with computers every day, they never cease to amaze me at how complicated they can be :)

Woohoo don't worry luv, I'm now officially older than you since I turned 41 last week!

Pammy good luck with that chart. I don't temp but it looks nice and high, fx it stays that way.

Muffins...mmmm I love cooking but then I have to eat them...made Anzac bikkies last night for dessert. Yummo.

Off to the fruit'n'veg market, just opened the crisper to find about 3 little florets of cauliflower and half a ZUCCHINI!
rosie- :hugs: i understand how you would feel that you were wasting your time, but at the same token, you had to give yourself a chance, so dont beat yourself up too much, but do eat heaps of chocolate, yumm!! :munch: and it sounds like its an 'easy' fix so thats great news, once you get it sorted and get back to baby making i'm sure you'll fall easier than you think!!!
2woohoo- sounds like you have a fantastic day ahead of you, enjoy!!!!
maddy- it was me, i ate all the zucchini!!! :rofl: i love a fruit and vege market, buy lots of yummy goodness!!!
so good morning my friends. my temp has gone down. 37.00
My Ovulation Chart;1;10769;467/st/20120718/o/25/l/39/dt/12/k/f3d3/ttc.png

TTC Buddies with SBinRI, Pauls_angel, Katherine1209, Melainey, Newbie32, Lisamfr and Commie
Morning all :)

Ride done! Only 90kms but v tired so gonna have a quick kip then it's macaroon time!!!!

Hope everyone having a great Sunday!!!

Good morning ladies :)

I am very hungover so I will not be commenting on everything :rofl: Bad idea to drink on antibiotics NEVER again haha....

Kiwi - Wedding sounds amazing can't wait to see photos :happydance:

2mums - Hoping everything will be ok (i'm sure it will be :hugs: ) x

Rosie - What does it mean that you don't have the syndrome? I have pcos and am not on meds for it but you can still get pregnant :) Don't think of it as wasted :hugs: You will be fine :hugs:

Hello everybody else... Love to you all x

Didnt take temp this morning as I had my head in a bucket :cry: Why did I do this to myself haha! Didn't make it to autocross am still lying in bed :rofl:
Good morning ladies :)

I am very hungover so I will not be commenting on everything :rofl: Bad idea to drink on antibiotics NEVER again haha....

Kiwi - Wedding sounds amazing can't wait to see photos :happydance:

2mums - Hoping everything will be ok (i'm sure it will be :hugs: ) x

Rosie - What does it mean that you don't have the syndrome? I have pcos and am not on meds for it but you can still get pregnant :) Don't think of it as wasted :hugs: You will be fine :hugs:

Hello everybody else... Love to you all x

Didnt take temp this morning as I had my head in a bucket :cry: Why did I do this to myself haha! Didn't make it to autocross am still lying in bed :rofl:

Well my bloodwork has always been normal, so it's not polycystic ovarian syndrome but I have cystic ovaries. I didn't know you have PCOS?!? That's prob why it's taking you so long to get duffers and maybe why you had a MC, it can cause very irregular cycles and luteal phase deficit. Both of which cn be easily fixed with medication. Did your doc offer to help you?
Rosie - Everytime i go to the doctors here in Australia they just fob me off and tell me not to worry about it :( :cry: I even had one of my cysts rupture (most painful experience EVER) and the doctor just told me to go home and take nurofen???? I mean I was a little drunk at the time but that's no excuse! Mymum god love her is so worried about me she wants me to go home and get it sorted! I get pretty regular cycles tho? I mean I get a period every month so I thought that it was ok! hmmmmm I will have to go to the doctors and get it sorted I think.... :hugs:

:hi: Hi Bec :)

On another note :) I just had a phone interview and it went great :) I now just have to go into have a chat with a lady either tomorrow or the next day and then they will let me know :) Exciting stuff :happydance: Hopefully I get it cause we could do with the cash haha :haha:
Melainey - I HATE that about doctors. I had years of really awful, heavy, painful periods that would incapacitate me for days on end. I used to travel a lot for work and had to plan my trips around whether I would be able to access a bathroom every 30 mins. I used to complain every time I had a pap smears and NOBODY took me seriously. It wasn't until I almost passed out one day at the gym from back pain that I got a scan done of my entire pelvic/back area and found out I had an enormous 11cm long uterine fibroid - that's the size of a mango! I am still angry that I wasted years of my life being restricted because of my periods when the diagnosis and treatment was relatively simple. Grrrrr....
So keep trying different doctors, maybe ring around a couple of doc's surgeries and ask if there is a Dr that has a special interest in family planning and fertility issues. There are treatments and medications out there that make a huge difference.

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